
  • 16 Mission Posts

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Mon Oct 9, 2023 @ 9:57pm

Civilian Sha'rae Astare

Name Sha'rae Astare

Position Valet

Rank Civilian

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 27

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 8"
Weight 135
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description From Earth of Middle-Eastern decent Sha`rae is very shapely and takes great care to keep herself in top shape.


Personality & Traits

Personal History Kidnapped as a young child she has no memory of her real family. She was sold by slave traders to a Retellian merchant who raised her as a party favor. He would have her "traded" to those her wanted to get inside information on. She would gather the needed information and report back so that the target could be blackmailed.

When she was 23 she was given as a gift to Geral as a token of good will; as a way to sweeten the deal.

Haveing had to deal with Cardassians and their...appetites, he took her to avoid offending the Retellian, planning to free her. When she had been caught Geral didn't expose her but used her to feed false information. Instead of giving his competition a distict business advantage it ruined him and Lasuma Enterprises purchased what was left for next to nothing.

Sha'rae was allowed to join him at the closing as a member of Geral's team. After the dust had settled Geral offered to help her find her family.

Hesitant ant first she latter accepted his help and after the search had begun was actually anticipating the long forgotten hope of finding her parents. With her family found and the reunion set, Sha'rae ached to return to Earth to finally meet the family she had forgotten. Unfortunately her rekindled hopes where shattered when the Breen attacked Earth.

With no one to rely upon and no where to go Geral offered her a job.

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

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