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Getting the Band Back Together (Part II)

Posted on Tue Sep 10, 2024 @ 11:52am by Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Master Sergeant Miranda Schultz & R'gelis Stadi & Tannis Tarkelion & Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant T'Lul & Lieutenant JG Anson Lee & Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson & Civilian Jason Haines
Edited on on Tue Sep 10, 2024 @ 1:15pm

1,371 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Tergum In Tempus
Location: Pangaea
Timeline: MD 02 0900


Tannis turned to the Vulcan. "You are known. How can we be of help?"

"The Station has been destroyed. I was able to arrange transport and ended up here. I am seeking all those that survived. Protocol dictates that we attempt to reach Starfleet, debrief, and await further assignment. Lieutenant Wells has been here for some time, so she could connect us with all the other survivors."


"We know where your Marines are stationed," R'gelis said. "And where Alanna and her scientists have been working."

"Most of the colonists are dead. The few that remain have scattered," Tannis added. "The Marines are closer unless Alanna can bring her shuttle."

"That is..." the Counselor looked for the appropriate word before settling on, "unfortunate." She moved closed to Tannis. "The marines are outside of my chain of command, although I can counsel them, so I do not believe that it is appropriate to call them mine. Lieutenant Wells and I are of the same rank. She has seniority. It is appropriate that I report to her."

"Very well. We will ask her where to meet," Tannis said. She pulled out her PADD and sent a message that would bounce off several receivers before getting to Alanna.

"While we wait for a reply, I suggest we find somewhere less noticeable in case we need to meet the shuttle," R'gelis added.

"Who are the threats?" T'Lul asked, moving along to somewhere less conspicuous. "Still Cardassians and Xi-Cadians? An update on our situation would be helpful."

"The portals are still contested--for now. They cannot fall," Tannis said. "And yes, our enemies are still the Cardassians and Xi-Cadians. Alanna has been monitoring their activity and sending us and other scientists out to...interfere. Now, we don't know what is next. We should regroup at Bag End, but that will depend on if it is still safe."

"I believe a human proverb adequately sums up where I have beamed in: Out of the frying pan and into the fire," T'Lul commented. "I was in charge of the resistance on Deep Space 5. I believe that my experiences with them on the station would be helpful. However, I do not know why our place of regrouping should be in a Hobbit Hole, specifically that of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins. That is the reference to Bag End, is it not?"

Tannis grinned. "That is where the name comes from, yes. I believe it is because she refers to it as a hole in the ground. It is the scientific research station and our headquarters."

"Interesting. I shall have to discuss this further with Lieutenant Wells, when we get the opportunity. How long until we arrive?"

R'gelis led the way toward Bag End, but then Tannis stopped. "I just got a message from Alyssa. She's not far from here. We can meet here there then discuss where to go."

"Fortuitous," T'Lul answered and continued to allow herself to be led.

[PANGAEA - Outside the Colony Site]

Terry moved gingerly as he went about his duties trying to help people. Most of the medical supplies they had gotten off the boat were either lost in debris or destroyed. Still, he had a job to do. The Colonel was his check on. No one had come out unscathed.

"Colonel Means", Terry said, looking a bit like a racoon given the dirt and dust he was covered in. He wasn't going to waste water on something as mundane as washing given their current survival needs. "I came to check on your wounds."

Means was dirt covered and tired, like all his Marines were. The fighting had been complicated by the station’s debris raining down across the area. The colony itself had been spared by a large impact had hit near there rally point and all of them had been caught by the blast wave.

Ash from the fires was still falling as Means sat leaning against a fallen tree and he simply nodded as Terry looked him over. "How are the rest holding up?"

Terry scanned the Colonel. He had a few bumps and bruises, but all in all he was ok.

"Fifteen dead, ten with critical injuries", he said. "Unless they get help within 24 hours, we'll probably lose at least half. Everyone else is hurting, but all recoverable. We are out of most meds, so I am not sure how effective they'll stay."

Looking up at the debris streaking above. "Take a team and see if there is anything left of the colonies medical station. I will get with the Klingon and have them send out a call for medical assistance."

"Yes, sir", Terry said and motioned to the three nearby medics in shape enough to move."

Miranda Schultz nodded and headed over to follow Terry.

[PANGAEA - Near Tessaro and Lee]

As the two security officers started to coordinate their movements, they heard a series of phaser shots. They could hear a combination of Federation Standard and Cardassian shouts. They couldn't quite make out what was being said the individuals seemed to be a bit away.

Jason, Alanna, and Brianthe had made good time coming from Bag End, until about fifteen minutes ago. Trace wouldn't let go of Jason, so he had to allow Alanna and Brianthe to fend off a patrol of eight Cardassians that had gotten the jump on them. They were no longer interested in taking prisoners. Their weapons set to kill blew away the few remaining trees as the three of them ran as there was no cover for them.

Alanna didn't have a phaser with her and with the way the Cardassians were blowing away trees, hiding wasn't an option. She almost wished they'd come in the shuttle, even though that, too, could be a liability.

So, she sent both Bri and Jason telepathic messages to be careful and started setting traps for the Cardassian soldiers. They were simple ones as she couldn't pause long, but if they slowed them down at all, the traps would be worth it.

The two teams had just started forming up when the telltale whine of phaser fire broke through their conversation.
"That's Cardassian weapons mixed in with Federation. I recognize that sound."

Annora had no reason to doubt Mr. Hogan's assessment of the situation. He had the first-hand experience she didn't, and no one was contradicting the security officer turned shopkeeper.

"All-right change of plans. Bazer, Tihr, Chief, Lee you're with me. We're going to remind the Cardassians that this is still a Federation planet, and they don't belong here."

She could just barely make out the figures running away from what remained of the tree line, but couldn't make out individual faces.
"Fire as soon as think you can take the shot. No need to wait for further orders." She reminded the group as they moved forward.

Phaser rifles had a longer range than the handheld version. Lee took a deep breath, lined up his shot and watched one of the Cardassians hit the ground. Dead, injured, or just taking cover, he couldn't tell, but it would give them time to close the distance.

Alanna tried to keep up with Jason. Whatever happened, she was not going to get separated from him. They needed some place they could hide. Or they needed to find the Marines, but she was afraid they were headed in the wrong direction for that.

Jason caught eye of the group of people coming towards them, so he adjusted his direction slightly as he could tell one was an Andorian due to the color.

"Trace, those people coming at us are safe", Jason said while running. "If anything happens to me, run right to them, understand."

A weak 'uh-huh' came from Trace, his head buried into his chest.

(To be continued...)

R'gelis Stadi
Romulan Scientist

Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor
Deep Space 5

Tannis Tarkelion.
Romulan Scientist

Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson

Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III
Marine CO
Deep Space 5

Master Sergeant Miranda Schultz

Lieutenant Annora Tesaro
Chief Security Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant JG Anson Lee
Assistant Chief Security Officer
Deep Space 5

Civilian child

Jason Haines
Civilian Ne'er-do-well

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer, Deep Space 5
Chief Archaeologist, Pangaea


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