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The Shot Heard Around the Quadrant - Part 2

Posted on Sun Sep 24, 2023 @ 12:29am by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander N'Evran & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III & Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant T'Lul & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Anson Lee & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Civilian T'gan & Civilian Dorian Torel & Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian Hydel Turvan
Edited on on Mon Sep 25, 2023 @ 9:58pm

1,905 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Deep Space Five / Pangaea
Timeline: MD58



[Klingon Fleet]

The order had been given and Federation transport had been launched. "Provide covering fire for those transports and begin transporting our troops the second there is hole in the shields. Target Operations, engineering, and secure all critical areas. And remember...I WANT TURVAN ALIVE!"

… Now, The Continuation.


Jason was preparing his own gear for the inevitable confrontation with the Cardassians. Whether it was with the support of Starfleet or without, it was becoming clearer that the longer they waited, they less likely they would be able to stop the Cardassians. His gear was unconventional in this day and age. Although he had a phaser pistol, the rest of his gear made it seem he was going to fight with the Klingons. He had two knives, a Breen combat staff, and a bow. The bow he had grown especially fond of during his time on the beach.

As he packed up a medkit, he paused. 'George', he said, wondering if his Fae friend was in the room because he had started to hear the ticking of the clocks that he had dreams about growing faster and faster. Whatever was going to happen, it would be soon.

He went out to the other room where Alanna was talking to her friend Brianthe.

"It's starting", Jason said, a firm, determined smile on his face.

"Here or at the station?" she asked, coming to his side. "The shuttle's ready to go. Bri can take care of things here."

Just then Alanna's combadge chirped. "T'gan to Wells. We're here to help."

Alanna's first reaction was to end the transmission to keep from being noticed by the Cardassians. Her second was to quickly check her security. The signal was scrambled and bounced off one of the receivers she'd placed deep in the forest. "We?"

"Three Vulcan ships and we're here to help."

Alanna turned to Jason, her eyebrow raised. He would know best how to use them.

Jason was surprised to see Alanna turn to him. He smirked slightly, thought a moment, and then said, "If you haven't already, break the communications jam."

He paused for a moment thinking, "Then you start scanning the planet and nearby space for Captain Soran and then get her to safety. She is the key to preventing the Cardassians from winning. They say she is dead but haven't proven it. She's alive, somewhere. Find her."

"I know she's alive, and somewhere on the planet." That much was obvious from what she'd heard on the comms and the simple fact that the Cardassians still couldn't use the portals. "I've been waiting for the right moment." She gave him a hard look. "You stay alive. Okay?"

"Of course," Jason said with a Chesire grin.

"T'gan, let me get upstairs," Alanna replied.

Five minutes later, Alanna had her computer up and had given the Vulcans everything she had on the Cardassian and Xi-Cadian communications centers on the planet. Her focus so far had been to keep the enemy from learning about the Marine encampment and the scientists who were working with her as spies. She didn't have the numbers to get into their main complexes and stop the jamming, but she'd been able to harass them and hack their systems on a number of occasions. Now, with the assistance of the Vulcans, they could take them down long enough for DS5 to be liberated.

Alanna also sent T'gan the location of her scientist allies. "Beam them up so they won't be in the middle of the fighting. They may have additional information for you."

"And you? Shall we beam you up as well?" T'gan asked.

"No. I need to find the captain. Wells out." She ended the transmission and changed to another relay. She had yet to find any sign of Soran on the planet, and she didn't have Jason's fey connections, so she wasn't sure how she could be of help, but she was going to try.

She grabbed her pack and was heading back through her room when she noticed that she could now hear chatter from the ships that had come to liberate the station. The Vulcans had been successful.

Marine Encampment

Colonel Means was rotating his shoulder, tossing the sling he had been stuck with aside, after it finally being repaired. His Marines were operational once again thank to the yachts they had located. They were still shot a few weapons, but they had everything they needed for what they had.

The calm of the morning was shattered as the sky lit up with explosions in orbit had the tell tail streaks of debris burning up in the atmosphere.

Emerging from the raining debris was a flight of Klingon Birds of prey. One broke from the formation towards their location as the others proceeded at speed toward the portal complex.

“Federation survivors, this is Captain LoQath of the Klingon Bird of Prey Yor'Cha. Would you care to join the battle or stay on the beach relaxing in the sun?”

Every Marines in sight was already scrambling to gear up or had eyes on their Colonel.

Tapping his comm, Means grinned. "Captain, if you have room for all of us, we'd love to join you and your warriors!"


Administrator Hydel Turvan struggled to keep his balance as another torpedo rocked the station and caused him to grab a nearby console to steady himself.

"Klingon fleet has entered the inner system and have made their way towards the planet." The Tactical Officer responded. "Station has temporarily lost geosynchronous orbit with the planet surface. Propulsion is working to regain position." The Officer continued, worry obvious in his voice, but he knew better than to let on to those around him.

