
  • 22 Mission Posts

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Tue Sep 10, 2024 @ 11:52am

Master Sergeant Miranda Schultz

Name Miranda Schultz

Position Infantryman

Rank Master Sergeant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 29
Date of Birth November 11

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 9"
Weight 145
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Miranda is toned and likes to keep in shape. Her hair, while on duty, is pulled back in a bun.

Afterhours she likes to leave it loose.

She usually wears fatigues on and off duty -- unless she's going out somewhere. Then she likes to dress up.


Father John Schultz
Mother Ingrid Banner
Brother(s) Peter

Personality & Traits

General Overview Miranda works hard and plays hard. She often stops by the lounge after her shift to have a drink and chat with other Marines. She is friendly and cheerful but does not tolerate lack of discipline on duty.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:

Disciplined, friendly, determined, intelligent, thinks outside of the box


Stubborn, occasionally too serious when on duty, focused on her work to the point where she hasn't had much of a social life
Ambitions Simply to be the best. Now that she's been in the Corps for a while, she's beginning to look to retirement. She would one day like to marry and raise a family and simply be a mom.
Hobbies & Interests Woodcarving, fishing, camping, playing the harmonica, dancing, reading.
Languages Standard, German, Romulan

Personal History Miranda was born in Freiberg, Germany. Her father owns a toy factory and her mother is a housewife.

Miranda and her brother, Peter, had a normal childhood. They went to school, played with friends, and helped out in the community. Over all they were a happy family.

But Miranda wasn't content to stay on Earth. She dreamed of traveling through the galaxy on board a starship. Being a member of Starfleet, however, didn't appeal to her. Instead, she was drawn to the Starfleet Marines. Their discipline and hard work appealed to her.

She joined the Corps after leaving school and became an expert in hand-held weapons. She was offered a job as a sniper, but she decided to be a range instructor instead. She enjoyed it when some hot shot Private thought he could out-shoot a 'girl.' Before long, she had a reputation as the best sharpshooter on the base.

When the opportunity came to join a starship, she took it. She continued to work with other Marines to help them with their range qualifications, but also found she enjoyed working with Starfleet security. 

She had a chance to become an officer, but liked being enlisted more. 

She continues to work on improving herself so that she can be the best she can be.

When she heard scuttlebutt about DS5 and their strange planet, she put in for a transfer. The opportunity to work on the planet with other Marines was too good to pass up.

Service Record Graduated from boot camp. Specialized in hand-held weapons and logistics.

Logistics officer, Camp Pendleton
2378-2382: Range Instructor, Camp Pendleton

Served aboard the USS Sarajevo
Served aboard the USS Tokyo
Served in Federation Embassy on Bajor

Served as First Sergeant aboard the USS Alabama
Serves on Deep Space Five and Pangaea.

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

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