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A Cunning Plan (Part I)

Posted on Fri Sep 13, 2024 @ 10:55am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant T'Lul & Lieutenant X'aedell daughter of Karagh & Lieutenant JG Anson Lee & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Ensign Calaban Bel-Asher & Chief Petty Officer Walter Petersen & Petty Officer 3rd Class Othen Tihr & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Civilian Jason Haines
Edited on on Fri Sep 13, 2024 @ 11:16am

1,585 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Tergum In Tempus
Location: USS Pachacuti, Holodeck 4
Timeline: MD 03


Caliban walked into the holodeck, flip-flops scuffing on the institutional carpet that had been summoned. He looked around at the small conference room, a facsimile of one of the round table common on Jupiter Station. The decor was the typical black glass that could host an LCARS output on any available surface, with the large viewing windows that let you see planet rise. He'd come in civvies, as this was off duty. The invitation had clearly said "Unofficial Chat." And his loud shirt and surf shorts were certainly unofficial. He felt a bit naked without his lab coat, but it seemed silly to have one in not a lab. Choosing a chair not close to the head of the table, he sat down and waited to see who else would show up.

T'Lul walked into room, her head held at a slight angle. She had explained her entire situation and confessed to her direct killing of one Cardassian in a turbolift. She confessed that she had defied at least half a dozen orders because to her they were not logical. In truth, she rationalized this fact after the fact, having trusted a gut instinct. She lead a rebellion and stayed on Deep Space 5 and it was all for naught. People were dead or missing for following her orders as the leader of the resistance. She was unsure how many.

One name bothered her more than the others: Ace Cannon. Why did he disobey her order to evacuate immediately and insist on checking on the Arboretum, of all things? It was full of nonessential equipment and unnecessary objects. She irrationally dwelled on the subject because the problem was unsolved. She needed an explanation.

Despite all of her transgressions, T'Lul found that she was not subject to a military tribunal for a court martial. Instead, she was welcomed here to this unofficial meeting. Perhaps she had gained a reputation of being a reckless Vulcan? She greeted Caliban and asked, "Is there an expectation as to where I should sit?"

"No. Just where you feel like."

"Feeling is a human emotion. I have no preference. If all chairs are the same, one is as good as the other."


Jason had debated whether or not to wear a uniform. He had grown accustomed to civilian clothes, but except for Alanna, no-one knew he had been conscripted back into Starfleet. Given that, he wanted to show there was some legitimacy for him showing up to a Starfleet meeting. He replicated a uniform and put the rank pins on. A full lieutenant; Captain Soran would have flipped her lid given he had resigned as an Ensign. He chuckled a little at the thought. He tugged at the collar of the uniform. One thing for sure, he was resigning again after this whole fiasco was over. He didn't know what he was going to do next, but he knew a Starfleet career wasn't in the picture in the near future.

He left his assigned quarters and met up with Alanna.

"Can I say you look as odd in your uniform as I feel in mine?" she quipped. She was still more comfortable in casual clothes, but she wore her uniform in solidarity with Jason--and because they were technically attached to the planet. "It's going to be hard going back to a regular job after playing secret agent on Pangaea." She left Brianthe, Tannis, and R'gelis in charge of Bag End to be here and hoped they'd be okay. At least Brianthe knew where to hide if there were problems.

Jason chuckled, "Thought I should look the part and well, make some people wonder."

She grinned. "I'm all for making people uncomfortable. I seem to be doing a lot of that myself lately." Then she turned serious. "And I'm going to help you in whatever you have planned, because I know there's something."


The security team, and the others with them, had been transported from the Klingon vessel onto the Pachacuti. There was a quick debrief, but no one had any real information on what caused the station's destruction there wasn't much to talk about. She finished that meeting when word came down to a second one. It didn't sound as official, but she was still encouraged to attending. Annora arrived about the same time as Chief Petersen and Petty Officer Tihr, whom she had invited to join. While the rumor of Starfleet abandoning the system didn't come as a surprise to any of them, they doubted that announcement would come at this particular meeting.

