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Getting the Band Back Together (Part III)

Posted on Tue Sep 10, 2024 @ 12:20pm by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & R'gelis Stadi & Tannis Tarkelion & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant T'Lul & Lieutenant JG Anson Lee & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Civilian Jason Haines
Edited on on Fri Sep 13, 2024 @ 10:48am

1,329 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Tergum In Tempus
Location: Pangaea
Timeline: MD 02 1100


"Trace, those people coming at us are safe", Jason said while running. "If anything happens to me, run right to them, understand."

A weak 'uh-huh' came from Trace, his head buried into his chest.


At the sound of running feet, Anson Lee turned, bringing his rifle to bear. Those were not Cardassians, and he jerked the rifle upwards before he accidentally shot someone. "Friendlies, incoming."

Alanna sought for any telepaths among the Starfleet personnel. If she could connect with one of them, she could let them know who she was and what they were running from.

With the Cardassians focused on running down the civilians, it made it easier for the security team to get a drop on the soldiers. Annora and Bazer shifted right while the others moved left, their targets soon coming into view. The dual warnings from Lee and Bazer came almost simultaneously about non-combatants being mixed in with the Cardassians.

Signaling the team with a raised fist, Annora paused them while assessing their next move. With the others keeping watch for any surprises, it was decided to have the newcomers move forward.
"Good eye Lt. We'll have them come to us. Bazer send a message back to them."

As the Betazoid tried telepathically, Annora raised both arms to shoulder height. Palms facing inwards, she bent her arms at the elbows as she beckoned the still unknown figures forward.

Alanna needed to be sure the Cardassians wouldn't shoot them first. Then she looked at Jason. "They want us to come to them."

To Anson’s mind, the best thing about the Cardassians was that their uniforms looked nothing like anything anyone not from Cardassia would wear. Stiff things that shaped their silhouette and the way Cardassians moved. That means that with two groups, one friend, one not, coming at them from the same direction, he doesn’t have to focus on details to tell which is which. But he still can’t just fire at will. The last thing he needs is the wrong person running into his line of fire.

Jason was trying to keep his eyes on all going on, but running with Trace in his arms was difficult as the young boy was scared and squirming. Jason didn't see a rock coming and fell to the grand. He knew his knee got ripped up, but he had one thing to do. Moving ahead, he shielded Trace with his body yelling, "Don't move."

Klingon Bird of Prey...Nearing their location.

"Commander! I am detecting a group of Cardassians closing on what appears to be Federation survivors."

Charghwl'IH, Ambassador to what had been Deep Space Five, looked to the ship's commander as he and Geral stood nearby.

"Eliminate them!"

Swooping in the Bird of Prey rained down a barrage of fire that decimated the Cardassian forces. Hovering for a moment the ship rotated slowly before landing on the other side of some trees. A few minutes after landing a several Klingons escorting the Charghwl'IH and Geral, emerged.

Jason covered his ears as the blasts were loud and he never had been this close to a ship's thrusters before.

Charg grinned humorously at the man covering his ears, but as he neared he recognized the former intel officer. "Clapping him on the shoulder. Mr. Haines! Good to see that you are still with us. It has been too long! Ready for another hunt?"

Jason smiled and said, "Good to see you as well Ambassador and indeed too long. And as much as I would love the glory to hunt with you and your men, I must honor my word, to get the young acting-ensign here..." indicating the very young, dirty, and slightly bloody, boy who was hiding a touch behind Jason's leg, "... back to his parents like I promised him I would and I also need to find the captain as I said I would."

Alanna moved closer to Jason. She recognized both men and was glad to see that they were still alive. It meant there was a chance they could find Soran.

While the Ambassador did his thing Geral moved over to what had been the station's Science officer. "Lt Wells, Sha'rae was in a near panic say you needed us. And what this about Maritza being alive." Throwing his hand up and the sky, still streaked by debris entering the atmosphere. "Turvan and his lackey's took great pleasure in showing me when she was blown out the sky."

"She was, but she survived. I tracked her vital signs before they disappeared. I believe she's being held by the fey of this world. Or one of them." She glanced at Jason and then back. "She needs to be rescued for the sake of this planet and our future. She is the one who controls the portals and you are the best person to bring her back." There was too much at stake right now to prevaricate.

There had been only a hand-full of times that Geral was struck speechless. This was one of them. But her statement left him with more questions than answers. After closing his mouth, several rapid blinks and a shaking of his head, his questions flowed."Waitwaitwait...are you saying Maritza is some kind of Emissary? Why me? How does she control the portals? If she's so important are these Fey trying to stop her or protect her? ..."

"I don't know for sure," Alanna admitted. "I had the portal complex officially put under Federation Science to protect it from the Cardassians, but the truth is that this planet obeys the captain of DS5 and the portals work for us because of that. If she dies or if we can't recover her and the Cardassians take control, they will have access to the portals. That is why it's imperative you save her."

As the security team motioned for the other survivors to join them, Tihr noticed more Cardassians emerging from the tree line.
"Lieutenant!" shouted the Andorian.

Annora jerked her rifle back up as she contemplated her options. They were currently out of range but that would soon change. There was no point to have the others provide over-watch when a large group of hostiles were descending upon their location.
=/\= Akioika, we have more targets inbound. We'll make our stand here. Bring the others down to join us. Strip the weapons off the downed troops if you're able. =/\=

While the odds were against them, it was the best option to give them a fighting chance. Before anyone had a chance to significantly close the gap, a load roar filled the air. A Klingon Bird of Prey swooped in, weapons hot, decimating any Cardassian opposition. Annora then watched as the ship landed just in-front of the tree line, discharging a small group of Klingons. Among which was the Empire's ambassador to the recently destroyed station.

The discussions about the Captain being held by the Fae confused her as much as the Klingons. For the moment she remained silent, letting Jason and Alanna hash out the details.

R'gelis and Tannis led T'lul out of the woods and stopped when they saw the large gathering. The two Romulans held their hands slightly away from their bodies so none of the security or Marines would think they were carrying weapons. "Alanna."

The science officer looked over and smiled. "Glad you made it."

T'Lul observed the large gathering and held her right hand upwards in the traditional V-shaped Vulcan greeting. "Live long and prosper. Have you encountered anyone else from the station?"

(To be continued...)

Jason Haines
Civilian Ne'er-do-well

Civilian child

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer, Deep Space 5
Chief Archaeologist, Pangaea

Lieutenant Annora Tesaro
Chief Security Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant JG Anson Lee
Assistant Chief Security Officer
Deep Space 5

Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador

Geral Lasuma
Lasuma Enterprises
Deep Space 5

R'gelis Stadi
Romulan Scientist

Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor
Deep Space 5

Tannis Tarkelion.
Romulan Scientist


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