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The Shot Heard Around the Quadrant - Part 3

Posted on Mon Oct 9, 2023 @ 9:57pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander N'Evran & Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III & Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant T'Lul & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Anson Lee & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Civilian Hydel Turvan & Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian Sha'rae Astare & Civilian Dorian Torel

5,053 words; about a 25 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Deep Space Five / Pangaea
Timeline: MD58



"But the Transphasic Warp drive is still in the experimental stage." Gul Hulceed said with confusion painted across his face. "Even on a Dumar-class vessel, it could only work for short periods of time before needing calibration. On a vessel the size of a Groumall freighter, the intensity would trigger a warp core breach if just a disruptor beam glanced off of the hull." Gul Hulceed said, still trying to work out what exactly was going on.

"Exactly. . ." Turvan said as he pointed at the viewscreen.

… Now, The Continuation

Klingon Fleet

Within moments of registering the arrival of the smaller and hilariously underequipped vessels, a wing of Bird of Preys broke off and immediately open fired on the vessels. It only took a matter of seconds for the vessels to deteriorate and be consumed in plasma explosions as the warp drives fell under the onslaught of the heavily equipped Klingon vessels.

Unfortunately, the sharp and decisive attack triggered the Transphasic Warp cores to go critical, causing a burst of broadband, high-intensity electromagnetic energy, capable of disrupting magnetic fields and producing current or voltage surges in conductive materials via magnetic induction fields. Each of the 12 vessels had been pre-marked to jump throughout the Klingon formation. The Transphasic Warp field had placed such a significant strain on the respective freighters that the resultant explosion had released a field of energy that consumed any vessel that was within its wake.

Almost instantly, dozens of Klingon vessels began experiencing catastrophic power failures throughout their systems. A cacophony of power failures and plasma surges erupted throughout portions of the 60-strong fleet as the 12 eruptions occurred. Those Klingon vessels that were able to escape the EMP blast were forced to break their tight formation, throwing the block of Klingon vessels into disarray.


"BRING ALL ORBITAL PLATFORMS ONLINE, DECLOACK, AND FIRE AT WILL!" Turvan shouted from the center of the OPS Center. This moment of disorganization is the exact reason he had allowed the invading force to take so much ground in their initial invasion. He knew the Klingons would attack in a large swarm; a number of ships much greater than the Cardassians could bring to bear. So instead, he created a situation in which their greater numbers worked against them.

As the Klingon fleet tried to simultaneously reposition itself and deal with the massive power loss throughout the fleet, dozens of Cardassian Orbital Platforms shimmered into visual confirmation throughout the field of battle and began opening fire on any Klingon vessel within its range. Those that had not been affected by the EMP wake immediately took evasive actions, while other vessels were forced to take the brunt of the plasma volley as they raced to restore their shields.

"STATUS!" Charg's fist slammed against the arm of his chair as he looked at the flickering display. The Cardassians had disabled a third of the ships attacking the station, his ship included, with that energy pulse and now they were getting pummeled by incoming fire. The remain forces had their hands full trying to protect the disabled ship, while engaging the enemy.


The ship was rocketed by another series of blasts. "HULL BREACHES ON DECKS 5, 8, and 13!"

DS5 - Between Decks 59/60 & 61/62

Sgt Major Valez had split his remaining forces in a two-pronged attack to bring down the station's upper shields. There was no way that they would have succeeded with a direct assault on the shield generators themselves or the reactors powering them. The power conduits between the reactors and the primary and secondary generators were another story.

He was manning the hatch and closed it as the last of his team made it to their rally point. No sooner had the hatch sealed than he called out, "FIRE IN THE HOLE" and activated the detonator.

The section buckled from the explosion as the power conduits to the primary and secondary shield generators for the upper section of the station were destroyed.

DS5 - Deck 63

Dorian Torel's former teammates materialized outside the station's secondary operations center and took the area with relative ease. "Seal the doors and get into the...."

The area rock from the detonation a few decks above them.


Moving to Op Centers Master Display the Angosion infiltrator scanned the readout. "Multiple detonations. Seems someone just cut the power to the primary and secondary shield generators for the upper section of the station."

