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Sat Feb 20, 2021 @ 3:02pm

Lieutenant Yukiko Winters

Name Yukiko Winters

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 110
Hair Color Platinum Blond
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Yukiko is Amerasian and she has a sort of exotic look to her which is enhanced by her blue eyes and platinum blonde hair. Her build is a bit on the boyish side and she tends to cultivate

While serving under cover, she underwent surgical enhancement to make her even more exotic looking. Her boyish figure being replaced with one with a lot more curves to it. She has since decided to keep the changes.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Robert - deceased
Mother Komaki - deceased
Brother(s) Akio - deceased

Personality & Traits

General Overview Yukime outwardly presented as very tomboyish. Even though she has kept the enhancements she still acts most of the time like a tomboy.

She is brash at times, and sometimes acts without first thinking though things. She can be outspoken. She is quick though to accept tasks.

In private though Silk will unwind and become much more feminine and there is a definite submissive streak.

Silk is also bisexual.
Strengths & Weaknesses Yuiko's main strength is that she is one of those rare humans that have telepathy. Her telepathy allowed her to communicate with a Medusan and help navigate a starship on an emergency run.

She has training in various martial arts and is quite good at several.

Her weakness is also her telepathy. She never fully learned to handle it and she gets frequent headaches. While she tries to follow the code, never having fully been brought up in a culture with it she sometimes gets slip shod.
Ambitions After serving both in flying and then undercover intelligence she would like to learn more and also apply the hard won skills that time and training have given her.
Hobbies & Interests Yukiko is a fully trained geisha and as such she knows all the aspects of being a gracious hostess, including entertainment with voice and instrument.

She loves to gamble as well and is quite good at Ferengi Tongo.
Languages Japanese, Federation Standard, a smattering of this and tht

Personal History Yukiko was a fairly withdrawn child. Her half Japanese looks combined with her very non-Japanese hair and eye colour marked her as different. Her mother worried about her withdrawn daughter. She became even more worried when Yukiko began to complain of headaches and that she could hear voices in her head. Her parents took her to various psychologists but none felt that she was showing schizophrenic condition and chalked it up to being a withdrawn child with few friends.

Later during a routine physical that a medical team had a Betazoid doctor on it and he was thinking out loud, "It would be nice to talk to some one". Yukiko immediately piped up and said with her own thoughts, "I can talk, I hear you."

The doctor immediately realized that Yukiko was one of those rare humans with telepathic gifts. He explained to her parents that she needed to be taught and trained in her gift and arranged for her to go to Betazid. Her parents were surprised but agreed and Yukiko went off world to Betazid. She was young and while her adoptive family was kind, the incident made her rebellious and she did not learn her lessons as much as she should have.

After Yukiko returned to Earth, though she was much more adjusted she wanted to take up more boy pursuits. Begging her mother and father to let her study bushido they or rather her mother relented only on the fact if Yukiko would learn her mother's profession of being a Geisha.

Yukiko agreed. Though she did well with her bushido studies she found that the way of the flower, being a geisha was actually much harder in discipline and when she was allowed to wear her hair as a full geisha it was a moment she was and still is very proud of.

Later Yukiko decided she wanted to learn to fly and it was arranged for her to enter the Academy. It was during her second year that her parents were killed in the Great Kyoto earthquake.

It may have been this event but Yukiko became even more boyish and argumentative and it was an incident at the Academy where several boys snuck into the showers to see if she really 'had balls' that changed her career at the Academy. The ensuing fight left several with broken ribs and noses.

She refused to testify against the boys, just chalking it up to rough housing. As such, she was assigned to F squadron. This was the squadron that cadets that had not violated any particular code but the superiors wanted to wash out were assigned. Instead of washing out, Silk performed well and graduated with a small commendation as well.

Starting off as a shuttle pilot Yukiko did well but with her rare ability she was shunted into intelligence and operations.

A brief stint on board the secret intelligence ship Eastern Horizon, Yukiko received surgical enhancements to her looks and body making her look a lot less tomboyish.

After the success on board the Horizon, Yukiko began studies in operations and intelligence going back briefly to advanced studies at the Academy. Afterwards she was assigned to the Firebird as an operations officer but also to help gather intelligence as that ship was dealing with the Romulans at the time.

On the way back a call came in from the Celeste that was on the way to an emergency call on the Gorn frontier. Their navigator had taken ill and they had no one else to interface with the Medusan navigator. The Firebird was the closest ship available and Yukiko was ordered to see if she could interface with the Medusan. She managed to successfully interface and help guide the ship to the Gorn frontier to stop a war.

The incident left her exhausted and with blinding headaches for weeks afterwards but the experience was one she does not regret as the Medusan helped her with her lack of training.
Service Record USS Henly - Cadet cruise
USS Valient - operations officer
Eastern Horizon - undercover intelligence
Academy advanced training
USS - Firebird intelligence/operations
USS - Celeste navigator

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Serial Number DL - 132 - 1359 - HTU
Security Clearance Level 4
Duty Shift Alpha

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]

Quarters 27 - 4 West
Office Deck 23