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A Cunning Plan (Part II)

Posted on Fri Sep 13, 2024 @ 11:21am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant T'Lul & Lieutenant JG Anson Lee & Ensign Calaban Bel-Asher & Chief Petty Officer Walter Petersen & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Civilian Jason Haines
Edited on on Fri Sep 13, 2024 @ 11:29am

1,597 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Tergum In Tempus
Location: USS Pachacuti, Holodeck 4
Timeline: MD 03


While the subterfuge was unexpected, it was effective. The Ensign had effectively gathered what was left of the station's senior staff, plus a few others involved in the failed retaking of DS5. Annora exchanged looks with the others she came in with. It seemed they had a decision to make, as continuing with the meeting could carry serious risks.


"The security team will hear you out Ensign. Although I'm not sure what options we have left. There is one exception." She turned to Lt Lee.
"While your assistance has been appreciated, as far as I'm concerned your responsibility to this mission has ended. I don't want you to risk your career for a fight you were drafted into."

Anson hesitated and chewed his lower lip. "No offense, but I have a feeling that if I do anything short of immediately reporting the misuse of the Admiral's name to call a meeting under false circumstances, my career is going to take a hit. You sure you want to order me to leave when that's going to potentially screw all of us over?"

For some reason the Ensign's comment rubbed Jason the wrong way. Given all that he had experienced here at the station the last couple of years Jason wondered if the Ensign truly knew what 'worse' truly could mean.

"Well, given the current situation, I am sure the first thing on the Captain's mind when we fix this fiasco is whether or not we got very court martialed", Jason said a bit sarcastically, folding his arms across his chest. "So, what is the situation as you see it and what's your solution?"

Alanna had done plenty to warrant a court martial herself if they counted her spying on DS5 and the Cardassians while supposedly working on an archaeological site on Pangaea. Not to mention helping with causing trouble for them on the planet. While it wasn't technically illegal, she had done so without permission or oversight. And, after everything she'd been through since arriving on the station, she was going to stand firmly beside Jason--whatever he planned to do.

While Annora had to admit her fellow security officer had a point, it was clear her own statement wasn't fully understood.
Before she could speak, Chief Petersen chimed in. "Anyone would be in their rights to report this meeting, yes. However, I do not recall the Lt giving you a direct order. She released you from her direct command, therefore the decision to go or stay is yours to make for yourself. She's been in uniform almost as long as I have, and she is still my CO so I choose to follow her lead."

Annora grinned a bit at the response. "The Chief is correct in his assessment of things. Sorry if I mislead you Mr. Lee. Now, Ensign let's hear your plan before the Admiral really walks in on us."

Anson leaned back against the wall. If he was going to report an illicit meeting , it would be a good idea to understand what he was reporting. And if it turned out his report came too late to stop anything, well, these things happened.

"So, there's no easy way to say this... but ever since the station was destroyed, I've been watching serious fluctuations in subspace stability, elementary particle quantity and behaviour, and exponentially increasing entropy in the fundamental forces. The... the maths are breaking down. Add to that the Pangaea sun has put on the amount of helium mass in the last week we wouldn't expect Sol to put on in about two billion years." Caliban looked rather pale. "I've run the equations multiple times, and I've begged scans from other ships, they all say the same. But when I tried to go up the chain of command, no-one would believe me, because it shouldn't be physically possible."

T'Lul raised an eyebrow curiously. She was not a scientist in the material sense. She was a psychologist. However, every Vulcan had a strong background in the basic sciences. "The fact that the sun is increasing in mass, if it is fact, obviously is possible. The hyperbolic statement of 'shouldn't be' is used frequently to express a lack of understanding of something that has already occurred. While I do believe that there is scientific merit for a study, I do not understand why you would go up the chain of command for something that is scientifically unusual. Are you perceiving some sort of threat to life in the area? Or is there something else that you wish to discuss. Certainly, a star increasing in mass is not worth a court martial. Therefore, you have a theory. Dispense with the emotional preparation and say what is on your mind plainly, please."

