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Sat Oct 21, 2023 @ 10:45pm

Lieutenant Annora Tessaro

Name Annora Claire Tessaro

Position Chief Security Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 140
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description When on duty she will often keep her hair up in a bun. Unless the mission dictates otherwise she is armed with at least a standard type 2 phaser. Off duty she often will wear jeans and a t-shirt with a West Point ring on her right hand.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Eugene Tessaro
Mother Krista Tessaro
Brother(s) Roger Tessaro, Glenn Tessaro
Sister(s) Veronica Whitley
Other Family Denise Hoffman, Lena Tessaro, Colleen Hoffman, Alden Whitley, Tanoric Tessaro

Personality & Traits

General Overview Annora is good at quickly taking in information and getting a feel for the situation at hand. She doesn’t like to be micromanaged, which feeds into her leadership style. When placed in charge of a group, she will give them their directions and trust them to get the task complete. She isn’t afraid to stand up for her ideals, despite criticism from others. While not fully happy with her posting to DS5, Annora sees it as an opportunity to prove herself to the “New” Starfleet.

Distrustful of Romulans, Vulcans, Klingons, and Nausicans.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Observant, Altruistic, Reliable,

Weaknesses: Her idea of ‘close enough’ can annoy people who are more precise. A few times during her Starfleet career she has been accused of being too aggressive, which she attributes to her almost 11 years as a MACO. At times she tends to overanalyze situations, especially after the fact.
Ambitions bitions: Annora is still getting used to the 24th century. At the present she is happy to continue her Starfleet career.
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies/Interest: Snow skiing, Judo, Krav-maga, Muay Thai, Snowboarding, Guitar, Banjo, Violin, Trumpet
Languages: Italian, English, Andorian, Spanish, Vulcan

Personal History Bio:
Annora was born on the ECS Cissonius in April of 2130, where both her parents worked. In 2137, the family moved to the Ustarvis province on Patsayev 4. There Annora’s parents worked at for the Bluford engineering firm to help design what would become the Zhong Kui class freighter.

It took Annora and her siblings some time to adjust to life on a planet, but they soon discovered it held many advantages over being a Boomer. There were considerably more children on the colony, and there was a wider variety of extracurricular activities offered.

At an early age Annora took piano lessons, although by 2nd grade she switched to learning the guitar. In high school, Annora started learning how to play the Banjo.

The Tessaro family would often spend their weekends at the Cyzicus ski resort where Annora developed her love for skiing and snowboarding. At age 10, Annora started learning Judo, and continued learning the martial art until she left Patsayev 4.

Upon graduating high school, Annora was still unsure of what she wanted to do with her life. Therefore, she took up a job working at the colony’s primary spaceport. In late 2148, Annora saw an advertising poster for the MACO. Not wanting to stay permanently at the spaceport, and not wanting to follow in her parent’s footsteps, Annora decided the MACO offered an exciting career and soon signed the enlistment papers.

In January 2149, Annora found herself on a transport to Delta Pavonis in order to attend MACO Basic Training. Twelve weeks later she graduated with the rank of Private First Class. From there, she spent another two months in infantry school.

Upon completion of infantry school, she was assigned to the 129thth MACO Battalion. She stayed with the 129th for 14 months before attending the school on Mars for the Embassy Security Group. Upon completion of the schooling, Annora was attached to the 21st MACO Battalion on Iaera Prime. The 21st would remain on Iaera Prime until March of 2152, when the planet’s growing civil war forced the evacuation and closure of the United Earth Embassy. As Annora’s application to West Point had already been approved upon leaving Iaera, she was assigned to the 3rd Regiment which operated out of the Sol System.

West Point Military Academy.

In July of 2152, Annora became a fourth class cadet at West Point. While at West Point she majored in Exoplanetary Diplomacy with a minor in Flight Control. As the Cadets were required to join in some sort of structured athletics program, Annora joined the West Point Ski Team. During her third year at West Point, Annora and the rest of the team defeated a team from Starfleet Academy. That same year, Annora joined a squad for the annual Sandhurst Competition. While they placed 10th overall, a different West Point squad won the competition, with a squad from Sandhurst taking second, and one from Starfleet placing third. West Point also defeated Starfleet in the annual Football game making the 2154-2155 academic year a high point for the Black Knights.

During late March 2156, the cadets were released for spring break with little indication of the drastic changes that would shortly affect them. Word soon came in that the Romulans had launched an attack on Starbase 1. While the United Earth government and the Coalition of Planets met to discuss their response, the cadets were recalled to the Academy.

Unsurprisingly there was an overwhelming vote to declare war on the Romulan Empire. The first class cadets were informed that due to the expected need for extra troops on the front-lines, they would graduate at the end of April. As expected, many of their original assignments would be modified due to the conflict. Due to her major in International Relations, Annora was slated to be assigned to the embassy on Andoria. However, she was informed that instead she was to join the 47th MACO Battalion.

