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When in Rome? Part 1

Posted on Wed Sep 27, 2023 @ 6:50pm by Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Commander River Morgan

1,011 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: A Detention Centre on Pangea of Minor Importance
Timeline: Over the Past Couple of Weeks

On Pangea:

Amia Telamon and her ACMO, River Morgan had both been held by the Cardassians since their attempt to assist wounded Cardassian soldiers on the planet. The Starfleet doctors' goodwill towards their wounded ‘enemies’ had not made any difference to the way they had been treated in captivity and the situation had been pretty bad for some time now.

Kept separately, neither knew of the fate or situation of the other but they were both under no illusion that they weren’t likely to be treated with ‘kid gloves’ as the expression went. Amia was half Baku and half human, neither of which races were of particular interest to their captors as they didn’t have any particularly unique powers – well not in the halves that Amia had inherited anyway. River was half human and half Betazoid and she was a survivor.

She had done some things in her life before DS5, that she wasn’t proud of, and now….. well, whatever happened – if the station was ever recovered, or if it was always going to be under Cardassian control, River could work the means she had, to get herself a more comfortable journey at least and she’d naturally deny anything anyone attempted to testify to, if push came to shove later. It was war. A person had to get through it, whose business was it how they did that?

Amia was bruised in places she didn’t know she was attached to, even her bones hurt! She’d been put to some nasty torture that she was still desperately trying to blank out from her mind – unsuccessfully of course, but she had to try. She thought of her daughter a lot. The picture of the tiny, face with her adorable smile and the ‘spots’ – not so colourful as her father’s but none the less the cutest little pattern, denoting her Trill heritage. Amia smiled at the thought and then gasped back any audible sound that almost escaped as her dry, cracked lips split again with the movement.

The Starfleet CMO wasn’t actually sure whether the tear that seared down her open cheek skin, had been for the pain of her lips, or the much deeper pain that the memory of her daughter’s eyes which in turn reminded her of her lost husband’s eyes too. The thought of Cade screwed up her insides. She was still in the angry stage of grief with him, even after so long. ~Why? Just why? ~ Her heart contracted as her mind asked the question YET AGAIN. ~His captaincy? Seriously? WTF?~

She rolled very slightly to one side to relieve the pins and needles in the one hip she could actually lay on. The other side was clearly fractured and laying on that was out of the question. At least ‘pins and needles’ were numb half of the time. “Numb” that was something she would give a lot to feel right now.

Numb to the pain of having lost both the men in her life. Commander Caden Aldrex, her joined-Trill husband and then soon afterwards, Liam…… her best friend. “…et tu Brutus?” her mind asked. ~What was it about her that scared men away?~ she wondered, happy to take her mind off the pain in her whole body for a little bit of self-pity on the ‘relationships’ side of her old life. Would she ever get back to her old life, what was left of it? She would go to Trillius Prime and accept the Telemons’ offer to stay with them – and her daughter – Liana - She had foolishly named her after Liam. Back when she thought he had her back. She’d have to do something to change that. Caydee? Was that the feminine of Caden? And where could he be now? Dead no doubt - it had been a suicide mission that he'd accepted. Poor Lia, orphaned at such a young age.

~No, this won’t do! She doesn’t deserve that…. I’m going to make it through and get back to her!~ Amia felt something seem to strengthen her at that decision and somehow as she began to pass out, exhausted but unable to just sleep, due to her injuries and the sound of the guards clomping around outside. Were they coming in? Spirits of mercy, let them have got bored by now? The shabby, stinking little cell faded as Amia couldn’t stave off unconscious exhaustion any longer.

In River’s “cell” however, there were much more interesting things for the guards to do! When she first arrived she took beatings like Amia, but then she managed to pick up the empathic waves that told her she had a secret admirer amongst them. Riv was suddenly in her old element. She knew exactly how to stoke that smoke into a spark and from there, as soon as she managed to persuade him to come in alone, she built it up into a flame. Cardassian men were green blooded, not red-blooded but that didn’t mean they didn’t have their own kind of ‘testosterone’ and River knew a lot of ways to play that particular ‘instrument’ (or hormone to be a little bit more medical).

After a while, there was a rumour going around – fortunately for River – her ‘suitor’ wasn’t clever and his boasting to his colleagues got to the ears of his boss. River had been called to that particular person’s office and endured a humiliating berating, after which the guard was dismissed and a proper ‘interrogation’ began. River made sure that the Glinn was suitably satisfied with the outcome of this examination and encounter so that afterwards she was delivered to his little office regularly!

The Guard who she had first seduced was sulky with her, eventually grumbling that he and the other Troopers had been warned off. River gave off some sympathetic empathy but secretly was very satisfied with her work. So far…….


Commander Amia Telamon


Lt Cmdr River Morgan
Asst C M O - DS5


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