
  • 32 Mission Posts

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Sun Jul 9, 2023 @ 7:12pm

Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson

Name Terry Henderson

Position Combat Medic

Rank Gunnery Sergeant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28
Date of Birth 6/22/2365

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4"
Weight 195
Hair Color Blond-Brownish
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Terry is a tall and muscular man. He is reasonably handsome. For a large man he holds himself very relaxed and in general doesn’t seem intimidating. That said, he can bring his full frame to bear when needed to make a ‘statement’.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Tom Henderson
Mother Sabrina Henderson
Brother(s) Kyle Henderson (deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Terry has a genuine desire to help people and is friendly and kind. His size sometimes makes people a little skeptical of him, but his demeanor and bed-side manner usually sets most at ease. He is a loyal individual given that his roots are in the Marines.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
Advanced First-aid and ‘meatball surgery’
Phaser use

Sometimes too kind
His loyalty can be exploited
Has a strong dislike of Kzinti
Ambitions obtain the rank of warrant officer
find the cure / a lead on the cure to the disease that killed his brother
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies & Interests
Parrises square
Medical research
Languages Galactic Common

Personal History Terry had a pretty normal life on Earth. He wanted to get into Starfleet, but didn’t care about being an officer, so he enlisted in the Marines where his size and strength would work for him. He got through boot camp fine and was assigned to a fire team in an infantry unit.

When Terry was 20, his brother Kyle got sick and the doctors couldn’t figure out what the issue was. His brother passed away from the illness. This caused Terry to sign-up for corpsman training. After a year of training, Terry was officially a corpsman and spent most of his time being attached to Marine units.

His worst time as a corpsman was when the unit he was with, was ambushed by Kzinti raiders. The Kzinti were unnecessarily cruel and it made Terry have no sympathy for the Kzinti.

Now that he is confident in his medical skills, Terry asked to have his time to be split between the Marine unit on the planet and the base. He wants to reach the rank of Warrant Officer and become specialized in disease research.
Service Record 2382-2383: SFMC Bootcamp
2383-2385: Rifleman, 4th Combined Operations Group, 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit, 8 th Marine Division
2385-2386: Corpsman Training
2386-2393: Corpsman, 2nd Combined Operations Group, 8th Marine Expeditionary Unit, 4th Marine Division
2393 – present: Corpsman, DS 5, 6th Combined Operations Group, 21st Marine Expeditionary Unit, 9th Marine Division

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

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