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Sat Oct 19, 2024 @ 12:17am

Lieutenant T'Lul

Name T'Lul

Position Chief Counselor

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan
Age 29
Date of Birth 08-07-2364

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 105 lbs.
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description T'lul is on the slightly lower than average size for a female Vulcan. She is thin and not particularly curvy. She has a preference for wearing her hair long and curling the ends to give them body despite acknowledging that there is no practical reason for doing so.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Sulok
Mother T'Pen
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none

Personality & Traits

General Overview T'Lul is a conflicted Vulcan. While she was raised to believe in logic being the solution and ends to all means, she wonders at the logic of completely repressing emotions. If the Vulcan way is superior, why have not other cultures followed a similar philosophy? She is not prepared to reject logic as it would reject her own teachings and she sees how often times it allows for better decision-making than those from emotional states. Therefore, she is often probing to find a more logical medium for logic and emotions.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: inquisitive, logical, a willingness to think outside the box, like other Vulcans 2-3x stronger than the average human, touch telepathy, mind meld

Weaknesses: Her strengths can also be said to be her weaknesses. She also does not like conflict, takes on too much work, and has a tendency to doubt her conclusions, especially when not based solely on logic. Also, while many women have an over fondness for chocolate, T'Lul has a weakness for licorice.
Ambitions To discover a way to integrate Surak's teachings with emotions.
Hobbies & Interests Meditation, kal-toh, Suus Mahna, camping, reading romance novels, holo programs dedicated to meditation or those designed to elicit high emotional responses.
Languages Federation Standard, Vulcan, Romulan, Andorian

Personal History T'Lul was raised as a standard Vulcan child. For much of her youth, emotions were tolerated but attempted to be curtailed, so they could properly be repressed. However, repressing T'Lul's emotions proved to be difficult for her parents. The girl loved to laugh and had a great deal of energy, even for a Vulcan child. Humans might have described her as a tom boy.

Eventually, society and peer pressure succeeded where her parents were not solely successful and at the late age of 15, T'Lul accepted and repressed all emotions like any good student of Surak's teachings. However, when she turned 16, T'Lul once again appeared to be allowing emotions and moodiness to control her. She claimed that she was renouncing Surak's teachings; however, twenty days after her sixteenth birthday, it became evident that T'Lul was experiencing her first pon farr.

As her parents had not bonded T'Lul as a child, she learned to repress her emotions late, and experienced pon farr somewhat early, T'Lul was not seen as an attractive bride to be. Offers for her to wed during pon farr or after were not forthcoming. Because of this, T'Lul became more interested in emotions and whether it was truly logical to shed them from a person. This "unhealthy" obsession caused her to avoid seeking scholastic achievement at the Vulcan Science Academy or any other Vulcan institutions and led her to Starfleet.

T'Lul enrolled in Starfleet's medical and counseling programs, eventually to concentrate in counseling. Many of her teachers questioned the wisdom of a Vulcan getting into counseling as Vulcans were trained to repress logic and most beings were illogical. However, T'Lul often pointed to three facts: 1) Just because Vulcans repressed emotions did not mean that they did not have them. Vulcans were not computers. 2) Often times counselors asked patients to see beyond emotions and think logically, an area where Vulcans excelled. 3) That understanding did not require experiencing, otherwise a sharing of minds would be required for all counselors to possibly assist their patients. While her teachers most often disagreed with her third point, they had to admit that T'Lul was acceptable on emotional issues that did not involve logical solutions.

However, watching non-Vulcans solve problems in creative and unexpected ways added to T'Lul's doubts that Surak's teachings may have some fatal flaws. After all, if non-Vulcans thought of Vulcans as computers. Was kolihnar not making a Vulcan into a computer? Devoid of logic and feeling? Could not a computer do more than said Vulcan and more quickly? So how could such a Vulcan be the pinnacle of society? Yet, cognitive and forensic psychology, her strengths were based on the prediction of emotions. So, could not emotions follow a set of logic?

Deciding that the answers could not be found in clinics assisting those near the Academy, she sought out posts in starships or remote places that she would have the advantage of experiencing the greatest and widest range of emotions and beliefs.

Her first assignment was on the USS Sinnoh which explored the outer reaches of the Alpha Quadrant. She was given this assignment after experiencing her second pon farr. No suitors available, far from home, and not desirous of being tied down, she did not marry. During her service on the Sinnoh, she counseled the crew on issues ranging from infidelity, marital counseling, addiction, depression, anxiety, and phobias. She also coordinated group events to facilitate social awareness and reduce loneliness, thus earning her a promotion to a Junior Grade Lieutenant.

Believing she had all of the answers she could get on the Sinnoh, T'Lul transferred to the USS Argo. The Argo was patrolling a different sector of the Alpha quadrant, which was unexplored. Here, the Chief Counselor Janniva Ugead, made it a point to try and work on T'Lul's bedside manner. While she could not get T'Lul to smile, she was able to teach T'Lul to moderate her tonality to infer emotion, even if none was being expressed. T'Lul was a tireless worker and was able to logically assist many patients where other methods failed. When the Assistant Chief Counselor left, T'Lul was promoted for additional tutelage.

At Janniva Ugead's recommendation, T'Lul left the Argo and headed out to the USS Mermaid, which was exploring territory in the Gamma Quadrant. While serving on the Mermaid, she discovered low affect in an away team could be traced to a recently explored planet. Upon further forensic investigation, she was able to determine that the culprit was a salesman who had spiked a sweet with an illicit drug, which could be used for mind control. This earned her a commendation and a promotion to full Lieutenant. Her promotion to Chief Counselor came when the former Chief transferred to Starbase One. The former chief left, citing a desire to have a safer family life.

However, after a time on the Mermaid, T'Lul recognized that her sample size was limited. On each ship, she was limited solely to her own crew's experiences and could not explore the intersection of logic and emotion with a large enough sampling. The only time she got outside of the crew was when the ships encountered a new alien race. Thus, she made the decision she would have to continue her quest where there were more variety of beings. She applied for a deep space station Chief Counselor position, getting accepted on DS5.
Service Record 2394-present - Lieutenant, Chief Counselor on Deep Space 5
2391-2394 Lieutenant JG, promotion to Lieutenant and promotion to Chief Counselor on USS Mermaid
2389-2391 Lieutenant JG, promotion to Assistant Chief Counselor on USS Argo
2387-2389 Ensign, promotion to Lieutenant JG. Counselor on USS Sinnoh
2383-2387 Starfleet Academy

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Serial Number CS - 940 - 9289 - ALC
Security Clearance Level 4
Duty Shift Alpha

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]

Quarters 29 - 18 East
Office Main Sickbay, Deck 55