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Mon Oct 9, 2023 @ 9:57pm

Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval

Name Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval

Position Klingon Ambassador

Character Information

Gender Male
Species 1/2 Klingon, 1/4 Vulcan, 1/4 Human
Age 48

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 4"
Weight 250
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Tall as is typical of Vulcans, with the brow ridges that distinguishes him as being of Klingon ancestry. Chraghwl'IH's strength is usually underestimated by other Klingons, due to his added Vulcan heritage.

He has an athletic build and has several scars and considers them marks of honor.


Spouse X'aedell Kelan
Children Charell - died in a miscarriage
Tumek - Son
Vashara - Daughter
Konjah - Son
Father Commander Soval, Vulcan/Human - Deceased
Mother K'Mara - Klingon- Deceased
Other Family Bound by marriage to the House of Torath
Bound by Oath of Loyalty to the House of Varal

Is also tied by family history to the House of Mogh and by that affiliation, the House of Martok

Personality & Traits

General Overview Charghwl’IH is the last of his family line, and has a troubled youth following the death of his father, but eventually comes to terms with his past.

He served honorably and with distinction in the Klingon Defense Force. Following his enlistment he returns home to Vulcan, and began training in Vulcan techniques as a debt of honor to his Grandfather. After several years in seclusion in a Vulcan monastery, his training allows him a level of control that is uncharacteristic of a Klingon

He continues to maintain a strong sense of Honor, but also tries to keep a calm, almost laid back attitude. Quick to laugh and a bit of a prankster, he never hesitates to lend a hand or aid a friend.

He finds enjoyment in the simple things of life - the warmth of a sun, the roar of a fire, the feel of a blade in his hand, good food, good drink, and good friends. During his bachelor days he had a reputation as quite a ladies man.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Holds Honor in the highest regard

- Can be a bit of a prankster at times
Ambitions Had planned to one day hold a command of his own, but fate and duty led him down another more honorable path.

Hobbies & Interests Geology, and Astronomy

Plays Klin Zha (Klingon Chess), Kal-toh (a Vulcan "chess-like" game), and Poker

Has an extensive collection of Klingon and Vulcan edged weapons, and is highly proficient with both the Bat'leth or d'k tahg. Although he is just as deadly with his bare hands.

Where ever he goes he tries to pick up a blade or two to add to his collection.

Practices both Klingon, Human, and Vulcan martial arts.

Meditation - but prefers to meditate on a sea coast, or by a large fire rather than in seclusion.

Personal History Stardate 32644
After his father was killed he was sent to live with his Vulcan Grandparents. He was strongly resistant to the Vulcan philosophies, but maintained a strong sense of duty

Stardate 38850
At the age of 14, after being expelled from a Vulcan school and several confrontations with his Grandfather T'Sath over refusing to control his strong emotions. He left Vulcan, stowing away on a transport vessel.

Stardate 47200
After years on his own he arrives at Deep Space Nine where he was befriended by a human merchant, by the name of Eric Welsh, and his family. However when his friends home fall under Cardassian control after the Federation-Cardassian treaty of 2370, he decides the only honorable thing to do is to stand with them as the fight the Cardassians as members of the Maquis.

Charghwl 'IH works with Mr. Welsh aboard his ship and assists him as he uses his trade routes as a cover for his Maquis smuggling operations. He begins dating Rachael Welch and is fiercely protective of her.

Stardate 50336
After Cardassia joins the Dominion. Charghwl'IH aids a hurried evacuation as Maquis colonists flee before the oncoming Jema’Hadar & Cardassian forces. During the Maquis retreat the Welsh’s ship was attacked. With most everyone dead and Charghwl'IH himself severely wounded; he finds Rachael injured and unconscious. Risking further injuring her he gets her to an escape pod. However the pod fails to launch and a final blast rocks the ship and Charghwl'IH is knocked unconscious. He finally awakes in a hospital on Bajor, only to find out that Rachael had died of her injuries. Blaming himself for her death, he returns to his Grandparents on Vulcan; but refuses to accept her death as an accident and continues to refuse any Vulcan training.

