
  • 11 Mission Posts

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Sat Oct 21, 2023 @ 10:45pm

Lieutenant JG Anson Lee

Name Anson Crawford Lee

Position Assistant Chief Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 27
Date of Birth 2367

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"/1.77 m
Weight 160 lbs/72.5 kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description A human man of Asian descent, average height and a slightly stocky athletic build. He wears his hair short.


Father Jamison Lee
Mother Cordelia Lee
Brother(s) Jonathan Lee (30)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Anson is an easygoing, friendly guy who enjoys people. He prefers group activities to solo ones. He is somewhat estranged from his family.
Strengths & Weaknesses +team player
+ tenacious
+ outgoing
-intellectually insecure
Ambitions To do something important enough that his parents can’t ignore it
Hobbies & Interests Rock climbing, cooking, running, card games
Languages Federation Standard, Andorian

Personal History Anson is the younger of two sons, though he thinks everyone would have been happier if they’d stopped at one. Anson’s father is a professor of art history and his mother is a concert pianist. His older brother Jonathan is a cellist and was a top student in his youth. Anson was an average student and a mediocre musician who preferred soccer and rugby to pianos and paintings.

Anson was well-liked by his peers growing up, but never connected well to his family. His mother enrolled him in piano lessons when he was six, and the next several years consisted of a constant conflict over his lack of interest and failure to practice that continued until he was finally allowed to quit the lessons. His father, a bookish academic, was supportive of Anson, but distant, and his brother was wrapped up in his own childhood dramas. As such, Anson grew up feeling isolated despite having many friends.

In high school, he rebelled, defining himself in opposition to his family. He entered Star Fleet not out of any grand desire, but simply because it was everything his family wasn't. He was surprised to find he genuinely enjoyed security work, because it was physical and involved working as part of a team, like the sports of his childhood. He served for four years at the Utopia Planitia Fleetyards, receiving a promotion to Lt. jg. during his time there.
Service Record Academy graduation, 2390
Utopia Planitia Fleetyards, 2390-2394
Promotion to Lieutenant jg, 2393

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

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