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Getting the Band Back Together (Part IV)

Posted on Tue Sep 10, 2024 @ 12:34pm by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & R'gelis Stadi & Tannis Tarkelion & Commander N'Evran & Lieutenant T'Lul & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Civilian Jason Haines
Edited on on Fri Sep 13, 2024 @ 10:46am

1,268 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Tergum In Tempus
Timeline: MD 02 1100


R'gelis and Tannis led T'lul out of the woods and stopped when they saw the large gathering. The two Romulans held their hands slightly away from their bodies so none of the security or Marines would think they were carrying weapons. "Alanna."

The science officer looked over and smiled. "Glad you made it."

T'Lul observed the large gathering and held her right hand upwards in the traditional V-shaped Vulcan greeting. "Live long and prosper. Have you encountered anyone else from the station?"


the Vulcan asked, skipping pleasantries as she often did.

"I think the Marines have been gathering survivors," Alanna said.

Charg spoke up on that subject. "If they aren't, Klingon re-enforcements are on their way to see to any survivors and either extract or establish camps on the surface."

While he was sympathetic to the situation there was little Lasuma could do that the Federation and their allies couldn't. At this point he was only concerned about Maritza and he didn't care if it made him look like an insensitive ass or not. "Where is Maritza and how are we getting her from these Fae people?"

"The station has been destroyed," T'Lul reported. "Klingon reinforcements will be unnecessary." She then looked over at Lasuma and asked, "The Captain? I have not seen her, but if she is alive, I should report to her and advise her that I should be placed under arrest."

Alanna glanced at Lasuma, but said nothing about the captain to T'Lul. "There's also a Vulcan ship nearby. There were two others, but I'm not sure where they are. T'gan is on the Sarek, and she's been studying the temporal ripples and the solar flares."

Charg looked to the Vulcan Lieutenant, shaking his head. "The battle is far from over Lieutenant. The station may be lost but the planet is not. There are still Cardassian ships in the area and Cardassian forces on the surface. You also forget the search for survivors here and in space that are in need of assistance. and the need to secure the area. So yes, they are needed and should be arriving soon."

Tuning his gaze to Alanna. "Mr. Geral's question remains. We were told his presence was needed to recover the Captain. Where is she and what to you need?"

"I am aware that there are survivors here. I gave the order for them to leave by whatever means necessary," T'Lul informed Charg. "As to fighting the Cardassians, I am capable of continuing that. I have been observing their strategies and harassing them for months." The Vulcan looked over at Geral, knowing that she had a friendly companion here. "Mr. Lasuma. I know that you are anxious. Please be patient while we sort out the more pressing problems. The Captain, if alive, will want to see you as well, I am certain."

"This is a pressing matter," Alanna said quietly. She looked from Charg to Geral. "I'll be happy to tell you what I know, but I would prefer it to be in private."

Geral look over to the Klingon. He had come to know the man fairly well since he had first met and been threatened/warned by him. Returning his gaze back to Alanna, he spoke for both of them. "Very well." Adding on a side note, "Is there any word on my...well the yachts I donated?"

Charg slapped him on the back of his shoulder.

"The Marines have your yachts, and from what I've heard, they were greatly appreciated." She happened to be at the Marine compound when they were discovered.

Rubbing his shoulder. "Good. I'm glad they weren't destroyed. I'm sure they will come in handy still."

Jason didn't have anything to add and just simply nodded.

At that moment, a relatively small ship descended through the dust clouds still in the air. It was a Starfleet ship, defiant class. It landed down about one-hundred meters from where the group was gathered.

T'Lul raised an eyebrow and searched for its identifying markers as she approached the Defiant class starship.

The ship was the USS Janus. After about five minutes, a gang-way swung down and a number of individuals walked down it, led by a Vulcan who looked about. Seeing T'Lul, he approached her.

"I am Commander N'Evran, second in command of the fleet in orbit", he said. "Admiral Garrison, who is in charge has extended his invitation to everyone to get to safer surroundings. We are preparing food and medicine for those in immediate need and need help setting up a staging area for shuttles as all data on this planet indicates that transporting is dangerous."

T'Lul answered immediately with the Vulcan hand greeting and a swift statement. "Those are all logical procedures. As the highest-ranking officer from DS5 before it was destroyed, I believe that I will have to be debriefed and I will have to tender myself for arrest and confinement once the Admiral hears my report."

N'Evran returned the gesture and said, "I will note in my report to the Admiral that there are performance issues amongst the ranks that must be dealt with after he deals with all the pressing items he has on his agenda. You could use the time to arrange a defense team."

T'Lul thought he may have just smirked slightly.

Alanna sighed and walked up to the two Vulcans. "I'm Lieutenant Alanna Wells. I was chief science officer on the station and was here on the planet monitoring the portals when the station was taken over. I've been working with Romulan scientists in the former colony."

"Greetings Lieutenant Wells", N'Evran replied. "Now, seeming how both you and Lieutenant T'Lul are familiar with the personnel and land, Lieutenant Wells, I need a staging area for numerous shuttles and runabouts to land. Lieutenant T'Lul, I would like you to start informing survivors that we will be starting retrieval procedures and have them start to gather here near the ship in an orderly fashion so we know how many vessels will be needed to get everyone off the planet. The sooner the better."

"Lieutenant Wells has been here much longer than myself. However, I will endeavor to find as many survivors as possible to notify them to gather here," T'Lul informed N'Evran.

"The best staging area will be by the Marine encampment," Alyssa said. "I have contact with the scientists that were in the colony and I've been monitoring the Cardassians as well as I can. I can share that information with you if you'd like." At least the information he'd need. The science-based information wouldn't be of much use to him. "Also, T'gan, a temporal scientist from DS5, is currently on the VSS Sarek."

The Ambassador looked to Geral, "Go with Lt. Wells. If she has any additional information on Soran contact me, but right now I need to see to my forces." He then moved to N'Evran. "Additional forces are or may have arrived to aid in recovery and aid operations. I will send word and have them coordinate their efforts with Admiral."

"Thank you, Ambassador", N'Evran replied. "We shall get to work setting up the staging area. Once we are done, we will begin medical examinations and getting food distributed."

A Joint Post By

R'gelis Stadi
Romulan Scientist

Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor
Deep Space 5

Tannis Tarkelion.
Romulan Scientist
Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador
Deep Space 5

Geral Lasuma
Lasuma Enterprises
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer, Deep Space 5
Chief Archaeologist, Pangaea

Jason Haines
Civilian N'erdowell

Commander N'Evran
Executive Officer
Deep Space 5


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