New Beginnings (Part III)
Posted on Wed Mar 5, 2025 @ 9:43am by Commodore T'mpest Michaels & Commander Cara Letsul & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant T'Lul & Civilian Thavas Th'Omtala & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Edited on on Wed Mar 5, 2025 @ 9:52am
1,477 words; about a 7 minute read
Tergum In Tempus
Location: Deep Space 5
T'mpest raised an eyebrow as she took the card and considered the request. She generally did not have clothes made for her, but there was no reason why she couldn't see what the tailor had picked out. "Tell Mister Th'Omtala that I thank him and will try to stop by his shop tomorrow." There were too many pressing things on her mental list for today, but tomorrow should be free enough. She hoped.
While it was a shop Annora knew of, she had never stopped by to look at their offerings. She took the offered business card, looking it over.
"We're still busy dealing with the aftermath of the attack." She paused to consider her next words, remembering that the various merchants made up the lifeblood of the station. "That being said, my rounds will pass by the shop in the coming days. When that happens, I will make sure to stop in."
T'Lul said nothing, merely observing. Thavas is a shrewd one. He will have all the information he desires at this rate.
"The gentleman, my master, and I look forward to your visit and perhaps your custom should something catch your eye," Viza said. "Good day, Lady T'mpest, Lady T'Lul, Lieutenant Tessaro. I will take my leave, as I see others of a more... insistent nature approaching, no doubt seeking audience with you. Prosperity and Long Life, Ladies T'mpest and T'Lul. Farewell, Lieutenant Tessaro."
And with that, the extremely formal (and to be honest somewhat odd) apprentice weaver and tailor made her exit. The gentleman, her master, would be interested to know that no one questioned how it was a plain and simple tailor like Thavas knew the details of the Lady Commodore's arrival so precisely that he was able to have his apprentice lying in wait to spring his comically formal invitation on the station's new commanding officer.
T'Lul again said nothing. However, she would have to have a conversation with Thavas about how he chose to obtain and utilize information. Someone obviously leaked the Commodore's arrival and she would get to the bottom of it.
T'mpest turned back to the two women. "I believe a formal meeting is in order, yes? Would tomorrow suffice for that as well? I would like to review recent reports and look over the station first."
"Of course, I have no objections. Send the meeting time to my office and I'll make sure to be there. For my part, you'll have the latest security report within the hour." There wasn't anything too surprising in the report, especially as the Admiral was already aware of the Raddon Corporation and was present when the fleet helped repel the Cardassians.
The Vulcan Counselor merely asked, "Do you want company on your inspection of the station?"
T'mpest looked from the counselor to the security chief. "Would you both be interested in accompanying me?"
T'Lul accepted the platitude for what it was. "I shall accompany you," the Vulcan answered. "Whatever questions you ask along the way shall be answered to the best of my ability."
"Thank you. That is all I ask." The commodore knew there would be questions no one could answer, but she hoped to get a baseline to build from.
"Sure, I can join you. Security knows how to reach me if needed."
Annora reached for her data PADD to send the requested info the Commodore's computer as they talked. It would also allow her another chance to see how the station inhabitants were recovering from the attempted invasion.
After beaming in from his flagship Charg, flanked by an aid and trailing to guards approach the cluster of Starfleet officers. It wasn't that he was disappointed in Soran's decision but he had the feeling she would not be returning to the station. Which reminded him he need to stop by to see Lasuma before he did something foolish. Upon reaching the group he nodded to those he knew before approaching the Commodore. "Greetings, from the Klingon Empire."
T'mpest recognized the Klingon from her reports and gave him a Vulcan bow. "Greetings, ambassador. Thank you. I look forward to working with you."
"As do I. Captain Soran and I had served together a long time ago. It was unfortunate that she had to leave the way she did but I look forward to getting to know you and to continuing to safe guarding our joint dilithium facility in the Tarelis System. The Houses of Varal and Soval stand ready to render any aid you may need.
"That is greatly appreciated. You have my full support in this endeavor as well. One of my primary objectives is to reinstate peace and continued cooperation in this sector of space." Although she knew it may not be that easy with the Xi-Cadians aligning themselves with Cardassia, but she would definitely try.
Cara was behind T'mpest, keeping quiet while the newly minted Commodore fielded the introductions by those who arrived to greet them. Quietly she took mental notes as to the demeanor, and personalities of those who were there. Cara was a few inches shorter than T'mpest which aided her being able to be in the background. She listened to the timber of the voices, sensing some of the emotional levels of those there. She pulled out her padd, and scrolled down the manifest in order to get an image of those who had greeted them.
Lieutenant (JG) Ace Cannon, Assistant chief operations he seemed to be a womanizer or maybe someone who appreciated the beauty of women so much so that it permeated the air with his interest and ogling.
Lieutenant T'Lul, Chief Counselor, an interesting person. It seemed that the counselor along with what appeared stretched thin department heads had to wear several hats in order to keep the station operating. Another thing that Cara was all too familiar with.
Lieutenant Tessaro, she seemed a rather able woman, Cara catching the sense of professionalism from her.
When the party started moving, Cara was quietly walking with them, her footsteps not making a sound, mostly being able to blend in the background.
T'mpest ignored Cara for a short distance as she wasn't sure why her new first officer remained in the background. But when they paused at a turbolift, she turned. "Do you have any questions, Cara?"
Blast, she was being called out. Cara stifled a giggle when T'mpest made her presence known.
"I do not have any questions as of yet, Commodore. Just taking in the information that has been given, up to this point, which was quite a bit." Laughter dancing in her eyes and a playful smile on her lips. "Well actually I do have a question, what will be the first place we'll be touring? The arboretum? Or will this be just a quick jaunt, then off we go to our quarters to unpack?"
"Nothing on a station this size is a quick jaunt," the commodore replied. "I have no plans at the moment. Wherever the others feel should be visited first is fine with me."
"It would be logical to either start or finish with operations," T'Lul responded. "After all, that is where you will be spending the majority of your time. It depends on your preference for seeing the actual parts of the station first or where everything is run."
"I would prefer to see the station first," the commodore replied. "There will be plenty of time to see station command."
T’Lul suggested, "Perhaps we should start with the promenade, then? You can introduce yourself in person to Thavas and see what the station looks like during its normal day."
"I will also like to add, with more staff members in Station Operations, the Commodore will not need to stay there all of the time." Cara was taking some umbrage with T'Lul then made herself calm down. T'Lul was the chief counselor, and that was going to be some adjustment there. Cara had never been to a Vulcan Counselor before. She hmmmned about that for a moment. With new command staff. There will be adjustment for everyone to make.
"Agreed." Annora responded. "The promenade is a good place to get a feel for life on the station. If we start at Ops, we'll be stuck there for a while."
"That is a good place to start, I agree." Cara wondered how it would compare to the other stations she had been on. What sort of shops, eating establishments, and entertainment. She could, though, see that there were places that would be needing to be repaired.
Commodore T'mpest Michaels
Commanding Officer
Deep Space 5
Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor
Deep Space 5
Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer
Commander Cara Letsul
Executive Officer
Deep Space 5
Tiza Sh'Omtala
Apprentice to Thavas Th'Omtala
Deep Space 5
Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador
Deep Space 5