
New Intel

Posted on Fri Mar 14, 2025 @ 3:58pm by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III

822 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Tergum In Tempus
Location: Security Office
Timeline: 1.5 days before the attack


As it was a fairly slow day on the station, Annora was using it to work on some admin tasks she'd been pushing off. Her task was interrupted by the chime of an incoming message. Setting aside the data-padd, she accepted the call.

"Colonel Means." She said as the image of the Marine Commander appeared. "What can I do for you?"

His manner was hurried but calm as it wasn't his first for situations like this. "Is the channel secure on your end?"

There was a certain sense of urgency and seriousness in her counterpart's voice. Annora keyed in her security code into the console. "It is now. Why the secrecy?"

Once confirmed he went directly into the reason for his call.
"I was warned of a pending attack on the planet and the station by the Cardassians, by Lt. Wells no less. I mean I have no reason to doubt her but something like this would normally come from the Captain or XO. She didn't get into details but I assume she contacted me because there is either a mole or the senior staff is being watched. ...again just an assumption. but it fits."

It was a a bit odd for the science officer to be the one raising the alarm of a pending attack on DS5. Not that Annora had reason to doubt the woman, it just was outside of her wheelhouse. Unless, as the Colonel pointed out, she had information and didn't feel comfortable telling the Command Staff.

"I can't say I'm surprised about all this, although it is interesting this isn't coming from standard channels. Regardless, we should begin planning as if this is One-hundred percent confirmed."

There were times in the past when she acted on intel that came from unconventional channels, so it wasn't entirely unheard of. If nothing else, it was better to prepare for an attack that didn't happen than do nothing and be caught flat-footed. Annora listened as the Colonel continued talking.

"As you know the majority of my Marines are on the surface but I can begin returning enough to the station, without appearing to do so, so that we can defend both locations."

In a second window, Annora pulled up a list of various security plans to defend the station. After the riot on the promenade she convinced the Admiralty to provide extra security personnel. Still, it was a large station to defend.

"I appreciate the info and the offer of help. I'm rarely one to turn down extra troops, at the same time I don't want you to spread your own forces thin on the planet. The portals are bound to be a target as well."

"Agreed, and we are planning to position ourselves to defend both the portals and the research complex, but I still feel we should bring some back to the station...clandestinely. There is still two platoons that are still on the station, but without the full detachment on the station they won't be able to cover our emergency stations."

The Colonel's offer was of no surprise to Annora. While the 2 groups had their primary jurisdictions, they often worked hand in hand as the need arose. "You know the situation down on the planet better than I do. Send who you feel you can spare. I'll have my team leads do a review of security protocols up here and do some digging of my own. Not to doubt Miss Wells, but perhaps I can find some extra evidence for her claims. For the moment, we'll leave out the Command Staff. If I find anything I'll let you know."


"Roger that. Means out."

As soon as the channel closed he was headed back to the mobile command center with his company commanders and his senior NCOs. The plans for the deployments of their heavy vehicles, transports, Marine fighters, and personnel. The Marines still on the station were mostly support staff, those needing to update various requirements, or those on some form of disciplinary restriction...but they were still Marines. "We need to get some of our people back to the station...I want 2 companies rotated back over the next 24 hours."

"Sir, that will leave us..."

"With 5 companies. We can pull most by reducing those in the research station and here in the camp by half. We can pull the rest by thinning the main deployments. What ever the Cardassians are planning they aren't expecting us to know they are coming. As soon as they arrive we let them gain ground here and here. We redeploy our squad and rapid assault vehicles to here and here. As soon as the Cardassians reach this point everyone ones fire and the fighters come in from the west to hit them from above and take out anything try to bug out. Get it done."


Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Lt. Colonel Nicholas Means III
Marine CO



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