Deck Listing

1-10 · 11 · 12-13 · 14 · 15-20 · 21 · 22 · 23 · 24 · 25-32 · 33 · 34-53 · 54 · 55 · 56 · 57 · 58 · 59 · 60 · 61 · 62 · 63-71 · 72 · 73 · 74 · 75 · 76 · 77-130 · 131-140 · 141-144 · 145-150 · 151-160 · 161 · 162-170 · 170-199 · 200-210 · 211-349 · 350-575 · 576-580 · 581-649 · 650-659 · 660-885 · 886-1024 · 1025-1035 · 1036-1085 · 1086-1104 · 1105-1124 · 1125-1127 · 1128-1157 · 1158-1250


- Primary Communications Array, Upper Sensor Array


- Main Communications, Chief Communication Officer's Office, Primary Signal Maintenance Computer, Primary Signal Compositers


- Main Operations, Captain's Ready Room, XO's Office, Quartermaster's Office, Secondary Long-Range Sensors (Upper)


- Senior Officers' Conference Room, Observation Areas, Secondary Short-Range Sensors (Upper), Main Sensor Maintenance


- Main Computer Core, Non-Departmental Administrative Offices, Chief Intelligence Officer's Office, Lifepods


- Emergency Transporters, Lifepods, Weapons Storage, Auxiliary Environmental Control


- General Conference Room, Transporter Rooms 1-4, Holodecks 1-5 (official use only)


- Civilian Directors' Administrative Offices, Starfleet Command Offices, VIP/Guest Quarters


- Administrative Offices, VIP/Guest Quarters, Senior Officers' Quarters


- Junior Officers' Quarters, Senior Officer/VIP Dining Room, Banquet Hall


- Starfleet Gymnasium, Holodecks 6-15 (recreational)


- Enlisted Quarters, Lifepods


- Science Labs 1 & 2, Main Astrometrics, Enlisted Quarters, Lifepods


- Main Sickbay, Chief Medical Officer's Office, Chief Counselor's Office, Medical Labs 1 & 2, Surgical Wards 1-3, Critical Triage Wards 1 & 2, Primary ICU, Transporter Rooms 5 & 6, Lifepods


- Secondary Sickbay, Medical Labs 3-5, Biohazard Research, Stasis Units, Diplomatic Corps Office, Judge Advocate General Offices, Courtrooms, Lifepods


- Torpedo Storage, Probe Storage, Backup Command Level Computer, Upper Stabilising Engines, Upper Phaser and Torpedo Controls, Primary Phaser Arrays (Upper), Torpedo Launchers


- Federation Colonial Affairs, Diplomatic Communications Centre, Upper Stabilising Engines, Upper Manoeuvring Thrusters, Primary Shield Generators (Upper), Propulsion Fusion Reactors 1-3


- Command Level Fusion Reactors 1 & 2, Reactant Storage, Command Level Main Power Distribution Network, Upper Stabilizing Engines, Upper Maneuvering Thrusters, Primary Shield Generators (Upper), Propulsion Fusion Reactors 4-6


- Diplomatic Deck: Main Summit Chamber, Diplomatic Conference Rooms, Federation Representatives' Offices, Foriegn Embassies


- Science Labs 3-18, Chief Science Officer's Office, Science Section Heads' Offices, Cargo Bays 1-40, Cargo Transporters 1-20


- Shuttle Commander's Office, Pilot Briefing Room/Ready Room, Pilot Lockers, Command Level Secondary Power Distribution Network, Secondary Shield Generators (Upper)


- Secondary Operations, Main Base Operations Power Grid, Secondary Base Fusion Reactors 1-16, Reactant Storage, Transporter Room 7


- Tractor Beam Generator, Secondary Tractor Beam Control (Upper), Boatswain's Office, Cargo Bays 41-50, Marine Offices, Marine Holodecks 1-4 (official use)


- Marine Hess Hall, Marine Quarters, Marine Gymnasium, Weapons Storage, Shuttlebays 1-20, Shuttle Storage, Shuttlebay Fusion Reactors 1 & 2, Transporter Room 8, Cargo Transporters 21-25


- Fighter Squadron Hangers 1-10, Fighter Storage, Fighter Maintenance, Shuttlebay & Hanger Fusion Reactors 3 & 4, Cargo Transporters 26-30


- Shuttle Maintenance, Heavy Repairs Section, Shuttle Fabrication, Shuttlebay Fusion Reactor 5, Reactant Storage, Shuttlebay Power Distribution Network


- Tractor Beam Generator, Main Tractor Beam Control (Upper), Transporter Rooms 9-19, Holodecks 16-19 (recreational)


- Holodecks 20-24, Enlisted Quarters, Enlisted Mess Hall, Lifepods, Transporter Rooms 20-29, Emergency Transporters


- Replicator Stock Storage 1, Industrial Replicators 1-10, Flight Command Crew and Flight Staff Quarters, Lifepods


Upper Promenade, Public Replimat, Observation Decks, Auxiliary Sickbays 1-3


Engineering Support Labs, Science Labs 19-24, Secondary Computer Cores (2)


