Commodore T'mpest Michaels

Name T'mpest Michaels

Position Station Commander

Rank Commodore

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Vulcan/Human
Age 55

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 145 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Appears to be younger than she is due to her Vulcan heritage. Her skin has a slightly greenish tinge and her ears are pointed. She wears her hair loose or pulled back into a bun, depending on what she's doing.

Her dress is neat and conservative. She will occasionally wear a tartan sash (Clan Lindsay) with an IDIC symbol to represent her Scottish and Vulcan heritage. She usually has at least one book on her person at any given time. She also carries a notebook and pen or pencil.


Father Samul
Mother Damiana Michaels
Brother(s) Sared

Personality & Traits

General Overview T'mpest keeps to herself when she can, as she is uncomfortable in many strictly social situations. However, she enjoys intellectual discussions on many different subjects. She likes to sit on the sidelines and observe others rather than engage in casual banter.

She enjoys music, especially Scottish music. As most Vulcans, she values logic and knowledge. She has recently developed more-advanced telepathic abilities.
She has a good sense of humor and occasionally has to quell her impish nature because many people think it odd that a half Vulcan laughs. She is generally happy and enjoys her work.

She keeps a notebook and pen by her computer to write notes. She often has printed notes and reports as well as electronic media on her person. When she is in the field, she generally uses a notebook and pen to keep track of information.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: She is extremely intelligent and loves to learn. She knows a great deal about science, computers and communications. She can build most any archaic communications system from the ground up. Although half human, she often chooses logic over emotion. However, she has chosen to be happy and enjoy life above taking the more 'traditional' Vulcan view of stoicism.
She is diplomatic and deals well with stressful situations.

Weaknesses: She is shy and uncomfortable in large social gatherings.
She can be quite stubborn if she feels she is correct. When she gets involved in a project, she can go for hours, or days, without stopping for things like food and sleep.
She has no qualms about using "alternative" means of searching for data. On more than one occasion she's searched for information in scientific and historic databases that aren't part of the Federation.
Ambitions T'mpest wishes to learn first-hand about other cultures, their science and history. She is especially interested in how they travel and communicate.

She has a great need to live up to her parents' high standards of excellence. She is a natural leader and teacher, but does not seek prestige or fame.
For T'mpest, success is measured by scholarly excellence and intellectual achievement.
She would love to find a good man who would help her achieve her goals and raise a family.
Hobbies & Interests Building and programming archaic communication devices, like radios, computers, satellites and probes.
Learning about the culture, music and history of other worlds.
Reading and collecting books.
Playing the bagpipes, Vulcan lyrette and harpsichord.
Walking the Scottish highlands.
Keeping up with the latest computer security protocols and how to bypass them. (For research purposes, of course.)
Fighting with a Scottish Claymore. (She would like to learn to use a bat'leth.)
Languages Vulcan, Scottish Gaelic, Alpha Centaurian, Tiburon, Denebian, Klingon, Romulan, Bajoran, Standard

Personal History T'mpest's parents met while her mother was teaching literature at a University on Vulcan. Her father was teaching at the Vulcan Science Academy. Damiana wanted to name her daughter after one of her favorite Shakespeare characters, but Samul refused. He wanted her to have a Vulcan name. So Damiana used the title of one of Shakespeare's plays, changing it just enough to appear Vulcan. Damiana occasionally calls her daughter "Tempest" in spite of her husband's wishes.

T'mpest was born on Vulcan, but grew up on Vulcan, Alpha Centauri XII, Deneb V, Tiburon, and Terra (Earth), as her father was a professor and guest lecturer for many years, teaching at numerous institutes of higher learning.

Among her other studies, T'mpest studied each world's culture and history. Her mother is of the Clan Lindsay (although her great-great-grandfather dropped "Lindsay" from his name due to a family quarrel). T'mpest occasionally wears a tartan sash with her uniform to show her pride in her Scottish heritage. She also wears her IDIC pin to show her Vulcan heritage. When she joined the Federation, she added her mother's last name to her own because she didn't feel Vulcan enough to have just one name.

She prefers the feel and smell of paper books and usually has at least one book on her person at any given time. She travels with a small library of books in her quarters. Most of her home on Vulcan is filled with books on various subjects. The hot, dry air of Vulcan is almost perfect for the preservation of old books and journals. While in Starfleet, T'mpest prefers to travel with copies of books in case any get damaged.

T'mpest's father, Samul, is a research scientist specializing in communications and science and expects his children to do the same. He currently works with planets in the Federation to help them improve their current communication systems and science scanners. He also continues to lecture. His research has led to many advances in interstellar communications and scientific scanning abilities of the Federation.

Her mother, Damiana Michaels, is a former professor of 16th and 17th Century History and Literature from Earth. She collects antiques, primarily art, historical materials and books. As she is not particular about where the artifacts come from -- as long as they don't get her in trouble -- she has become friends with a number of interesting characters, including the Grand Nagus and a pirate or two.

Her brother, Sared, has followed in his father's footsteps and currently teaches communications at Starfleet Academy. He has published several papers on the importance of security in communications systems. He also holds three patents on computer security programs currently in use in Starfleet.

T'mpest graduated with honors from the Vulcan Science Academy, and then accepted a position on the faculty. She taught archaeology, computers and the history of various Federation planets. After seven years of teaching, her craving to explore and learn more grew too much to ignore. She joined Starfleet and learn first-hand about other cultures and people.

She also wanted to compare the various worlds and cultures to the books written about them. This has led to the publication of a number of articles in scholarly journals. She has won several awards for her research on ancient civilizations. To keep her Starfleet and academic lives separate, she publishes under the pseudonym of "Burke."

T'mpest began her Starfleet career as a Diplomat, then transferred to Science, then to Intel and back to Science.

She became the XO, then the CO of the USS Ranger.

Service Record T'mpest graduated top of her class in science and diplomacy from Starfleet Academy.

Served aboard the USS Alioth, a science vessel, in both science and communications. As the ship was small, she also served as Ambassador pro-temp, negotiating several treaties with colonies on the outer edges of the galaxy (2 years).

Served on the USS Kelly as science officer for (2 years).

Served on the USS Endeavor as Chief Diplomat. After playing a key role in the Abydos mission, she was offered the post of Chief Science Officer, where she served for a year.

Promoted Lieutenant Commander on stardate 63845.1 for excellent performance.

Promoted Commander on stardate 64357 for outstanding performance as Chief Science Officer.

Assisted John Gifford, Endeavor's Chief Intelligence Officer, with several assignments. This led to her being asked to switch to Intelligence. Always enjoying a challenge, T'mpest accepted a demotion to Lieutenant Commander and a chance to serve aboard the USS Archimedes as Chief Intelligence Officer.

After serving for almost a year as Chief Intelligence Officer, she was offered the position of Chief Science Officer. A year later, she was given the rank of Commander and promoted to Executive Officer.

She served as Executive Officer for four years, then, when the captain was transferred, she was promoted to captain and given command of the USS Ranger.

Spent two years working for Starfleet Sciences. Promoted to commodore.

Transferred to Deep Space 5 as temporary commander while the captain took bereavement leave. When Captain Soran chose not to return, the transfer became permanent.

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Duty Shift Alpha

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]