Lieutenant Commander Cara Letsul

Name Cara Aimee Letsul

Position Chief Diplomatic Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Betazed
Age 45
Date of Birth August 26, 2351

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 135
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description
Physical Description Cara stands at the height of five foot, five inches. Her hair is black, and naturally curly, and when wet hits about middle of the back, when dry just below the shoulder blades. At times she can get frustrated with her hair, it seeming to have a mind of its own. She is in good physical condition due to her penchant for dancing. Her love for dancing carrying over into the way she walks and moves, almost like a dance in and of itself. Her eyes are black typical of the Betazoid race, sparkling, full of life.


Father Adam Letsul (Age 80)
Mother Aisanna Denae (Age 78)
Brother(s) Elias deceased
Robert (Living) Age 49
Sister(s) Tabia and Tira (twins) (Age: 47)
Other Family Brother in Law Lucien LaCroix (Husband of Tira Letsul)

Betazoid Side of Family

Grandmother Elsae Denae Age a spry 95
Grandfather Eirim Oheida Spry 95
Aunt: Hunnhi (Aunt Honey)

Father's Side

Aunt: Zanna Toril
Uncle: Remy
Aunt: Auriane
Cousin: Katy Toril and Adira Toril Harrington
Both Paternal Grandparents are deceased.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Cara has a outgoing, warm, easy going nature, pleasant to be around which is vital to being a counselor. She has a great deal of patience, but her patience can be worn thin at times. It has been said she can have a calming affect on people. Cara is a born problem solver, and has the drive and persistence in wanting to solve or help resolve difficulties. Cara does have a slow burning fuse, slow to anger but when she gets angry, it can either be a cold anger. or a brief flash of anger like a sudden tropical squall. Does have an air of authority as well due to her rank.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths

Her tenacity is a strength but that tenacity can turn into a stubborn streak which she normally can control. It does however get a tight control of her on occasions, until she can think her way out of it.
+Hard Working
+Slow to anger


-Stubborn at times
-Seems to attract strange occurrences (weirdness magnet)
-Has headaches from time to time.
-Impulsive sometimes
-Can seem to be a small amount of being eccentric. Probably due to her passion for gardening.
Talks to her plants.

- Due to breaking up with a man she's loved for quite sometime, Cara is hesitant about getting into a total committed relationship with anyone. Commitment as in getting married. She doesn't feel like it is in the cards for her.
Ambitions Professional- Cara has become more than what she had intended. Moving up the ranks to a rear-admiral which she wasn’t expecting. She’d like to dump said rank and do something else, what that is she doesn’t know. She has attained her goal as to not being an Admiral anymore.

Personal- Cara at one time wanted her own family, to share her life with a significant other. However in some aspect she may have found family, by chance. She hopes to develop a familial relationship with Adira Toril.
Hobbies & Interests Dancing is one of her great loves. It keeps her physically fit, takes care of tension. Yoga, Capoeira, Wushu and Tai Chi. She also knows Atemi. Acro Dancing, Gymnastics and Acrobatics.

Gardening, she tends to have a mini garden that she travels with about the size of a flower box. Plays the piano. Loves the theater (Acting and watching) Makeup artist. And loves to utilize her skills in acting. Has gone in disguise before on several occasions. Reading. And sings.

Art of massage, reflexology and acupressure which is good for relaxation and take the tension away. Aromatherapy and natural herbal healing. Cooking. Loves to go camping and swims. She has taken up sailing due to the influence of Fernandez and Brina. Also took up fencing due to Brina and Fernandez. With what she had faced during her time with the NEC, Cara felt she needed to learn better skills. She even learned how to shoot antique weapons. She also took up horse riding due to a former boyfriend of hers.
Orientation Heterosexual
Language(s) Spoken Betazed, Federation Standard and French. Italian, Spanish, Klingon, Gaelic, Japanese. Orion
Languages Betazed, Federation Standard and French. Italian, Spanish, Klingon, Gaelic, Japanese. Orion

Personal History History Born to Adam and Aisanna Letsul On the USS Venture. Father Security, Mother-counselor. Cara is the baby of the family, She had two older brothers, Robert and Elias, Twin older Sisters, Tabia and Tira. Elias died in the Dominion War. He was in Intelligence.

Around the time Cara was sixteen, 2367 the battle of Wolf 359 happened, and the encroachment of the Borg cube heading towards Earth. The Federation had taken a heavy blow, almost being destroyed. After the Borg Cube had been stopped, there arose a need for more people to help step in to help them recover. Like in times of war, there was a call for new recruits, and Cara was one to answer it. Even though she as sixteen. She passed the tests and was admitted in.