Anson trailed after Lt. Tessaro and the others. He'd been assigned here to liberate the station, and the station had, well, blown up. If Starfleet was going to abandon the system, there was nothing for him to do but go back to Utopia Planitia. If they were going to stay and try to hold the planet, that would mean ships, and he had no experience with ship tactics, so that meant there was nothing for him to do but go back to Utopia Planitia. Maybe they hadn't given his desk to someone else yet. Or maybe they had and they'd send him somewhere else. So, he trailed along after the rest of the team because he figured that was how he'd find out.

[Yacht Maritza]

Charghwl'IH and Xea were with Lasuma on his yacht after their hope of finding Maritza alive had been crushed. Sha'rae had shown them to the vessel's bow lounge where he was hunched holding a severely depleted bottle of alcohol.

At first Charg had been suspicious of the Bajoran but had come to realize this man and his friend had developed a real relationship. Stepping down into the lounge area he took the bottle from him. "At time like these one should drink alone." Lifting the bottle, he took several swallows before setting it on the table next to him.

Lasuma looked up at the Klingon then reached over, knocking over the bottle. He looked at it roll about before looking back towards the former Ambassador. "Did you...find Turvan?"

"No, we think his shuttle was damaged in the explosion and burned up in the planet’s atmosphere."

Lasuma slumped. If the bastard had been alive he could have at least used his wealth and connections to find him and have him taken where ever he wanted and done whatever he wanted to him. Now he doesn't even have that.

Charg put a hand on Lasuma's shoulder. "My friend, we have been asked to meet with several of the people from the stations crew. I don't know what they want yet but as soon as it's over we will return"

"Don't bother...I have nothing here we will heading back to Bajor."

"We will return. We will feast in Marita's honor and the honor of her namesake."

Lasuma looked up, "What?"

Charg looked back to his wife and place a hand on her belly. "We are expecting another child. If a girl she will be named Maritza, if a boy Soran. And you will be Godfather."

Geral stood, wobbling as he did. "I am honored!"

Charg had risen as well and nodded to him. "We'll be back."

[USS Pachacuti]

Shortly after leaving Lasuma, Charg and his mate were walking towards the holodeck where this meeting was to take place. As the approached they met the Marine Charg had heard about.

"You are Lt. Colonel Means are you not?"

Nodding "And you must be Ambassador Charghwl’IH. I was hoping to thank you for your help on the surface."

"Well, former Ambassador and no thanks are needed. It was a pleasure to beat back the Cardassians once again. I only wish we had been able to save the station."

They spoke as the entered the holodeck and they both notice that the only people here were crew from the station.

After a bit, when it was clear no-one else was coming, Caliban stood up. "Er, so, I'm sorry for the cloak and dagger, but Admiral Garrison didn't invite you. I did. I needed to make sure you all came. Cos' we've got a bit of situation. And I have a solution. But if it doesn't work, we will end up somewhere between very court martialed, and dead. And it could be worse."

~This should be very interesting...~ Charg thought to himself. There was nothing a low ranked Ensign could do officially thus the extreme range in the risks involved. "You peaked my interest Ensign."

While the subterfuge was unexpected, it was effective. The Ensign had effectively gathered what was left of the station's senior staff, plus a few others involved in the failed retaking of DS5. Annora exchanged looks with the others she came in with. It seemed they had a decision to make, as continuing with the meeting could carry serious risks.

(To be continued...)

Ensign Caliban Bel-Asher
Science Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor
Deep Space 5

Jason Haines
Civilian Ne'er-do-well

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space 5
Chief Archaeologist

Lieutenant Annora Tesaro
Chief Security Officer
Deep Space 5

Chief Petty Officer Walter Petersen
Security Officer
Deep Space 5

Petty Officer 3rd Class Othen Tihr
Security Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant JG Anson Lee
Assistant Chief Security Officer
Deep Space 5

Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant X'aedell Daughter of Karagh
Chief Medical Officer
Deep Space 5

Geral Lasuma
Owner, Lasuma Enterprises
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III
Marine CO
Deep Space 5


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