"Seems like we have some help. Tellana. Find them and bring them here so we and coordinate. Joral, get into the computer and see what we can do to aid the attack."

Klingon Flagship

"MY LORD! The station’s upper shield down!"

Grabbing his weapons Charghwl belted his mek'leth and clenched his batleth. "Signal all disabled ships that are capable to transport every warrior to DS5!"

DS5 - Deck 459

As planned, multiple security teams beamed onto the station as soon as the shields were disrupted. The exact location wasn't important, as long as it wasn't smack dab in the middle of the Cardassians. There would be plenty of time to deal with them once teams started pushing forward. Annora’s team materialized, weapons at the ready, along with 3 other teams. After a quick look to get her bearings, the security chief gave orders. "We're near Cargo Bay 74, Akioka take a second team and head there, it will serve as a base of operations."

As the two teams moved off, Annora turned to the Lieutenant running the other team.
"It's your lucky day, you just got attached to one of the main strike teams. Once this deck is secure, we're heading up. We'll disable a fusion generator or two along the way. We'll try to just knock them offline and not destroy them. I promised Engineering we would try to minimize our trail of destruction. After that, we'll try to gain access to a transporter for some internal beaming to get us closer to Ops. I'm LT Tessaro by the way."

"Lee. I'd offered to shake your hand, but, well..." He gestured his head towards his hands gripping his phaser rifle. "I studied the plans on the way here, but you seem to actually know you way around. What do you say? Head left? Unless I'm already turned around, that should put us heading in the direction of a transporter."

She smiled at the younger security officer.

"There will be plenty of time to shake hands once we're done. And yes, I was stationed here. I'm the security chief for the station. I was promoted to the role when Commander Ryan took the XO position. Good job on studying the layout, left will take us to some cargo transporters. What do you have in mind?"

He chewed for a moment on his lower lip. "You said Engineering wants the generators offline? There should be some access along the way to the transporters. The fastest way to bring them down would be to just disconnect the output relays, but then they might, you know, overload and explode. Wouldn't be enough to do any widespread harm, but pretty sure that counts as destroying them and Engineering wouldn't be happy."

Tessaro turned to one of her companions.
"Bazer, you came to us from Ops. What's your take on this?"

The Axanarri thought for a minute as the teams continued to move forward.

"It could work. If the safety systems work properly, the generators should shut down to avoid an overload. Disconnect a few of the relays and blow up a few others to make it harder to repair. I'll have to pull up the specs to see if there's any relays on this deck."

"And if there aren't," Lee pointed out, "Making our way towards a transporter gives us a lot more options in where to go. Though we probably want to get access to some of the internal sensors so we don't blindly land ourselves in the middle of a group of Cardassians."

While she hadn't worked with the young Lt before, Annora was taking a liking to him. He seemed to have a good head on his shoulders, and a knowledge of more than just how to shoot the bad guy.

"Let's push towards the transporter and go from there. Hopefully we can find a relay near an area not crawling with Cardassians. We'll have plenty of time to engage them."

USS Zulu

"Well, I was going to ask the Cardassians if they wanted to surrender, but I think they just answered that", Admiral Garrison said. "It looks like your instinct on their tricks was right Commander."

"Unfortunately, yes", N'Evran replied, scanning for evidence of more of their little tricks.

"Admiral", the tactical officer called out. "The second wave of Klingon ground forces has just dropped out of warp and is heading to the planet with fighter escort."

"Excellent", Garrison said, slapping his knee. "Let's see them fire through a planet."

N'Evran cocked his head to the side as he studied his display.

"Sir, three Romulan X'ar class warbirds dropping out of warp", N'Evran said.

The X'ar was the latest version of the Romulan warbird. It was sleeker and packed a punch.

"Damn, I wonder whose side they are on?", Garrison asked.

"As always, theirs", N'Evran answered as a Cardassian ship was hit by a barrage from the warbird. "But it seems like our side for now."


Jason watched the Federation fighters and the Klingon warbirds fly overhead, heading towards the portal complex. He looked at Alanna.

"Any word on the captain", he asked her. "We don't need her getting killed by the barrage that is going to come down now."

She shook her head. " a work in progress."