Stardate 50574
After another confrontation with his Grandfather over his strong emotions. He begin to see the repeated attempts to get him to gain control as an attack on his Klingon heritage, he then applies to the Klingon Academy.

Stardate 50970
Charghwl'IH is provisionally accepted to the Klingon Academy only after it is discovered that he is the last of his family line, and that his Klingon Grandfather had died Honorably while serving the House of Mogh. Though still looked upon as an outsider, due to his mixed heritage he is required to serve in the enlisted ranks, in order to prove himself a true Klingon.

Stardate 51044
Charghwl 'IH reports for duty and begin his training as a Klingon warrior

Stardate 51362
During a final training mission his vessel encounters a Nausican smugglers camp. The group of Nausicans immediately attacks the landing party. After the instructor had been killed, the smugglers left, considering the trainees not worth the effort. Charghwl 'IH took control, secured the Klingon wounded, and though wounded himself, he lead the remaining trainees in a successful attack, avenging their instructor.

He refused to be Medaled for his actions as he "did what any Klingon would have done", but was decorated none the less.

Stardate 51436
Graduates with distinction and is assigned to the IKV Cha'Dich. After arriving aboard ship he receives an anonymous chest marked only with his grandfathers name, the Mogh family crest and a message - "Qapla' jeBatlh" - meaning, "Success and Honor". The chest contained several family heirlooms including a Bat'leth.

Stardate 53230
During an attempt by several Houses of the empire to take control of the High Council from Chancellor Martok, Charghwl choose to support his Captain when he broke with his own House to stand with Chancellor Martok. The Captain's decision caused a revolt on his own ship resulting in over two full days of constant battle against more than half his own crew. During the battle Charghwl was forced to kill those he had called friends, some with his Grandfathers Bat'leth. Following the battle, the Cha'Dich required extensive repairs and a unique bond formed between Charghwl and his Captain.

Stardate 56636
Took part in Chacellor Martok's Great Expansion Campaign - The retaking of planets lost during the Dominion War that no longer considered themselves a part of the Empire. Charghwl was severely wounded in the battle for the capital city on the Planet of Morska.

Stardate 57605
While serving aboard the Cha`Dich, a Federation officer came aboard through the Officer Exchange Program. She was the daughter of a retired Klingon Colonel, and had two brothers both of high officer rank. Her House was one that held great Honor and could trace its root back for generations. He had been assigned to escort her aboard and their friendship was instantaneous. However their feelings for each other became apparent when Charg was almost killed in battle.

She was assigned as an observer to a detachment under Charg's command.

Upon the discovery of a cell of renegade Jem'Hadar. Charghwl was ordered to lead troops against them. He was cited for his acts of Bravery and Honor in battle.

Stardate 57759
After serving six glorious years in Empire, and receiving various commendations and decorations. Charghwl received his appointment to the Klingon Academy, he returns home to Vulcan to await the start of the term.

Stardate 57724
His Grandfather, acknowledging (but not approving) of his accomplishments, again tries to convince him of the need to learn control. Charghwl 'IH is enraged at his grandfathers dishonoring of his Klingon heritage. However he is stopped cold when his grandfather asks him when we was going to start honoring his Vulcan heritage.

Stardate 57792
After arranging to delay his entry into the academy. He enters seclusion with several monks to begin his training in the Vulcan mental disciplines. First seen as required as a debt of Honor, he realizes that if Honor is to be satisfied - He must truly learn what the monks have to teach.

Stardate 58631
Charghwl 'IH leaves the monastery, though never intending to totally suppress his emotions; he now has a greater control of them. In an effort to continue to honor the remaining portion of his heritage he petitions his former Commanding Officers aid in transferring his appointment from the Klingon Academy to Starfleet Academy. Though angered at first his former CO acknowledges the need for him to Honor his Father, and arranges the appointment transfer. Due to his prior service he is allowed to entered Star Fleet Academy as a second year cadet.