"Sir, now would be a convenient time to call in our other forces." Gul Dusad Hulceen, the station's Executive Officer, said in a low tone to the Senior Cardassian. "The Federation and Klingon forces combined have over 70 vessels, The Xi'Cadian Home Guard has reported that the Federation has amassed well over 50 ships just on their doorstep." He added.

"Thank you for that, Gul Hulceen, I had managed to completely forget the Briefing from the past week that said the exact same thing." Hydel said with obvious annoyance as the station shook again.

"Just as I had anticipated, the Klingons would take up a blocking position between us and the planet forming an obstacle that would prevent us from reinforcing our forces on the planet surface. Divide and conquer if you will." Turvan said, still holding onto the console.

As the rumbling stopped, he stood up and looked towards the Communications Officer. "Send the signal to the Warship Nuvor, tell Gul Vashur. . ." Hydel paused as he thought of an appropriate word for the next phase of their plan.

"Tell her. . .Mătz Irhiy’iylakou" He commanded.

Warship Nuvor

Gul Vashur watched as the initial battle played itself out on the view screen in front of her. The massive wave of Klingon vessels that had taken up such a significant portion of the viewscreen caused her to tense slightly. Klingon warships were never known for possessing the latest in technological marvels. However, you didn't need the newest technology when you had a working disruptor and a compliment of torpedoes. Even more so, the sheer number of the vessels would make a frontal assault nearly impossible for the 127th and their allies.

It appeared that the station was losing ground as more and more Klingon vessels were able to maneuver between itself and the planet. The station had so far been only able to utilize its point-defense weapon system to fend off many of the incoming torpedoes towards the station's more vital systems. Merely batting away torpedoes would only hold the Klingons at bay for so long. The fighter in her wanted to rush into the system with the 127th in tow and tare through the Klingon Battlecruisers; however, she had been given explicit orders by Turvan to remain in her position until he gave her the word.

Just as she noticed the station losing orbit around the planet her comm officer chirped.

"Ma'am, we just received word from DS5 Ops, it says. . .Mătz Irhiy’iylakou" The young Cardassian repeated.

Gul Vashur chucked slightly at Hydel's sense of humor. "Day of Sorrow it certainly is. . ." She said as she stood. "Tactical, signal the short fleet they are free to activate Transphasic Warp in 3. . .2. . .1!" she commanded.

Immediately her command was transmitted to the small dispatch of cargo vessels that had accompanied the 127th to their holding stage. The Groumall-class vessels, 12 in total, activated their Transphasic Warp drives and immediately exited the system and set their destinations for the space around Deep Space 5.

As the last of the freighters winked out of view, Gul Vashur nodded as she received confirmation that each vessel had successfully managed to activate its Transphasic Warp system. It was a modern feat of Cardassian engineering excellence that a vessel that could hardly go beyond Warp 5 had been outfitted with a technological leap in propulsion technology.


"Sir! 12 new contacts have just entered the system. They appear to be scattered throughout the Klingon formation. They're.......they're.... freighters. . ." The Tactical Officer reported in disbelief.

"Freighters!? Now is not the time for jokes!" Gul Hulceen said as he nearly shoved the younger officer out of the way to view the console. "12 Groumall-class freighters have suddenly warped into the Klingon formations. . .this...this doesn't make any sense!" The aged Cardassian said as he looked back towards Administrator Turvan.

The Ops center was abuzz with confusion. Turvan allowed it to persist for several moments before he finally spoke up. "What you are witnessing is science in motion." He said. "What would happen if you took a Transphasic Warp drive and inserted it into 12 freighter vessels and had them jump light years across space and directly into a hotbed of combat?" he asked as he looked around at the gathered officers.

"But the Transphasic Warp drive is still in the experimental stage." Gul Hulceed said with confusion painted across his face. "Even on a Dumar-class vessel, it could only work for short periods of time before needing calibration. On a vessel the size of a Groumall freighter, the intensity would trigger a warp core breach if just a disruptor beam glanced off of the hull." Gul Hulceed said, still trying to work out what exactly was going on.

"Exactly. . ." Turvan said as he pointed at the viewscreen.

To Be Continued…


A Joint Post By
Commander N’Evran
Executive Officer

Admiral Peter Garrison, Fleet Commander
USS Zulu
NPC by Commander N’Evran

Jason Haines, Resident Pain in the Butt
Deep Space 5
PNPC by Commander N’Evran

LtCol Nicholas Means
Marine CO to DS5

Chrarghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador
PNPC by LtCol. Means

Geral Lasuma
Owner Lasuma Enterprises
PNCP by LtCol. Means

Doren Torel
Henchman/Body Guard for Geral Lasuma
PNPC by LtCol. Means

Temporal Scientist
Deep Space 5 and Sarek
NPC by Alanna Wells

Lieutenant Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space 5

Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Hydel Turvan
DS5, Administrator
Cardassian Empire

Gul Dusad Hulceen
DS5, Executive Officer
Cardassian Empire

Kalena Vashur
Gul, Commander
127th Tactical Wing, Warship Nuvor


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