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Getting the Band Back Together (Part I)

Posted on Tue Sep 10, 2024 @ 11:36am by R'gelis Stadi & Tannis Tarkelion & Commander N'Evran & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant T'Lul & Lieutenant JG Anson Lee & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel
Edited on on Tue Sep 10, 2024 @ 12:47pm

1,397 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Tergum In Tempus
Location: Pangaea
Timeline: MD 02 0900


Lieutenant Clara Daly finished double checking her results and tuned towards the center seat of the USS Janus. "Commander, I'm picking up life signs on the planet from an area well away from the Pangea colony, and the major debris fields. Also, a potential distress signal from roughly the same area."

"Can you determine the number of life signs?" N'Evran asked.

"I'm getting a lot of interference. It’s hard to be sure. Fifty, maybe?"

"Has that area been designated an emergency rendezvous area?", he asked, wondering if this was just an ad-hoc grouping or if there would be more potential survivors arriving.

"Patch the distress call in."

"Opening channel now."

Once again Dorian Gabriel found himself as survivor after making a crash landing onto a planet during the battle. The aged Dominion War veteran had sworn to himself that he would never find himself in such a situation again. However, life had a way of playing itself out. Dorian looked around at the other individuals, mostly Starfleet and a few civilians who were able to fit into the shuttle bay prior to departure. In total 16 individuals, out of a compliment of 23, found themselves far away from the Pangea colony amongst the rubble of the Runabout Zambia.

"Is the comm unit still working?" Dorian asked to Lt. Kivan Ta'Gas, one of the more senior Engineering Officers to have survived the attack. Now the Cardassian/Bajoran found himself having to serve as the Communication Officer of the motley crew of survivors.

"This is the USS Janus", N'Evran said. "I am Commander N'Evran, who am I speaking with and what is your status."

Given there was no response, N'Evran paused and said, "Set course to bring us down near the signal source", N'Evran said. "It will create a base of operation and also allow Federation communicators connect to us."

"Aye, sir", the CONN officer replied.

"Watch out for craters", N'Evran said. "We don't need to find ourselves sliding into a hole."


There was an old adage circulated among various military and security agencies, 'no plan survives first contact with the enemy'. Up until the present moment, Annora always turned to Boathea as the most frustrating example of that concept. On paper it should have been an easy planet to secure, instead the planet was surprisingly fortified and re-enforced with Nausicaan mercenaries. After several failed attempts, Starfleet and the Coalition troops chose to bypass the planet and it's rich dilithium deposits. Now, the takeover and subsequent destruction of DS5 took top billing. If her career survived this particular SNAFU, she contemplated taking up a position on a core Federation world that faced less threats. For now, though, it was time to focus on the task at hand.

"I'll take lead of one group, Lt Lee you'll take the other. We'll move in a leapfrog movement, with the second group providing cover and over-watch. Once at the checkpoint, we'll switch off. Our goal is to reach the science compound, and reach it with all personnel alive. Set phasers to level 4, you are cleared to shoot hostiles without warning. Once at the compound, we'll reassess the situation. Any questions?"

Anson checked the settings on his phaser. If nearly dying was his reward for being good at his job, he'd hate to see what being bad at it got him. "Anything I should be watching out for besides Cardassians and their like trying to kill us?"

She got the feeling the young Lieutenant didn't have much combat experience. A lot of Starfleet didn't, with the Dominion War being in the rear-view mirror for around 2 decades. Despite that, he seemed to have a good head on his shoulders.
"There might be other personnel that made it off the station. And many of the Marines were planet-side during the invasion, along with some civilians. Not sure what their numbers are, but I'm sure they'll provide help if able. Other than that, just keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. Like I said, our goal is to reach the compound with everyone still alive."

"I like everyone still alive. Good plan," Lee said.

R'gelis and Tannis had been away from the science colony checking on some "research" for Alanna and keeping an eye on Cardassian activities. It meant that they were away from the area impacted by the destruction of the station. It took the two time to realize what happened and to come to terms with it. They were still feeling a little shell shocked.

Their first priority was to send a covert message to Bag End to let Alanna know they were both alive. That done, they headed for the science colony, keeping to what remained of the woods as much as possible as they didn't know what the Cardassians were up to now.

There was a small musical chime that rang in the air, the telltale sign of a transporter, as a Vulcan materialized before R'gelis and Tannis. The Vulcan had a phaser outstretched from her hand. She was wearing a Federation uniform indicating that she was from sciences, counseling, or medical. "Identify yourselves," the Vulcan told them in a crisp, clear, unemotional tone.

Tannis froze, unsure if this Vulcan was friend or foe.

"Isn't that what we should be asking you?" R'gelis sked. He didn't trust most Starfleet personnel and especially not someone who beamed in front of him and demanded to know who he was.

"There is a certain amount of logic to that; however, protocol would normally dictate that you answer first, given who has a phaser pointed at them. However, I have just beamed here after the station has been destroyed. I am looking for any other Starfleet personnel. My name is Lieutenant T'Lul. Now, would you introduce yourself and tell me where I can find other Starfleet personnel here."

"R'gelis Stadi. This is Tannis Tarkelion. We work--worked in the Romulan Quarter. We've also worked with Lieutenant Wells. There are Marines by a lake. I'm not sure where it is." He was not going to tell this Vulcan where to find the lieutenant. Not without Alanna's permission.

Satisfied with the answer, T'Lul put her phaser down and holstered it. "I remember Alanna Wells. She was in a relationship with Jason Haines. Are they both here?" she inquired. "It is satisfying to hear that she has made it here unscathed. I believe there was a Lieutenant Brianthe Oaxaca that worked under her, as well. I would like to speak to both of them forthwith. Please lead me to them."

"They are on Pangaea, yes," Tannis replied. "We can contact Alanna, but she will have to decide if she wishes to meet with you."

T'Lul considered the situation for a moment. She only had met Alanna once at length and that was in a French pastry shop. Two things of note happened there, as she recalled it. Her boyfriend Jason Haines had indicated his dislike for Vulcans, though what she assumed was politely for him, and she had sampled the anise bread and had some delivered to her quarters. If Alanna was suspicious, certainly nobody could fabricate a Vulcan having a taste for anise bread. "Tell her that bread baked with anise is practically palatable."

Tannis looked from her cousin to the Vulcan, then stepped away to send a message to Alanna. "There is a Vulcan here who says she knows you. And she likes anise in bread."

She knew it could take a minute or two for the message to be bounced from booster to booster. Finally, she got a reply. "T'Lul. Counselor on DS5."

Tannis turned to the Vulcan. "You are known. How can we be of help?"

"The Station has been destroyed. I was able to arrange transport and ended up here. I am seeking all those that survived. Protocol dictates that we attempt to reach Starfleet, debrief, and await further assignment. Lieutenant Wells has been here for some time, so she could connect us with all the other survivors."

(To be continued...)

Lieutenant Clara Daly
Commanding Officer
USS Janus

Commander N'Evran
Executive Officer
Deep Space 5

Dorian Gabriel
Discharged Former Chief of Security
Raddon Corporation
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant Annora Tesaro
Chief Security Officer
Deep Space 5

Lieutenant JG Anson Lee
Assistant Chief Security Officer
Deep Space 5

R'gelis Stadi
Romulan Scientist

Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor
Deep Space 5

Tannis Tarkelion.
Romulan Scientist


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