Stardate 61411
Graduates from Starfleet Academy and receives a posting to the USS Eclipse.

Stardate 61836
During a Top Secret mission Charg, along with the entire crew of the USS Eclipse, were officially declared KIA.

Though the mission was considered a success the Eclipse lost nearly half of her crew. The USS Eclipse was critically damaged and had to be towed back to Federation space.

Stardate 61986
While the Eclipse is being towed to the Annapolis ship yards by the USS Tempest Charg develops a friendship with the Tempest's CSEC. A fellow Klingon by the name of Da`nal.

Stardate 62025
With the Eclipse still in tow Charg & Da`nal had scheduled a friendly bat'leth sparring match. However thanks to fellow shipmate, Jason Bly, it was turned into an all out spectacle. The match was close for a while. But eventually the added strength and endurance from his combined Klingon and Vulcan heritage, proved too much for Da`nal. As a result Charg won the match. And Jason won several bets. In a show of appreciation Jason gave him several bottles of blood wine that he had won - but kept all the Romulan ale for himself.

Stardate 62046
Charg was made aware of assault charges filed again First Officer, Yevgeny Kafelnikov and went to place him in custody.

Before he could, he was ordered, by the Captain, to ignore the charges and drop the investigation. As a result he relieves the Captain of command and places both the Captain and First Officer under house arrest in the Captains quarters.

A short time later, and unbeknownst to the Captain and XO, he reinstated both officers after making the problem disappear in order to keep his Captain from having to face court martial proceedings.

The Captain then charged Charg with insubordination and sentences him to 26 hours in the brig. But when Charg countered with charges of inference with a criminal investigation and conduct unbecoming the issue was dropped.

The Cartaris Incident

While studying the ecosystem of Cartais III a fungus was discovered that over time had evolved and expanded across the planet, transforming it into an organic collective. A Scientist was studying this and had brought some of it up to the station however was does any creature try to do when captured, it tried to escaped. While the command crew was touring the station those 'infected' by the fungus moved to take over the station. After fighting their way back to the ship the Captain and XO took it upon themselves, without including anyone else in their plan, to utterly destroy this fungus.

Stardate 62309
Captain Draper orders Charg to destroy three shuttlecraft that were trying to leave the system after managed to escape the stations lockdown without even checking to see if they were infected or not. Ignoring the the fact that a treatment had been found to stop the fungus.

Charg is relieved of duty by Capt. Draper for not destroying those shuttles, but continues to try to proctect the shuttle occupants. After arguing that there was no need to destroy the shuttles, killing Federation civilians the Captain shot him.

Stardate 62347
Is Restored to Duty by Captain Lee Draper.

Whether to help quell the the rising tide of unrest on the Aldebaran or that just need his Security Chief was never made clear to him; though from the incidents taking place on the ship it seemed pretty clear.

Stardate 62380
After returning to Federation space the Captain and XO are both relieved pending an investigation of the events around the Cartaris mission.

Stardate 62402
Without calling a single witness or taking any statements other than from the CO & XO; JAG Officer Captain Kataria, clears both Captain Draper and LtCmdr Kafelikov of any wrong doing. However Charg is brought up on charges of Dereliction of Duty and Failure to Obey the Orders of a Superior officer.

Those charges were later modified to Failure to obey and Interfering with Bridge Operations

Stardate 62464
In preparations for his hearing, it is plain see that he is to be made a scapegoat and he calls on his former CO, now a General, to testify on his behalf as a character witness. He also requests his assistance should thing turn out for the worst.

Stardate 62475
Upon the conclusion of his hearing Charg is found guilty. Even after presenting evidence that the Captain had lied during his testimony and proved that he only acted to protect the lives of Federation citizens.