"I know. Like finding a needle in a haystack", Jason said and smiled at her.

"I think I'll take a quick trip up north to see if anything has changed. I should be back here before anythin happens."

With all the activity, there was a very slim chance Alanna could find a sign of the captain around the ancient circles. She knew better than to fly over the forbidden areas, but she only had to get within sensor range. Right now, she was feeling too anxious to sit here and do nothing.

She kissed Jason and hurried off to her shuttle.

DS5 – Ops

"Sir, when we lost shields, I stations sensors detected multiple transport signals on deck 459, it appears to be near Cargo Bay 74. I'm also registering multiple detonations to primary and secondary shield generators. I'm guessing that's what punched a hole through our shields and allowed the beam-ins." The Operations Officer reported.

"How long until shields are back up?" Gul Hulceed barked from a nearby console. "How were they able to beam into Secondary Operations?" He asked.

"I don't believe they could have beamed directly to the primary and secondary generators. They destroyed the relay systems that fed power to the actual generators" The Ops Officer reported. "It seems as if they're trying to cause damage, but nothing permanent or hard to repair." The female Cardassian Ops Officer reported.

"Dispatch Damage Control teams and prioritize that section. We need shields back up with that Klingon fleet still at our front door." Gul Hulceed directed. "Coordinate with the Xi'Cadians to respond to our unwanted visitors." He added.

"Sir, I'm detecting unauthorized movement throughout decks 59 - 62." A Tactical Officer reported.

"At least 5 decks, there's no telling where they're hiding or how long it would take for our Security Forces to locate and destroy them." Gul Hulceed said as he reviewed the display.

"Then we'll just need to flush them out and make them come to us." Administrator Turvan said as he walked around to the Ops Console. "How well can you discern between the life signs you are reading on those decks?" He asked.

"Internal sensors are having a hard time distinguishing between intruders and then our forces that are routing to make repairs on the damage systems." The Ops Officer replied. "If they're close to a damaged section they might be the saboteurs, or they could be a damage control team? I can't tell them a part."

"Then that will just be a gamble we'll just have to make." Turvan said. "Beam them off of my damn station!" He Ordered.

The Ops Officer hesitated slightly, as if unsure as to what the elder Cardassian was ordering her to do. But the moment passed and she nodded her head in compliance. "Yes, sir." She turned back to her console and began to lock on to the closest 5 signals she could identify near the site of the explosion and transported the signals just outside of Cargo Bay 23. She closed her eyes and sighed, not knowing how many of those now-fading life signs just outside of the Cargo Bay were her own and how many were of the enemy.

Turvan saw the look on the Ops Officer's face as she carried out her Orders. He was not proud of the action himself, but he knew that he had to take decisive action in face of an invading force. He walked over to a console and activated the localized Comm Unit.

*COM* "Attention Saboteurs, if you are hearing this message, then that means you have illegally made your way upon my station and have engaged in a violent act of sabotage." He announced. "I will not be allowed to go on any further, nor will I allow it to go unpunished." He said. "As the Administrator of this station, I want you to know that I am a fair man and I am willing to spare your lives. . .but only upon your immediate surrender. Otherwise, I will ensure that your deaths will be nowhere near as quick and painless as your colleagues that you see floating just outside your windows." He said bitterly. "The choice is up to you." He said as he cut the channel.

"Dispatch our Security Forces and find them." Turvan said through clenched teeth as he looked to Gul Hulceed.


Angharad let the citizens stream around her. No-one was properly panicking, too much had happened the last few years for anyone to panic anymore, but they were moving fast for the shelters and exits, trying to get to somewhere safe. She'd been heading for the Box, but quickly veered off towards Lasuma's. If there was resistance action to be had, it would be there. She quickly ducked inside and looked for the Bajoran. "Got anything you want me to set on fire?"

Lasuma had been directing several shop keepers and patrons, that had come to him, into sections of his shop. The last person he had expected to see was the station’s fire bug. "The Cardassian Embassy comes to be honest you were the last person I expected to see here."

The human woman shrugged, the ever-present lighter tumbling through her fingers. "I like the pretty lights."