A year in the normal academy, then she was transferred into the Medical Academy. She stayed there for a full four years. She also had a side education of Horticulture. After graduating, she served a year as part of the counseling team on the Destiny, then was transferred to the USS King George.

========================Sealed Files==========================
The counseling team Cara was supposedly a part of was instead a cover of Cara being in training for Intelligence under the tutelage of her older brother Elias and Captain Vasal of Intelligence. She was 22 at the time. She was two years with them then she left.


Her life became, how can a person put this? Interesting when she arrived. From the get go she proved to not be the normal cookie cutter counselor. With the Captain of the USS King George Nicholas Hall, they cooked up an intervention for the XO of the USS King George to get him to bond with the crew more and to not be a recluse. It worked. It took place on the HMS Emile using a copy of the XO's personal program, and some of the crew as well as marines took part on it. It was a secret until he was personally escorted by several Marines. Which included her friend, who was then Lance Corporal Brina Tracy.

She had realized that there was the Orion engineer who had feelings for the XO and deciding that there needed something to be done, she kissed the XO as part of being a pirate wench on the mouth. There ensued a brawl, Cara being attacked by the woman who felt like Cara was encroaching on her territory. It had the results Cara had wished for and then some. It snapped the engineer out of her blues. Cara had received a small cut on her belly when the XO got into the mess and separated the two brawling wild cats as he had called them utilizing his Epee to keep Cara and the other woman apart. During the scenario, Cara had been carried off by hologram Pirates but was able to get away. The whole scenario ended when LC Brina Tracy took a shot to the forehead from the hologram Pirate dropping her to the deck of the historical ship in the 1700's.

Cara was starting a relationship with the Chief of Science, Doril ,she was also having feelings for the XO.

She along with the crew, had to deal with saboteurs, and the attempted assassination of the diplomat they were to be delivering to his home. Said saboteur was found in the Tun Tavern, marine country. Continued on the road of romance with Doril.

Next mission involved ancient gates which caused the crew of the USS King George V swapped psyches going into an alternate universe, where Star Fleet never existed and the tech was old school. No replicator, Cara found herself in her alternate self which had a scar down her right side of her face, and no access to her natural telepathy. And the woman was her complete opposite, cold unbending, scary, and had a riding crop as part of her ensemble. it took them and their counter parts who were sort of telepathically active to switch themselves back to where they needed to be. Doril had tapped into his alter ego and started to have feelings for the Vulcan doctor. Invariably he left not being able to cope with the feelings he had for both women. This broke Cara's heart but she pushed it aside. She had to.

She helped the intelligence officer whom she found was a distant relative of hers. Come out of his comatose state along with the help of the Vulcan doctor. However there had developed a connection between the three, though with time the one connection with he Vulcan doctor disappeared later on as she left with her husband.

She became the XO for Captain Fernandez for the King George V

Time moved on, and an abandoned base left behind by another race, was refitted for the NEC ( New Exploration Command) Cara found herself in another role of Chief of Staff and Operations also helping to design the Hydroponics of the base. With cooperation of those there, it was turned into a self sufficient place. An academy was placed there, as well as areas for diplomats to hold functions. Cara was one of the Instructors there at the academy.

Another wrinkle that appeared was a tribe of sentient cats which spoke telepathically which they termed Mindsong. Those living there had been turning in reports of stolen tools and items, and having dizzy spells due to the felines utilizing their natural ability to mask themselves. And the felines called themselves Treecats. Cara ended up being the 'bridge' for the Treecats and the humans to communicate and have them become part of the Federation.

Later on a message came to their attention, sending the main crew members of the USS King George to hunt for the missing Scientist Jon Carter. Someone whom Cara had dated a while back ago. Captain Fernandez was feeling jealousy about finding out that she had connections to said Scientist. Also he was angry due to the fact she stood against his wanting to hurt the scientist and she backed him down. That led to some icy feelings between them.

They went to a planet called Baelek V, where they met a species whom gave them the clue to finding the next place Carter had gone too. This led them to Akaza Station, a place visited by people from all walks of life. From report it was a place of scum and villainy. Fernandez went on the mission for he was more experienced and had the connections due to his work with Star Fleet Intelligence. Cara stayed onboard the King George V. She at one time thought she saw the image of her alter ego from the other place. The crew had help on the station by a dark pink skinned girl, who had been enslaved and put into gladiator fights. Her name was L'Ral. She was convinced that the person who rescued her from her 'owner' was her new master.

Cara had to get her out of her slave mindset. L'Ral in time realized that she was free and then became an owner of a restaurant.