For Charg and many others it seemed clear that he was being made a patsy for the situation. As a result of the hearing he was to be reduced in rank, issued a reprimand was to be placed in confinement for 90 days.

Unwilling to accept punishment for crimes he didn't commit. He was beamed away to a waiting Bird of Prey, and began his asylum within the Empire.

Stardate 62475
Charg leaves several farewell messages and preprogrammed the ships computer for delivery should he not return. In his farewell to the Ships XO, and onetime friend, LtCmdr Yegeny Kafelnikov he attaches his formal resignation.

Stardate 62489
He Returns to Klingon space on the very ship he originally served upon - The IKV Cha'Dich.

Once back on Qo'nos Charg plans to restore his house and serve the Empire in the service of General D'Groth. What that service will entail he knows not nor does he care. Whatever it is he knows it will be honorable.

Stardate 62817
Due to the circumstances of his departure from Star Fleet, letters of protest filed by other Star Fleet officers and an official protest from the House of Martok; an extensive review of the circumstances surrounding the Cartaris incident was ordered.

This time the incident is investigation thoroughly by Rear Admiral Sevrak. After a review of all relevant logs and upon hearing testimony from all the other officers involved, it is determined that the so called “bio-contaminant” infecting Cartaris was actually a sentient life form. As such that life form had the right to escape captivity and defend itself by any mean at its disposal. Furthermore RAdml Sevrak found that Capt. Draper’s order to fire was in fact unlawful and that Charg was by no means bound to obey it.

- Captain Lee Draper was charged with Genocide, Murder, Assault on a Star Fleet Officer, and Conduct unbecoming a Star Fleet officer.
- Lt. Commander Yevgeny Kafelnikov was charged with Genocide, Murder, and Conduct unbecoming a Star Fleet officer.
- Captain Katarina was reprimanded for her actions and removed from the JAG office.

The other bridge officers involved were reprimanded for compliance with Capt. Draper’s orders, but no other charges were filed considering their cooperation with the investigation

Lt. Charghwl’IH’s resignation was removed, and his time in the Empire was credited to the Officer Exchange program.

Stardate 62828
After returning from a mission to investigate the possible existence of Changeling on a Klingon outpost he finds a message waiting for him from Starfleet.

Stardate 62861
Charg finds himself once again in a Starfleet uniform, on his way to a new fleet and a new ship

Stardate 63266
After a short period of duty on the USS Da Vinci, He and fellow officer Xae’dell Kelan were transferred to the USS Merlin and enjoyed the lengthy journey together. During the journey to the Merlin the two end up taking the Klingon bonding oath.

Stardate 63525
Charg and Xae's first and unexpected attempt to have a family results in failure when the child dies in a miscarriage. Both Charg and Xae take on an extremely dangerous mission in their child's name to ensure the child’s entry into Sto Vo Kor.

Stardate 64463.8
Charghwl'IH returns the House of Mogh, and that of Martok, to its rightful place of Honor by winning Champion Standing at the Bat'leth tournament on Ogat.

Stardate 66046.57
Following the Kzinti War the Vaq’Bach is send off to hunt down renegade Kzinti, regardless of what side of the border they were on…Federation rules be damned

Stardate 66361.53 – 67613.58
The crew of the Vaq’Bach encountered one of the Q and Charg was sent back into Earths past (157-158 AD). Starfleet had denied any kind of rescue attempt but Admiral Da`nal disobeyed those orders and got word to Kretorg who managed to successfully retrieve his long absent XO.

Stardate 67983.56
After aiding his longtime friend defend his House after his father’s murder, Charg stepped down from his position as XO of the Vaq’Bach and took up his new role as Steward and Gin'tak to the House of Varal.

Stardate 71857.53
Charg renews and old friendship with a former crewmate. The once brash young Federation officer, Maritza Soran that had served under his command on the Dama & Vaq'Bach was now the commanding officer of a Federation starbase.

