New Beginnings (Part II)
Posted on Wed Mar 5, 2025 @ 9:41am by Commodore T'mpest Michaels & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant T'Lul & Civilian Thavas Th'Omtala
Edited on on Wed Mar 5, 2025 @ 9:47am
1,474 words; about a 7 minute read
Tergum In Tempus
Location: Deep Space 5
"I, of course, will be at your disposal," the Vulcan concluded.
"Of course," T'mpest replied. She couldn't help giving the counselor a Vulcan bow.
With Captain Soran and Commander Ryan leaving DS5 following the Cardassian's assault, Annora found herself splitting her responsibilities between Ops and Security. Word came down from Starfleet of Commodore Michaels' pending arrival on the station, although it didn't sound like anyone expected her to take permanent command. Still, it would be nice to have someone with more command experience around, even if it was just until a more permanent leader was found.
She arrived at the corridor outside the shuttle bay just in time to see Lieutenant Ace Cannon walking away, and the Commodore talking with T'Lul.
"Afternoon Commodore, Lieutenant," she said by way of address to both officers."
"Hello, lieutenant. I am T'mpest Michaels. You are the chief of security, yes?"
"Yes Ma'am. Lieutenant Annora Tessaro. I trust the good Doctor here has given you a quick rundown on where things stand. I can fill you in on things from a security standpoint, or we can wait for a proper staff meeting if you wish." With the absence of a proper Command Staff, she was grateful to T'Lul in helping to run things on the station.
T'Lul took note of the newer Chief of Security. Other than ordering her about, the Vulcan had not interacted with her much. However, now that she would be resuming her normal duties as the Chief Counselor, T'Lul decided that she would have to meet with Tessaro on a personal and potentially professional basis for her psychological evaluation. However, nothing had concerned T'Lul regarding that thus far, so she largely viewed the evaluation as a formality to come. Nonetheless, she remained quiet and waited to see what further developed.
"I will need to talk to all the department heads, but is there something I need to know right away? Anyone I need to talk to or avoid?" There were far too many details that could not be conveyed in a briefing and T'mpest had a feeling it was going to take her more time than she expected to get a handle on everything--especially with a new first officer coming aboard.
"Anyone to avoid? Not particularly. The Raddon corporation isn't the friendliest towards nonhumans, although they usually respect the uniform. Late last year a group connected them were found to be illegally conducting experiments on Pangaea. Other than that, they've mostly stayed out of our hair. We are holding a handful of Cardassian prisoners from the attempted invasion, although they're just grunts so I don't expect any usable intel from them. As soon as the Brass works out the details, I'll be more than glad to move them off the station."
As far as Annora was concerned, the sooner the prisoners were moved off the station the better.
T'Lul agreed with Annora's assessment, thus said nothing, choosing to nod in Annora's direction only, as an acknowledgment of a job well done.
"Yes. The sooner all prisoners can be transferred to somewhere permanent, the sooner the station can return to normal." T'mpest made a mental note to see if that could be expedited. "I heard the Raddon Corporation was more problematic. Have they settled down, or are you waiting for the next eruption?"
"Oh, I'm always waiting for the Raddon Corporation to cross the line. I honestly don't know why the Corporation set up shop on starbase on the edge of Federation space, considering their xenophobic tendencies. More than once they've tiptoed around the line of what's legal, staying just on the side of the law. Considering their Lead Security Consultant is former Starfleet, that's not too surprising. When we served the warrant for their operations planet-side, I expected more push-back than we got. It's likely they realized that the more they opposed us, the worse it would be for their business."
Annora nodded to a pair of security guards passing by on their rounds as she talked with the Commodore.
"They still have the facility on the planet?" T'mpest clearly did not have enough information on this group. At least the chief of security did.
"No. At first their ban was temporary pending a full investigation into their activities and the explosion at their facility. The evidence acquired by Lt Hines and his Spooks, coupled with testimony from those on the planet, was more than enough for Captain Soran to permanently shut down their base of operations. I can have a full report sent to your desk, if so desired."
While she hadn't expected the conversation to turn into a brief on the Raddon Corporation, Annora felt any new Command staff should be made aware of their history on the station.
"Yes, please do. It is not that I have any issues with what anyone has done, it is simply that I would like to be aware of recent events." T'mpest was also not sure if she trusted the Raddon Corporation to follow the rules.
Viza Sh'Omtala, apprentice to Master Weaver and Master Tailor Thavas Th'Omtala, trailed behind the group as they chatted, waiting for her opportunity to interrupt and introduce herself so she might deliver her master's message. Viza was a slight young Andorian woman, barely in her late teens. If she had the pointed ears of a Vulcan, one might describe her as elf-like. If she had wings to go with her antennae, one might describe her as appearing to be pixie-like or of the Fae. Viza wore a well-tailored, comfortable sleeved and belted tunic over tights with soft boots. Over the tunic, Viza wore a sleeveless knee-length jacket. The tunic and the jacket were made of Omtalan cloth and thus appeared a different color or color scheme depending on the angle they were viewed from and how the light struck the garments. In this case, they appeared to be a variety of shimmering blacks, grays, and greens. Viza had woven the cloth and designed and constructed the garments herself and was quite proud of them. Her master also praised her work on them and thus made her even prouder.
T'mpest noticed the Andorian following and paused to run around. "May I help you?"
T'Lul raised an eyebrow at Viza. The tailor did seem to have his hands in everything. He even somehow knew that the Cardassians were sabotaging the station. The two had a cooperative relationship but this was starting to get a little presumptuous. Therefore, the Vulcan intervened. "Commodore T'mpest, the female Andorian is Viza. Her employer is Thavas. They are tailors. Both are quite gifted. They have even designed pieces for me. I am more than certain that she is here to solicit some business. Would I be correct, Viza?"
T'mpest just raised an eyebrow, waiting for Viza to tell her what she or the tailor wished. She also wondered why the counselor didn't let the other woman speak for herself.
"Long life and prosperity, Lady T'mpest, and to you, Lady T'Lul," Viza said, giving the Vulcan salute to both women. "And greetings to you as, as well, Lieutenant Tessaro. The Lady T'Lul is correct, I am Viza Sh'Omtala, apprentice to Master Thavas Th'Omtala, owner and proprietor of Sartorial Splendor. The gentleman, my master, welcomes the pleasure of your company at your convenience at his shop on the station, Lady T'mpest. The gentleman my master, has already selected several fabrics that would complement you, should you wish to have us make you something. Lieutenant Tessaro, you are welcome to join the Lady T'mpest or to visit on your own if that suits you, and of course, Lady T'Lul, you are always welcome. If you are not in the market for clothing at this time, then the gentleman, my master, invites you to join him for tea, or coffee, or whatever beverage suits you, also at your convenience." Mindful that she was standing in front of a security professional, Viza reached into her tunic with care when retrieving her master's calling card. "Master Thavas' details can be found here," she said, handing the card to Lieutenant Tessaro. "Stop by anytime, and the gentleman, my master, will make time for you."
T'mpest raised an eyebrow as she took the card and considered the request. She generally did not have clothes made for her, but there was no reason why she couldn't see what the tailor had picked out. "Tell Mister Th'Omtala that I thank him and will try to stop by his shop tomorrow." There were too many pressing things on her mental list for today, but tomorrow should be free enough. She hoped.
(To be continued...)
Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor
Deep Space 5
Commodore T'mpest Michaels
Deep Space 5
Lieutenant Annora Tessaro
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
Viza Sh'Omtala
Apprentice to Master Weaver and Master Tailor Thavas Th'Omtala
Deep Space 5