The 47th was assigned to the planet Adrarth located near the Romulan border. Previously uninhabited, it had been turned into a forward operating base at the outbreak of hostilities. The plan was to use Adarath as a jumping off point to take the fight straight to the Romulans, but those plans were slow to materialize. However, the first major Romulan offensive found the Coalition unprepared and forced them to go on the defensive.

In October of 2156, Annora was transferred from the 47th battalion to the MACO detachment on the Draco. Upon the Draco’s destruction in February of 2157, Annora was reassigned to the 55th MACO battalion. She would remain with the 55th until the Battle of Gamma Hydra in November 2158. Seriously wounded, Annora was sent to the Avicenna medical facility for recovery. In May of 2159 Annora rejoined the 55th for the final push of the Romulan War, including the Battle of Cheron.

After the Battle of Cheron in July 2160 and the resulting peace treaty between the Coalition of Planets and the Romulan Empire, the MACO once again had to adjust to the new climate. The creation of the Romulan neutral zone meant many troops would be stationed along or the Starfleet side in order to provide a quick response should another conflict break out. However, the lack of an active enemy meant the MACO would likely be downsized in the coming years.

The 55th was deactivated with the members being reassigned to various posts. Many remained near the Neutral zone, while Annora and others returned to the Sol Sector. She was briefly returned to the 3rd Regiment, before making the switch to Starfleet.

With the reduction of MACO positions and the perceived expansion of Starfleet, MACO personnel were given the opportunity to transfer to Starfleet security positions. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Annora was given a commission in Starfleet equal to her current rank with the MACO and the position of assistant security chief aboard the Starship Sundsvall.

As the Columbia Class vessel had yet to be built, Annora was temporarily assigned to work security at Starfleet Command. It was in this role that she helped ensure the safety of the signing of the Federation charter in August of 2161.

In October of that same year, the USS Sundsvall was launched from the San Francisco Fleet Yards. The ship was assigned to the Zostradus sector, the edge of which bordered the Neutral Zone. In late December the crew of the Sundsvall responded to a distress call from the inhabitants of New Klevia. It was soon discovered they were suffering from what would become known as the Useon virus. The ship remained in orbit for several months until a cure was developed and distributed to the population.

Loss and Reappearance:
The Sundsvall’s report of success at New Kleva was the last report received by Starfleet. A search was conducted for the starship, but when no signs were found after 2 months, the ship was officially declared lost with all hands. In November of 2387 the ship was discovered by the USS Kazanga, battered but intact.

An investigation by Starfleet and Temporal Investigations revealed the Sundsvall had traveled through a temporal anomaly. The decision was made not to send the crew back to their original timeline, but to allow them to remain in the present. Severely damaged, the Sundsvall was towed back to the Sol System by the Kazanga. Thanks to the efforts of both ship's engineering teams, the Sundsvall was able to make the entry into the Sol System under its own power.

Modern Starfleet:
During the trip to Earth, Annora made the decision to join the modern day Starfleet. With 200+ years to get caught up on, Annora enrolled in Starfleet Academy as a security major. During her time at Starfleet Academy, she took interest in both the Cardassian and Dominion Wars. While not around for the rise and fall of the Maquis, Annora made some waves for her retroactive support of their cause.

Despite the time-gap, Annora’s previous training enabled her to complete the Academy in less time than the standard 4 years.

Once she graduated from Starfleet Academy, Annora didn’t receive an assignment right away but was soon assigned to DS5 as deputy chief security officer. After Commander Ryan's promotion to XO, and in recognition of Annora's handling of the Svikari incident, she was promoted to full Lieutenant and Chief Security Officer.
Service Record Career Progression:
January – July 2149: MACO Training; Delta Pavonis
July 2149- September 2150: MACO, 129th Battalion
September-November 2150: Embassy Security School; Mars
November 2150-March 2152: Embassy Security Guard; Iaera Prime
March-July 2152- MACO, 3rd Regiment; Sol Sector

July 2152-April 2156: Cadet @ West Point Military Academy, Earth
April-October 2156: 47th Maco Battalion
October 2156-February 2157: MACO; UES Draco
February 2157-November 2158: MACO; 55th Battalion
November 2158-May 2159: Patient; Avicenna medical facility
May 2159-August 2160: MACO; 55th Battalion
August-September 2160: MACO, 3rd Regiment; Sol Sector

September 2160: Transferred Commission to United Earth Starfleet
2160-2161: Starfleet Security, Earth ( Lt. j.g.)
2161-2162: Assistant Security Chief, USS Sundsvall (Lt. j.g.)
2162-2387: Temporal Anomaly
2389-2392: Cadet @ Starfleet Academy, Earth
2392-Present: Security Officer, DS5

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

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