Geral arched an eyebrow at her tone and her meaning as she toyed with the old fashioned lighter. "Well just don't get singed. depending on how things work out I may have work for you in the future."

She grinned at him, and practically skipped away.


Garrison looked at the efficient and brutal strike of the Romulan phasers of the Galor class cruisers that had been harrying their rear. "N’Evran, target the Nuvor. Let’s give those Cardassians a really bad day."

"Aye", N'Evran said, tapping the fleet wide comm. channel. "All ships, initiate comm protocol alpha seven."

N'Evran knew that the Cardassians would be working on intercepting communications so he had set up a plan for rotating the comm. channels.

"USS Ponorn, launch fighters and take out the orbital defense platforms".

"Acknowledged Zulu", was the response.

DS5 - Marines & Infiltration team - nearing Deck 72

Velez and Rayner looked at each other as Turvan sent his threat out over the station’s comms.

Shaking his head Velez spoke up. "He's bluffing. We took out the station’s internal sensors."

Raynor while his team could move about without detection even their Angosian invisibility, for lack of a better term, wasn't foolproof. "Is there ANY way they could have gotten things back online?"

"Not in this short a time...I suppose they could have set up remote sensors or had ships relaying sensor data to them...but we have been crawling around the station without incident. The only losses have been from direct engagements."

"So, who is he talking about 'floating outside'...not that there are any windows here?"

Velez shrugged. "No telling. Could be bodies from the attacking forces, or even random executions."

"Well until we know for sure let’s move. We got other targets to hit."

Velez reluctantly nodded; they were at war he couldn't think about collateral damage right now. "Let's move."

DS5 – Engineering

SH’ilaria smiled as she felt the station shudder some and the alert klaxons came to life. She had been waiting for this moment for some time. Today the Federation and Cardassian Union would feel her anger and her pain.

As a Xi’Cadian, SH’ilaria had lived under oppression, the oppression of greed. When she was young, she knew in the form of the Federation and the corporations from there. Although the dilithium that the Xi’Cadians mined was traded for ‘fairly’, the Xi’Cadians always came out on the short end of the stick because of how far they were from most Federation shipping lanes. She knew all of this because her father was a manager at one of the larger mines on the planet’s first moon. She also worked there as an engineer and often heard her co-workers' complaints.

Then the revolution happened, and the new government joined forces with the Cardassians. A fair and equal partnership was promised by their new allies. The deal was by far worse than what the Federation had agreed to. Not only were the Cardassians getting their Dilithium, but their home was being used to stage a war.

Her father, being a proud Xi’Cadian, complained to the owners of the mine. When his complaints were ignored, he went to the local governor. Once again, his words were not considered. He had booked a trip to the capital to petition the council. An unfortunate ‘malfunction’ sent the shuttle her father was on crashing from the sky. None of the passengers on board survived. Her father’s final words would not be heard, and she would never see him again.

SH’ilaria could only cry so much before her eyes grew dry. She would find a way to avenge her father. She would find a way to punish the Cardassians and the Federation. She didn’t know how, but she would not stop until she did.

Luckily, her wait for a chance was not long. The Cardassians were going to take the Federation’s vaunted Deep Space Five. They called for Xi’Cadians to join in this campaign as spoils of war would be shared with their allies. SH’ilaria was amongst the first to volunteer.

Being an engineer, she was chosen to be among the saboteurs to pose as Starfleet engineers, slowly setting the stage for the Cardassians to take control of the station. She had a loftier goal in mind. With a set of subroutines carefully and deeply embedded into the dilithium power flow control, she would be able to destroy the station at the moment of her choosing. She didn’t know when the day for that would come, but it would come.

She knew the Federation would send its mighty Starfleet to take its station back. She knew it would take many ships to accomplish that. When they came, then she would destroy those ships, pay back for all the unfair deals conducted. She would destroy the Cardassians who were greedier and evil, pay back for taking her home and killing her father. She would destroy the traitorous Xi’Cadians who had joined these new overlords. And last, she would let herself go with them because even this vengeance would not heal the wounds in her heart. It would not bring her father back. And it would not bring the warmth back to her home.