Crew Quarters, School Rooms, Education Centre, Historical Library, Museum, Holodecks 25-27 (recreational), Lifepods


Visiting Crew Quarters, Life Support, Public Recreational Holosuites 1-20, Emergency Batteries


Visiting Crew Quarters, Public Recreational Holosuites 21-40, Borg Recharge Pods (12), Emergency Batteries


Civilian Quarters, Transporter Rooms 30-39, Public Recreational Holosuites 41-70, Public Gymnasium, Main Doors Auxiliary Fusion Reactors 1-4, Reactant Storage, Upper Fusion Reactors (external ship support), External Docking Ports, Power Transfer Conduits (external docking)


Internal Docking Ports, Main Docking Bay Control Room, Internal Power Transfer Conduits, Auxiliary Sickbays 4-6


Main Docking Bay Emergency Control Room, Internal Docking Ports, Workbee Bays 1-15, Workbee Storage, Workbee Maintenance and Repair, Secondary Internal Tractor Emitters (Upper), Observation Areas, Engineering Support Labs


- Main Promenade:The Square Mile (100 decks), Arboretum, FMS Precinct. Life Support, Lifepods
Main Docking Bay Doors (Upper), Main Doors Primary Fusion Reactors 1-8, Reactant Storage, Transporter Rooms 40-59, Workbee Bays 16-20, Workbee Maintenance and Repair, Primary Internal Tractor Emitters (Upper), Emergency Batteries, Cargo Bays 51-250, Cargo Transporters 31-100, Internal Docking Ports, Primary Forcefield Generators 1-24, Replicator Stock Storage 2-9, Industrial Replicators 11-85, Life Support, Lifepods


- Security Decks, Chief Security Officer's Office, Holding Cells (all environments), Brig, Weapon Storage, Master of Arms Office, Emergency Transporters, Primary SIF Generators (Upper), Waste Recycling (Upper)


Main External Docking Ports, Middle Fusion Reactors (external ship support), Primary Phaser Arrays (Middle), Torpedo Launchers, Torpedo Storage, Primary Shield Generators (Middle), Tactical Sensors, Observation Areas, Civilian Quarters, Transporter Rooms 60-65, Tractor Beam Control, Generators and Emitters (Middle), Manoeuvring Thrusters


Auxiliary Operations, Emergency Batteries, Emergency Tactical Fusion Reactors, Reactant Storage, Shuttlebays 30-33, Primary SIF Generators (Middle)


- Main Docking Bay Doors (Lower), Main Doors Primary Fusion Reactors 9-16, Reactant Storage, Transporter Rooms 66-85, Workbee Bays 21-25, Workbee Maintenance and Repair, Primary Internal Tractor Emitters (Lower), Emergency Batteries, Cargo Bays 251-350, Cargo Transporters 101-150, Internal Docking Ports, Primary Forcefield Generators 25-48, Replicator Stock Storage 10-15, Industrial Replicators 86-140, Life Support, Lifepods


Lower Docking Bay Emergency Control Room, Internal Docking Ports, Workbee Bays 26-30, Workbee Storage, Workbee Maintenance and Repair, Secondary Internal Tractor Emitters (Lower), Observation Areas, Engineering Support Labs


- Internal Docking Ports, Lower Docking Bay Control Room, Internal Power Transfer Conduits, Main Doors Auxiliary Fusion Reactors 5-8


- Large Craft Module Repair Centre, Emergency Transporters, Replicator Stock Storage 3, Industrial Replicators 141-240, Lifepods, Cargo Bays 351-400, Cargo Transporters 151-160


Visiting Crew Quarters, Civilian Quarters, Holodecks 27-35, Border Research Institute, Transporter Rooms 86-95, Waste Recycling (Lower), Secondary Tractor Beam Control (Lower), Lifepods


- Main Tractor Beam Control (Lower), Tractor Beam Generator, Primary Shield Generators (Lower), Auxiliary Sickbays 7-10, Maintenance Bays 1-15, Primary SIF Generators (Lower)


- Lower Stabilising Engines, Lower Manoeuvring Thrusters, Propulsion Fusion Reactors 7-12, Engineering Support Labs, Shuttlebays 34-48, Shuttle Storage, Shuttle Maintenance, Shuttlebay Fusion Reactors 6-8, Reactant Storage, Shuttlebay Power Distribution Network


- Lower Phaser and Torpedo Controls, Torpedo Storage, Probe Storage, Emergency Tactical Fusion Reactors, Weapons Storage, Maintenance Bays 16-20, Engineering Computer Core, Main Engineering, Chief Engineer's Office, Engineering Labs, Prototype Technology Bay


- Secondary Communications Array, Lower Sensor Array, Secondary Signal Maintenance Computer, Secondary Signal Compositers, Secondary Long-Range Sensors (Lower), Secondary Short-Range Sensors (Lower), Secondary Sensor Maintenance, Emergency Transporters, Lifepods, Manoeuvring Thrusters, Secondary Shield Generators (Lower)