Stardate 72151.51
While back home after the fall of DS5 Charg discovers Xea'Dell was expecting. He was going to be a father...again.
Service Record Stardate 51044
Charghwl 'IH reports for duty and begin his training in the Klingon Defense Force.

Stardate 51436
Graduated with Distinction - The first to be decorated twice upon graduation. Assigned to the IKV Cha'Dich, a Negh'Var Class Battle Cruiser.

Stardate 57759
Charg's term of enlistment ends and he receives his appointment to the Klingon Academy.
Klingon Awards:

SD 51436 - Badge of Valor - for routing a nest of Nosican Pirates during a training mission
SD 51436 - Wound Badge - for injuries received in Honorable Battle
SD 53230 - Medal of Loyalty - For standing with his Captain during an attempt by several Houses of the empire to take control of the High Council from Chancellor Martok
SD 53230 - Wound Badge 2nd Award - for injuries received in Honorable Battle
SD 56636 - Great Expansion Medal - For his actions during Chacellor Martok's Great Expansion Campaign - The retaking of planets lost during the Dominion War that no longer considered themselves a part of the Empire.
SD 56636 - Badge of Bravery - For his actions during Chacellor Martok's Great Expansion Campaign - The retaking of planets lost during the Dominion War that no longer considered themselves a part of the Empire.
SD 56636 - Wound Badge 3rd Award - for injuries received in Honorable Battle
SD 57605 - Badge of Honor - For his acts of Bravery and Honor in battle against Renegade Jem’Hadar
SD 57605 - Wound Badge 4th Award - for injuries received in Honorable Battle

Stardate 58631
Appointment to the Klingon Academy is successfully transferred to Starfleet Academy.

Stardate 61411
Graduates from Starfleet Academy - Posted aboard the USS Eclipse as an Operations Officer with the rank of Ensign -

Stardate 61455
Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade -
Appointed to Chief of Security of the USS Eclipse by Capt. Lee Draper

Stardate 61690
Promoted to the rank of Lieutenant -

Stardate 62046
After the USS Eclipse had been towed to the Annapolis Ship Yard. The entire command staff was transferred to the USS Aldebaran, an Ambassador Class Heavy Cruiser.

Stardate 62309
Is relieved of Duty

Stardate 62347
Is returned to Duty

Stardate 62475
Is demoted the Ltjg & declared UA by Capt. Kataria after taking asylum in the Klingon Empire for what he and others considered an unjust ruling by the court Charg was being tried in.

In a preprogrammed message he submits his resignation to LtCmdr Kafelnikov

Stardate 62817
Is cleared of any wrong doing, has his rank restored and is notified that he can return to the Federation. Is officially assigned to Klingon Internal Security, under the Command of General D'Groth as of SD 62475 as a part of the Office Exchange Program

Stardate 62861.0
Arrives at his new assignment; Chief Operations Officer aboard a Daystrom Class starship - the USS Da Vinci

Stardate 63266
Charg is transferred to the Excalibur Class USS Merlin as the ships Chief Intelligence Officer

Stardate 63525
Charg leaves Starfleet and transfers his commission to the Klingon Defense Forces in service to the Vorcha Class IKV D`ama as an Intelligence Officer and short after that is promoted to Commander and reassigned to be the ships Executive Officer

Stardate 64082.19
Under the command of Admiral Kretorg, Charg joins the fight against the Kzinti

The crew of the D’ama, the D’ama having been severely damaged in battle, transfers to the IKV Vaq’Bach

Stardate 67983.56
After aiding his longtime friend defend his House after his father’s murder, Charg stepped down from his position as XO of the Vaq’Bach and took up his new role as Steward and Gin'tak to the House of Varal.

Stardate 71857.53
Charg is once again called upon to serve the Empire and is selected as the new Klingon Ambassador to Deep Space 5.

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

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