With one last smile, with one last prayer, she pressed the button on her tricorder and the code she had embedded activated. All the fail-safes that were built into the power systems went away instantly. In the blink of an eye, matter and anti-matter collided and an explosion of tremendous force started to cascade threw the station. Bulkheads started to close as the station shook and the evacuation klaxon started to blare as the computer recognized the catastrophic failure.

USS Zulu

“Admiral,” the Zulu’s tactical officer said. “We are registering an explosion within Deep Space 5. Their containment field just went totally offline, their shields are weakening. It’s going to blow, five minutes top.” Admiral Garrison tapped the fleet wide communication button.

“All units withdraw, five hundred thousand kilometers, far side of Pangaea.”

N’Evran said, “Helm, prepare course, engage at the four-minute mark.”

“Too safe N’Evran”, Garrison said. “Helm, engage 227 mark 3 at four minutes, 45 seconds. We’ll get our units off that station, even if we have to burn our backside a little to do it. Start beaming people off the station as soon as those shields are down and get security to all transporter padds as I am sure Cardassians and Xi'Cadians will be amongst our passengers.”


"Sir, I'm detecting multiple transports of Klingon ori---" before the OPS Officer could finish her sentence she was thrown from her console as the station shook violently. As she grasped the side of her console, she climbed back into the console and read the status updates as it streamed across the screen.

"SIR! Cascading failure of the station warp core. Fail-safes have been deactivated throughout primary and secondary systems." The Officer reported, not believing what she was seeing.

"Critical failure of the station power core within the next 5 minutes!" The Officer reported.

Turvan raced over to her console and stared at the screen just to see if what he had heard was accurate. Unfortunately, it was.

" is this possible!?" he asked in rage. "Why would they destroy their own station!?" He continued to shout, trying to gain some understanding of what was taking place.

"THIS IS GUL DULCEEN, ALL CARDASSIAN PERSONNELL ARE TO EVACUATE THE STATION, I REPEAT: ALL CARDASSIAN PERSONEL ARE TO MAKE THEIR WAY TO ANY AVAILABLE ESCAPE PODS AND/OR SHUTTLES AND EVACUATE IMMEIDATELY. THIS IS NOT A DRILL" Gul Dulceen shouted into the comm unit. He recognized almost immediately that the station was suffered a critical failure and was doomed to its own destruction.

"Everyone evacuate, NOW!" Gul Dulceen said to the gathered officers as he grabbed Turvan and led him away towards an available escape shuttle.

DS5 - Klingon boarding party

No sooner had his team materialized that most of his people were thrown to the deck as the station was rocked by a massive explosion and before they could regain their feet the automated evacuation alarms sounded.

Slapping his communicator. "ABORT ALL TRANSPORTS AND BEAM US BACK!"

"My Lord! We are unable to bring anyone back! Scans show the station will explode in a matter of minutes!"

Waving to his team they were already on the move, grabbing whoever the found along the way. "Have all ships move to a safe distance. All our people are to aid Federation citizens to the Klingon Embassy or to the nearest shuttle by or escape pod!"

Klingon Flagship

Moving to the Embassy meant that they were going to try and use its emergency transporter. "Understood My Lord. We will stay in range as long as possible. QAPLA!"

As the channel closed the first officer slammed the comm. "GET WARP ENGINES BACK ONLINE NOW!"


Geral had been slammed into a bulkhead and blood was flowing freely from a cut on his head. He wiped the blood away from his face for a second time as he gathered more people together. The cargo transporters on his few remaining ship were working hard to get as many people beamed out as possible.

Inside the Evil Librarian Bookshop, Batiste was gathering what little she could to evacuate. She wasn't sure where to go, or what to do, but she figured at this point, she would just follow the masses and hope for the best.

Behind the lines

Sha'rea was on the bridge of the Maritza as things unfolded, as she argued with the ship’s pilot. "I don't give a DAMN what some Starfleet Admiral said. Your boss is on that station, my friends are on that station and we are not going to sit here and watch them blow up while Starfleet LEAVES.

"Now warp jump to the station so we can start beaming people off while we still can!"

Reluctantly the pilot turned and set the coordinates for their jump. "Hang on..."


