
  • 41 Mission Posts

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Mon Oct 9, 2023 @ 9:57pm

Civilian Dorian Torel

Name Dorian Torel

Position Bodyguard/Henchman

Rank Civilian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Angosian
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 6' 5"
Weight 250
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description While taller than most Dorian is outwardly indistinguishable from any Human.


Father Xanden Torel
Mother Rashala Torel
Brother(s) Harm
Sister(s) Revanya

Personality & Traits

General Overview As is typical of Angosian he is taller than most humanoids. Dorian, the child of Angosian veterans inherited his parents genetic enhancements.

While still considered a sub-class "veterans" still have difficulty being accepted by most Angosians. Fortunately for the rest of Angosia most are pacifists thus keeping incidents to a minimum.

During Dorian's childhood he had been raised in a veterans compound but snuck out frequently to see what the surrounding area had to offer. Male children were considered "bad boys" for, non-veteran, Angosian girls looking to irritate their parents.

When the Dominion War broke out many Angosian veterans volunteered for service. When his father decided to join up Dorian went with...even though he was only 16.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Angosian abilities
+ Loyalty

- Shapely forms

Personal History The son of two genetical modified Angosian soldiers Dorian has all the heightened abilities of his parents but with a greater level of control. Due to their own 'programming' his parents saw to his trainning from an early age and he progressed rapidly.

When the Dominon war broke out many of the Angosian soldiers volunteered for service and were quickly incorperated into Feration ground and special opperations forces.

Thanks to his above average height and the inability of scanners to get a proper reading on him he was able to enlist before his 18th birthday. During the war his ship was destoyed outside the Bajorian system and only his genetically altered physiology saved his life. The Jem'Hadar had killed everyone but as his was undetected by their sensors his escape pod had not been destroyed.

A merchant transport passing though the area looking to scavange what they could found an escape pod intact. When Dorian came to he came face to face with the man that saved is life...Geral Lasuma.

Given the limited resources on Geral's ship it took several weeks before Dorian was back to full health but Geral never gave up on him.

When they final returned to Bajor, Geral helped Dorian return to Federation forces by smuggling him to a Klingon ship but not before offering him a job once the war was over.

It wasn't long that Dorian returned, he owed the Bajorian his life.
Service Record Joined the fight against the Dominion at 16 and, along with the rest of the Angosian veterans and their descendants, was incorporated into special operation.

Trained in infiltration Dorian and his team mates were often tasked with insertion and recon missions of Dominion territory.

Following the war he retruned to Bajor to work for the man who had saved his life.

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

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