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Trouble on Prom Pt 1

Posted on Thu May 7, 2020 @ 9:16pm by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Ensign Relyna Coleman & Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Yukiko Winters & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Captain Lazanos Torena & Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson & Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Civilian Hydel Turvan & Civilian Thereen Tera & Civilian Dorian Torel

1,922 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Promenade: Box of Delights
Timeline: Day 2 08:35


As Annora and Lazanos exited the turbolift, they were greeted by a security crewman.

"Lieutenant, Captain. There's been an incident at the Box of Delights. Not sure of the details yet, but a crowd is starting to form. Ensign Coleman has taken the lead in trying to keep the peace."

Even from down the hall Annora could hear the murmur of a crowd starting to get excited. "Thank you, Medllian. Inform Ops of the situation, then see what you can do to keep further civilians out of the area."

Thereen Tera was heading for the docks to receive a new shipment from Bajor when she found herself caught up in the crowd around the Box of Delights. It wasn’t usually this busy at the Box this early in the morning, it being much more a late night establishment. She wondered what was going on as she brushed a lock of her long black hair behind her ear, scanning the crowd with her blue eyes.

Bastille Lagrange ran an antique shop near the Box of Delights. It wasn't as odd a location as she thought when she first arrived. The Box was a popular place for visitors, and being nearby often brought curious patrons to her establishment. Today as she headed in to open shop, a large crowd blocked her way. "Oh, dear." She hoped nothing was seriously wrong. But, as she would have to go a long way around to get to her shop, and the crowd was coming from all directions, she waited to see what was going on.

Laz kept close to Annora as they pushed towards the Box of Delights. He was here as an observer and as backup, so he helped urge people out of the way while keeping an eye on people as they passed. It was probably paranoia, but Laz kept an eye out for any surprise weapons wielded by people hidden in the crowd.

Dorian looked out the window of the upper level of Lasuma's at the growing crowd. Given the still unsolved assassination attempt and the recent power outage, he had boosted the private security for both Geral and the store. Heading down to the main entrance he stepped out. "What's going on?"

"Not sure, something at the Box."

Dorian immediately thought about Yolanthe. "Keep an eye on things. I'm going to see what's going on."

"You got it."

Dorian worked his way towards the bar, pushing his way through the crowd.

Silk was reading the guide on the various places, and especially on the establishment called Box of Delights. She weaved expertly as she read, figuring the place sounded interesting, and to check it out. As she came around a corner, a wave hit her to the point she almost dropped the padd. She looked up to see a bunch of beings of all sorts gathered, and knitted her brows. There was a mixture of curiosity and concern, but mostly the former. "What’s going on?" she inquired as she joined the crowd.

The Box of Delights was closed, but Yolanthe and several others had come in early to clean up, as once the gravity came back, all the floating food, drink, and furniture that they hadn't managed to batten down had come down everywhere. With the shutters half up, several people had stopped to ask if they were open, which they weren't, and then more had stopped to discuss where else to go for breakfast, and then, she wasn't sure how, a fight had started. She hadn't seen who had thrown the first blow, but the Cardassian had finished it with a snapping blow straight to the Human man, barely old enough to hold his beer, crushing his windpipe.

"He's not breathing!" a woman shouted from within the crowd. Considering the growing rancor, it was impressive that a single voice could be heard distinctively.

"The spoonheads, it was the fucking spoonheads!" another voice shouted, this time coming from a younger male bystander.

In the center of the crowd were several Cardassians in civilian attire. However, their demeanor and guarded stances indicated that they were assigned to the Cardassian Embassy's military barracks.

"That individual attacked one of my men!" the taller and older Cardassian replied. It appeared that he was in charge of the other Cardassians. The five Cardassians were huddled together in a defensive posture that allowed each of them to have a significant view of the growing crowd of individuals that were beginning to gather just outside of the Box of Delights.

"Bullshit! I saw the whole thing from out here! You fucking spoonheads attacked him for no reason!" yelled a Human male, a civilian docking crew hand by the look of his attire.

"It figures that a Cardassian would pick on someone that is unable to fight back!" another voice from the crowd said.

"What else did you expect to happen? This is what happens when you allow reptiles to walk free on the station without proper leash," his companion added as he spit on the ground next to the Cardassian's boot.

This angered the other Cardassians and caused them to shift their attention to the two Humans while making a motion for something hidden beneath their respective tunics.

"Take one step closer, and I'll be more than happy to show what I can use a leash for, you miserable piece of Human shit," the younger Cardassian said bitterly.

"That's enough!" Yolanthe stepped between the two groups. "Pel, call sickbay, get that boy to a doctor," she told her Bajoran bar man. "Everyone step back and give him some air." And put some space between you both before someone does something incredibly stupid.