Captain Solan and the other Vulcan ships left the Klingons and Federation to take the station proper. At the urging of T'gan, they kept near Pangaea to protect the planet from any Cardassian retaliation--and to assist Lieutenant Wells in disrupting communications from the Cardassians below. The lieutenant had spent the greater part of the occupation setting up a communications web to keep from being detected. That web was now being used to interfere with communications from Pangaea to the station.

The captain's secondary purpose was to protect the Vulcan and Romulan scientists still on the planet.

Meanwhile, T'gan was monitoring temporal ripples on the planet--or the current lack thereof--and solar activity so she'd know if the portals became active again.

Bag End Science Station- Pangaea

Alanna had no idea how she was going to find Captain Soran. She had an idea where to look, as she suspected that the fey--or whoever was left of them--on the planet had her. Even with that knowledge, she knew there was one person that might have more success, besides Jason, and that was Geral Lasuma.

After he'd sent the luxury craft to the Marines, she'd been keeping an eye on him and now sent a tight, encrypted message from her shuttle to his secretary and hoped the message would get to the right person.

Pangaea Settlement

Means and his Marines had been transported from the Yor'Cha to the outskirts of the settlement while the Klingon's provided air cover and their troops saw to the retaking of the portal complex. Hopefully the Cardassians hadn't been able to clear the opening after they had collapsed the entrance during their retreat.

Scans had shown that while they were using the resources of the Federation and Romulan sections, the Cardassians were concentrated in the Cardassian section of the complex.

The Yor'Cha came in on a strafing run, hitting the center of the section with a torpedo and phaser fire. Watch the destruction Means' memory flashed back to his part in Operation Beachhead during the Kzinti war. The orbital insertion amongst the flaming debris of a Kzinti platform, the meter-by-meter fighting, the building clearing of villages, the hand to hand..."

A hand on his shoulder brought him back to the present. "Ready sir?"

"Yes..." Taking a deep breath to clear his head. "Still trying to get the smell of that ship out of my nose."

There was a chuckling from the Marines around him has he checked the power meeting on weapon. The Yor'Cha had done a fairly good job of obliterating the Cardassian section of the complex from the air but now it was their job to clear and secure the complex. "LET"S MOVE!"

They hit the remains of the Cardassian section in force with everyone and everything they had before splitting into two teams and began a building-by-building sweep of the colony complex.

Gul Meran had preferred to observe the battle from the confines of the planet; however, those plans changed once he saw the Federation Soldiers were pressing towards taking back the portal complex. He knew that their forces would have a hard time holding off the Federation fighters with the Klingons providing air support, but he began to see a glimmer of hope as Turvan initiated his counter offensive involving the orbital platforms. As he looked at the sensor readings he realized that he needed to hold the line on the planet’s surface for as long as he could.

*COM* This is Headquarters Company (HHC) to 2-313 Security Battalion, commit all forces to repelling the Federation invaders that have entered the portal complex. All weapons are authorized, make those Federation bastards pay for every inch with their blood!" Gul Meran said into his unit to the Security unit that had been responsible for security operations around the portal complex.

"Get word to the 2-126th Engineering Battalion, tell them they are to hold the portal entrances at all hazards." Gul Meran said to Gil Ko'jah. "If they can't hold the invaders off, then tell them to blow the whole damn thing on top of their heads.

"Yes, sir." The Gil said as he was dispatched to try to prepare the forces within the portals.

To Be Continued…


A Joint Post By
Commander N'Evran
Executive Officer
Deep Space 5

Jason Haines
Resident Pain in the Butt
Deep Space 5

LtCol Nicholas Means
Marine CO to DS5

Sgt. Major Velez
PNPC by LtCol. Means

Chrarghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador
PNPC by LtCol. Means

Geral Lasuma
Owner Lasuma Enterprises
PNCP by LtCol. Means

Doren Torel
Henchman/Body Guard for Geral Lasuma
PNPC by LtCol. Means

Sha'raae Astare
Executive Assistant to Geral Laasuma
PNPCby LtCol. Means

Captain Solan
Commander, Sarek
NPC by Alanna Wells

Temporal Scientist
Deep Space Five & Sarek

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five
Rabble Rouser


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