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Lieutenant X'aedell daughter of Karagh

Name X'aedell Kelan daughter of Karagh

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Klingon/Betazoid
Age 38
Date of Birth 15 Aug 2356

Physical Appearance

Height 1.78
Weight 68kg
Hair Color Dark auburn
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description X'aedell is tall and slender, but a little more muscular than what she would like. She has a long, thick, auburn unruly mass of hair, which she often wears straight. She inherited her mother's fine features, but display Klingon ridges on her forehead. Her eyes are hazel, not black, letting people forget she is half Betazoid


Spouse Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Children Charell - died in a miscarriage
Tumek - Son
Vashara - Daughter
Konjah - Son
Father Karagh of the House of Torath
Mother Dr Yexanna Kelan
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Ayren Kelan - cousin
Tavana, daughter of Kretorg, Cousin
Edriar Kelan, uncle
Kretorg of the House of Torath - uncle

Personality & Traits

General Overview Even though X’aedell is 1/2 Klignon, she has had little contact with Klingons and their culture. She has a scientific mind, is very perceptive and straight forward, but mostly kind. In spite of her past, she is warm and empathetic for a Klingon and uses her training and own experiences to help others. She has a dry sense of humor and it is often hard to tell whether she is serious or not. She has a short fuse and does struggle with the rage and aggression coming form her very dominant Klingon heritage, but channels it (mostly) in the holodeck. X'aedell is not very traditional in her thinking. She is straight and her doniminant Klingon nature is tempered by her softer Betazoid side. To her it feels like two people living in one body, rather than a mixture of both.

She doesn't fit into the nature of either species, making it hard to predict her behavior
Strengths & Weaknesses Strenths:
Perceptive, wise, can control her emotions well, kind.
Impulsive, dominant, unpredictable at times.
Ambitions She could never have anticipated the twists and turns her career path took, which caused her to modify her ambitions along the way. For now, she wants to get back into the medical fields and contribute to medical science, especially Klingon medical science. On a personal level, she wants to ensure her children are well adjusted and balanced, each reaching their full potential.
Hobbies & Interests She is a martial arts expert, with the sword her weapon of choice. She also dances when no one looks and being a mother, she became interested in cooking. She has always loved extreme sports, but at the moment she is not pursuing some of them except in the holodeck. It is not quite the same though
Languages English, Klingon, Vulcan, some Cardassian,

Personal History X’aedell’s mother, Dr Yexanna Kelan, a medical doctor met Karagh, Klingon navigation officer. At the time she was part of an exchange programme, doing and research in the small city of Martek, where she was doing research at a local hospital. They got married and X’aedell was born in 2353 in a time of relative peace with the between the Empire and the Federation. Some elements in the Klingon Empire were not happy with the peace and sought to destroy the family of M'urgh, a High Council member and Karagh's father. They were convinced that Karagh was leaking classified information to Yexanna, and was seeking a way to accuse him. However, Karagh hid proof of his innocence in a marker in X'aedell's blood. The family fled Martek at the time.

In an act to strengthen the relations between the two powers, Karagh was allowed to serve on a Federation science and exploration vessel, the USS Folklore. Working close to the Romulan border, they were overwhelmed by a small Borg probe. X’aedell witnessed her father killing her mother, before he himself was assimilated by the Borg with most of the crew. Moments before she herself was going to assimilated, a Romulan vessel appeared and the Borg lost interest in them and went after the other vessel. Her fragile psionic senses were overwhelmed by the Borg and it was only through the a mindmeld of a Vulcan on the ship, who stabilized her mind, was she able to survive. The memory has never left X’aedell and she is often still plagued by flash backs and nightmares. She was 13 at the time.

After this encounter, X'aedell went to live with her uncle Edriar Kelan, the Betazoid ambassador to the Federation at the time. She did not speak for 6 months after the encounter. It was through her uncle's patience and the work of a Vulcan counselor, Zarvek, that X'aedell eventually worked through the trauma.

X’aedell was difficult and restless and apart from school, spent most of her time learning martial arts form holodeck programmes. She was confused during that time as well so she became isolated and angry. She got involved in several fights and almost ended up in juvinile detention. Zarvek started training her in Vulcan martial arts and also directed her to other trainers. It helped her to channel her energy and aggression and she excelled in several disciplines including Korean, Vulcan, Japanese and Klignon. She frequently won competitions and particularly showed talent and expertise in Japanese sword fighting.

She wanted to join Starfleet with one purpose: to go after the Borg. Revenge was her driving force. In honor of her mother she chose a medical career. She got accepted into Starfleet by the skin of teeth. She started to work with Zarvek again. He had always recognized her potential in spite of her anger and rebellion, and helped her deal with and channel her raging emotions. He continued to work with her throughout the 7 years of study. Helping her to focus less on her own world, he was instrumental in her decision to specialize in Psychiatry after she qualified as a MD. He trained her in Vulcan meditation techniques and instructed her in advanced Vulcan martial arts, including the Vulcan neck pinch.

X'aedell met Charg when she was on the USS Merlin. He was half Klingon as well and exposed her Klingon culture. She realized that she was deeply disappointed in and angry with her Klingon family who had never come forward to meet her. Charg did some research on her history and contacted a family member serving in Starfleet, Kretorg. Kretorg was under the impression that she was assimilated as well. Hearing that she was alive alarmed Kretorg. If their enemies found out that Karagh's daughter was alive, they would would have grounds to open the case of Karagh's betrayal and with no proof and no witnesses, their family was likely to be dishonoured. If M'urgh was dishonoured, he would loose his seat the High Council which could have serious political ramifications. He in a moment of weakness, decided to call an old friend, and ask her to kill X'aedell. A day after that, Karagh visited Kre, after being freed from the Borg. Kre directed Karagh to where X'aedell was to try to stop the assassination. He was successful and X'aedell eventually got to meet her Klingon family. Though hard at first, she forgave Kretorg and Charg and herself accepted posts on the IKS D'a.a and later the VaQ'Bach.

In support of her husband and his House, she left Startfleet to become the Lady of House of Vera.
Service Record USS Xanadu - Counselor
USS Merlin - Chief Counselor
USS da Vinci - Chief Counselor
IKS D'ama - Klingon Federation Liason/MD
IKS VaqBach - CMO

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Serial Number XS - 16 - 4924 - OFT

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]