Next they followed the clues which led to the ancient gate which had caused them problems having to go through to another place to find yet more clues. They found the place where the Treecats were from. Admiral Hall disappeared when following after his now wife Brina, who was chasing after a treecat who had stolen the key to operate the gate ways. Brina returned but he didn't. Several days later, when they left the gateway after leaving Admiral Hall reappeared. Cara had also gotten lost in the halls of the ancient way station, for that was what it turned out to be.

Next they followed the clues to where, Jon Carter was at, to the world called ION. Which was high in psionics. There was a trap waiting planted by enemies called the Drax, which plucked the USS King George and sent the ship to the planet, they were able to land mostly safe but it was a hard landing, the ship was able to get off planet once the machine was turned off. There they found not only Jon Carter but also the original crew of the King George, that had been missing.

Time passed on the station was coming along nicely but they had to deal with a convention of diplomats, plus a crystal that had activated making some problems with time aberrations, dinosaurs appeared then disappeared, people turned old then returned back to normal . The Marines and other fleet individuals went on the hunt while Captain Cara and Commodore Fernandez were left to make certain the diplomats were safe and none the wiser of what was going on. Cara got to have a dance with Fernandez, it was a dream come true. They seemed to be in synch with one another. He became an Rear Admiral when Admiral Hall stepped down and was reassigned.

Later on Cara was raised to being a commodore to be in charge of a small fleet of ships with her being in command once more of the USS Boadicea. The small group of ships took aid to those needing it.

One day Rear Admiral Fernandez disappeared with an experimental ship, leaving Cara to step into Acting in command. Liking how well she was running things they prevailed upon her to take on the rank of Rear Admiral feeling it fitting for her to be such. Since Cara was so familiar with the design of the NEC, and had a hand in planning the refit, she accepted. She felt it was her duty, and honor to do so for the people there.

Ten years passed by, Cara is now 45, all her friends/family had moved on about their lives. She had changed, maybe even grown but she was now tired. She has had too many failed relationships. Each one she had learned something from. She hadn't even really been able to take a break for others needed her. To quote a familiar phrase, the needs of the many outweighed the needs of the few or the one. She caught wind of something going on in the background of things, Cara knew that her friend and adopted sister was probably needed somewhere, and knowing that her friend/sister was hearing an inner call, she and Nicholas made connections. to help Brina go to where she needed.

Cara was ready to take a step back, find out who she is now. maybe make a new start. She had taken a sabbatical, a well deserved one. With her mess of a personal life, losing four boyfriends plus a fiancé' and seeing a shadowy form after each love interest left. She felt it was time to leave. Her destination SB50.

Cara had found out she had a cousin named Adira Toril, however she only has scant memories of a young child. Now she has come face to face with a Mirror Universe version of the cousin she had never met. Who knows what is in store for those two in the coming days.

Another development that has taken place is that Cara no longer has T'Mar's Katra in her mind and she has said goodbye to the man whom she has loved for quite a long time. Lupe Fernandez. Now she wants to have a little bit of fun without the worry of someone interrupting her from experiencing this.

Cara had requested that she have her rank lowered from Rear Admiral to that of Commander. It is something that rarely happens, but it has been done before. She also wanted to go back to her roots of being in counseling. Cara only got this done on one condition, that she also becomes part of the Command Team. Cara agreed.

Later several changes happened in command, Cara became a Captain once more, and ran the station for a short time until Star Fleet decided to change command once more. Things changed drastically afterrwards.

A meeting with her mother who had taken a trip on the USS Majestic to help a friends Daughter helped Cara to regain her own memories of an Ancient Waystation. It had appeared near the Carlson Nebula in the Gamma Quadrant. This was an ancient waystation of which she availed herself of. Taking herself and others with her to step back into the past. This gives her a secret, along with those with her of being from a future timeline.

This time Cara has taken a new path, that of being a Chief Diplomat,
Service Record Service Record Star Fleet Academy
Ensign on the Destiny as part of the counseling team.
Transferred to USS King George V as Counselor
Made XO of USS King George V
Transferred to NEC as Chief of Staff and Operations.
Captain of the USS Boadicea
Became Commodore still in command of the Boadicea
Then raised to Rear Admiral.
Currently on Sabbatical on SB50 working as a bar tender/waitress/bus person at the The Admiral on Deck: Bar & Grill
Has Voluntarily Downgraded her rank to that of Commander, and part of the command staff on SB50 Poseidon Station.

No longer on Sabbatical. Cara is no longer an Admiral. She was able to get her rank reduced to Commander and has now joined the Command Staff of SB50. Also is now the chief counselor on the station.

A return to service, as a Commander instead of a Rear Admiral. She has also become part of the Command Team of SB50 as well as a secondary position, that of Chief Counselor.

2394 or 2395 Back to service but as a Chief Diplomat

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