"Lieutenant, there are factors involving Pangaea and its sun you aren't aware of and now is not the time to educate you," Alanna said, trying to be patient with the Vulcan. "This is a critical issue that must be addressed, as well as the temporal science behind it."

Alanna turned to Caliban. "I believe you. T'gan has also been taking readings from the Sarek. She can support your findings and will have the backing of the Vulcans. Unfortunately, our options right now are slim and time is critical." She turned to Jason and raised an eyebrow. He was as aware as she was of the ramifications and knew far more about any solutions.

T'Lul looked back at Alanna and told her, "If it is critical, then it is even more imperative to dispense with the foreshadowing and get to the heart of the matter. Also, if this is not the time to educate me, then when is? Making decisions without facts leads to unpredictable and probably illogical results."

Charg stood there quietly listening to the back and forth that was not getting them anywhere. "Agreed. Enough of the preamble. What is it you propose?"

"We have to get both the sun and Pangaea back to temporal stability," Alanna said. "If not, the results will be catastrophic. As I see it, there are only two ways to fix this, and none of the brass will consider either of them." She raised an eyebrow at Caliban. "At least, that's what the readings I've been getting from the planet show."

"Do we have the readings from the sun and the planet prior to the Cardassians' attack or was all that data destroyed", Jason asked. Alanna could tell his mind was starting to formulate something. "This will impact how we go about doing anything."

"I have everything at Bag End. In addition, T'gan took the computers from the temporal science lab and my office with her, so she's got them, too," Alanna told him. There'd been little time to tell him with everything else going on, and at the time, it hadn't been a priority. "Well, the data at Bag End has been relocated, along with all my communication and observation equipment." Even though Brianthe was keeping an eye on the research facility, they thought it prudent to hide Alanna's personal research in case the Cardassians found their hideaway.

Annora let those with more experience and knowledge work out the details of whatever plan they seemed to be formulating. She a bit more than a passing knowledge about the portals and their interactions with the surrounding area, but hadn't studied the data in great detail.
"I'm still not sure what you all are planning. However, I'm starting to get some idea. If the Brass won't approve of this plan, I'm guessing you haven't run this past Temporal Investigations either."

"They might agree with the brass", Jason quipped.

Alanna neither confirmed nor denied what Annora said. She just smiled and tried to look innocent. Although she was pretty sure she wasn't successful.

"We are missing the day of the attack, but we have everything up to then. That's why I know everything's unravelling at a quantum level." Caliban took a breath. "As far as I can tell, without whatever parts of the station the Fae aliens used to lock Pangea into this reality, everything's becoming unstable, The two universes are going to..." he waved his hands frustrated, looking for the words. "Digest each other until they cancel each other out, and there's nothing left but primordial soup. The whole process might take a million years. But this is the epicentre. unrecoverable consumption of this section of space will start in about 48 hours as far as I can tell. And by this section of space, I mean everything between here, and Deep Space Nine."

T'Lul inserted herself. "And if you are incorrect, then you jeopardize the temporal timeline just because you wish for something to be true and to save those who are lost." She looked over at Alanna and informed her, "Your facial expression only confirms the statements made. I might suggest a more honest and direct approach."

"He's not incorrect," Alanna said bluntly. "The Cardassians, in their narrow-minded need to change their own history at any cost have caused a quantum instability that will do exactly as Caliban said. Unless we do something to stop it."

(To be continued...)

Ensign Caliban Bel-Asher
Science Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant Annora Tesaro
Chief Security Officer
Deep Space 5

Chief Petty Officer Walter Petersen
Security Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant JG Anson Lee
Assistant Chief Security Officer
Deep Space 5

Jason Haines
Civilian Ne'er-do-well

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space 5
Chief Archaeologist

Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor
Deep Space 5

Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador
Deep Space 5


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