"Yeah, it fucking figures an alien would come save one of their own kind," the Human said as Yolanthe came between the groups. "Hell, she's probably banging this spoonhead just like she was with the last one assigned to the station!" he said as he refused to move.

"So that's it? A Human is murdered and we just walk away because one of them said so?" his companion said in a loud voice, projected over the growing crowd.

"He's still alive!" Yolanthe shouted, as she heard Pel frantically call for help. "Just break it up before anyone else gets hurt." She scanned the crowd, looking for security officers. There were always a couple on patrol, even early in the morning.

Silk pushed forward, hearing the voices and feeling the thoughts. "Excuse me, EXCUSE ME!," she almost shouted. "Station diplomatic officer. Just what is going on here?" She noted the Cardassians looking sour and defensive. She heard the comment. "Yes, you walk away while we sort this out." Her head was starting to hurt already, but she tried to project calm thoughts, for what little good it would.

"There's nothing to sort out! The fucking spoonheads tried killed an innocent kid," the same Human said as he pointed a finger in Yolanthe's direction. "Hell, she knows what's going on. She's shoved a kid off her balcony before, and Starfleet didn't do shit about it!" he said, his voice becoming more excited.

"You better do what needs to be done or else!" he declared as he looked at the recently-arrived diplomacy officer. The last statement seemed to rile the crowd up even more as individuals came from the Dilithium Chamber and began to join the growing spectators, one of those individuals being Raddon Corporation Acting Head of Raddon Corporation Security Tai Lu'Xin.

Tai had just left the Dilithium Chamber and was on his way down to a meeting when he heard the clamoring ruckus that was growing. He made his way through the crowd and saw the Human boy laying on the deck of the Promenade barely moving. His chest began to swell with anger as he saw the Cardassians standing several feet away.

The bastards didn't even have the decency to call for help, Tai thought angrily.

"Or else what, Human.?" the younger Cardassian male said, only to be slightly restrained by the older leader of the group. "No, this Human thinks that he can go around making idle threats and we're just to stand around and restrain ourselves?" he asked angrily.

"I would suggest that you restrain your civilians before one of them is hurt," the older Cardassian said to the diplomacy officer who had arrived on the scene and held some semblance of authority.

"Security is on the way, sir," Silk replied. "Can you and your group please come over this way?" Silk figured to get the Cardassians off center and get their version of things. She could always compare notes with Security. She would be interested to see what they had to say.

As Pel, the Bajoran, came over to the boy, Tai's anger got the best of him and he shoved the Bajoran off of his feet and onto the ground. "Get the hell away from him!" Tai said with a surge of adrenaline flowing through him. "We take care of our own," he said bitterly as he kneeled down and waived over a couple more people next to him to help treat the young man. "Get him back to the Complex and to the medical bay," he said quickly.

Pel, who was in mid call, reaching for the fallen man's pulse, wasn't expecting the sudden violence, caught off guard, went down onto his behind with a jerk. Yolanthe's patient violet skin went to banana yellow instantly. "Don't touch my boy. He's trying to help." She stood in front of the Bajoran. "Unbunch those panties, princess."

Tai smirked as he looked at the multi-color woman as she turned towards him. "You know, I kinda like that little shop you got over there. When we finally take over, I think I can convince old man Melvyn to keep it around, kinda like a petting zoo." He laughed. "Hell, I'll even find a special place for you and your special...skills," he said in a lower, more devious tone as he stepped closer to her. "I might even let your boy over there watch, if that's your kinda thing," he taunted.

"Oh, pussy cat." Yolanthe gave him a pitying look. "Such silly threats from someone who couldn't follow through if he wanted to." She wagged her little finger at him. "Now, run home to your mummy, before you get hurt."

Tai's smirk disappeared and smouldered into a dark scowl as he looked to his left and spoke to the Raddon employee that had accompanied him. "Hey, Malachi, maybe when we're done with her bar, we can give her back to Oded Veyr and maybe he can teach her some damn manners. From what I hear, he did pretty good the first time," he said in a rough voice that was loud enough for her to hear.

For a moment she went a brilliant summer green, before it turned to bright yellow. "So, admitting you’re not man enough to take me? Don't worry, pumpkin, I'm sure he'll have time for you too. He likes little bitches."

To be Continued…

Lt. Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Ens. Relyna Coleman (NPC)
Security Officer

Bastille Lagrange
The Evil Librarian Bookshop

Yolathe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Lt. Yukiko "Silk" Winters
Chief Diplomatic OFficer

Tai Lu’Xin
Acting Chief Security Consultant
Raddon Corporation

Shri'vara Troops
Cardassian Empire

Cpt. Lazanos Torena
Commanding Officer
21st Marine Expeditionary Unit

Thereen Tera
Ten Thousand Worlds Bajoran gift shop

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard for Geral Lasuma


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