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Trouble on Prom Pt 2

Posted on Thu May 7, 2020 @ 9:16pm by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Ensign Relyna Coleman & Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Yukiko Winters & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Captain Lazanos Torena & Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson & Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Civilian Hydel Turvan & Civilian Dorian Torel

1,769 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Promenade: Box of Delights
Timeline: Day 2 08:35

Previously in Trouble on Prom

The Box of Delights was closed, but Yolanthe and several others had come in early to clean up, as once the gravity came back, all the floating food, drink, and furniture that they hadn't managed to batten down had come down everywhere. With the shutters half up, several people had stopped to ask if they were open, which they weren't, and then more had stopped to discuss where else to go for breakfast, and then, she wasn't sure how, a fight had started. She hadn't seen who had thrown the first blow, but the Cardassian had finished it with a snapping blow straight to the Human man, barely old enough to hold his beer, crushing his windpipe.

"He's not breathing!" a woman shouted from within the crowd. Considering the growing rancor, it was impressive that a single voice could be heard distinctively.

"The spoonheads, it was the fucking spoonheads!" another voice shouted, this time coming from a younger male bystander.

And now the continuation

Terry had just pulled a twenty-four hour shift in sickbay and had stopped briefly to get a coffee when he saw the commotion becoming a greater force. He strode over there and through various side conversations heard that there was a man who had been hurt. Although he didn't like being seen as a big lummox, sometimes being a tall and broad individual had its advantages, although he got some scowls and "Hey's" as he pushed his way through. "Medic, coming through," he said loudly as he did.

Following the medic, Dorian made his way to the center of the ruckus. He had, of course, heard the exchange and stood ready in case someone did something stupid. He gave Yolanthe a smile and a wink as he emerged from the crowd opposite her.

As the Cardassians walked several feet over with the Diplomacy Officer, the older male spoke first. "I am Glinn Suvall, of the Cardassian Embassy Security Detail," he said to the woman. "These men are under my command," he continued. "We were on the Promenade when we were attacked by one of those Humans. My men did as they were trained to do and responded with appropriate force," he said unapologetically. "Subsequently, a mob developed, as more of their cohorts incited more conflict," he said, gesturing to the still present crowd.

"Just like with the Dominion, Humans start a conflict they can't finish on their own," the subordinate Cardassian officer muttered.

"Silence, Tussair," the Glinn said to his subordinate.

Ensign Coleman and Petty Officer Gifford were the first security guards to arrive on scene. They had been down the corridor talking with a shopkeeper concerned about looting due to the blackouts when they heard shouting coming from the area around the Box of Delights.
"If you'll excuse us, Miss Giacchino, we have more pressing matters. I'll try and return later."

Taking their leave, Relyna called the incident into Security Control. Considering the location, and recent events, she was sure the higher ups would want to know about it. As they drew closer, she spotted Crewman Medllian heading that way as well.

"Crewman, the Lieutenant is on her way. Meet her at the turbolfit. Gifford and I will see what's going on."

The crowd was reluctant to part at first, cooperating once they realized just who was pushing through. They parted long enough to let the two guards through, before closing up again.

It didn't take long for the Bolian to get a feel for the situation. A wounded Human on the floor, and several angry looking Cardassians standing off to the corner. Noticing Lieutenant Winters, the Bolian turned her attention to the woman.

"Ensign Coleman, station security. Do you know what happened, Lieutenant?"

"Good, the appropriate authorities," Glinn Suvall said to the Bolian. "I take it that you are here to disburse this mob of thugs back to their respective den of thievery?" he asked

Silk shook her head in the negative as the Bolian asked the question. "Not yet. I was just talking to Glinn Suvall here. I am Yukiko Winters, the diplomatic officer, and just wanted to get some space to avoid a diplomatic incident and get their side of the story." Silk made a nod toward the Cardassians. "They say they were attacked and responded appropriately." She was not taking sides, and she knew darn well always two sides to a story. She also knew that many species had different ideas on 'appropriate response'. She had not tried to get any surface impressions, as with the crowd around it was all she could do to hold the mob’s angry emotions at bay.

"I see. Thank you. I'd appreciate it if you stuck around to help." Especially considering the nature of the incident, it could prove useful to have the diplomatic officer on hand. She then turned to Suvall. "That's not our primary focus, but yes, we will tell the crowd to leave."

While the officers and the Cardassians continued to speak, the crowd continued to become more agitated. The cacophony of noise and emotion continued to swell to a considerable amount. It was a considerable feat in light of how large this portion of the Promenade was.

"How many times do I have to repeat that we were--" The subordinate Cardassian's words were cut short as a bottle flew through the air and struck the base of his skull. The sudden impact knocked him off balance and onto the ground.

Glinn Suvall reacted immediately, reaching beneath his tunic and withdrawing his disruptor. "WHO THREW THAT?" he shouted as his eyes searched the crowd for the responsible party.

Approaching the Box of Delights, Annora could see quite the crowd gathering. Before pushing through, she called for backup. If they had to break up the crowd by force, things could get real dicey in a moment's notice.

"Captain. You may want to put your Marines on standby. If things get ugly, it couldn't hurt to have some extra muscle waiting in the wings."

“On it,” Laz replied. He tapped his comm badge to put a team on standby. The tension in the air was thick, the hostility so bad he could almost feel it in radiating from the crowd. After years in combat duty, Laz had developed a skill in sensing when violence was at hand, and it was close enough now to make the hair stand up on the back of his neck.

Annora and Lazanos pushed their way to the front of the crowd when someone threw a bottle at one the Cardassians. As Suvall drew his disrupter, Annora drew her own phaser. It was as much to intimidate the crowd as the Cardassian.

"I need everyone to disperse immediately! There's plenty of room in the brig if you choose to not listen."

Glinn Suvall saw a sudden movement in his peripheral. That view was joined by the shout of his fellow Cardassian. "One of them is reaching for something!" shouted Gil Tussair as grasped Suvall's shoulder to warn him. Before Gil Tussair could withdraw his own weapon or even confirm that the crowd member was armed, Glinn Suvall fire several shots into a heavyset Human male, one shot striking him in the chest.

Even as the first shot rang out Dorian was moving. He knew Yolanthe could fend for herself, but still. Having already decided to let security, or the crowd, deal with the Cardassians, he closed the distance and was by her side. With a grin a he provided her cover; "Your place certainly is where the action is, isn't it."

Yolanthe gave him an arch smile. "I don't see you for months and you're here making stupidly dangerous gestures?" She pushed gently away from the crowd. "Stay out the way. Don't get hurt. I'll get upset."

"Been travel'n a lot lately. Hiring new flight crew and security staff. don't wanna nurse me back to health?"

"No, because I don't want you hurt in the first place." She was pulling Pel to his feet and shoving both men back into the Box. "Computer, drop the shutters!" The metal grills quickly rolled down into place.

Silk was taken by surprise. She normally might have had a chance to get an impression, but the size and emotion of the crowd had put her shields to the test. When the Glinn suddenly fired, she blinked, and then other training took over. She grabbed his wrist with both hands and using the fact that the thumb side was the weakest twisted the weapon away. "STOP IT! RIGHT NOW!" she shouted, both to him and to the other Cardassian. "You want to cause a full riot?" She moderated herself and glared. "Come on, put that thing away and move back and out of sight." She was trying to play nice, trying to be diplomatic, though she wanted nothing more than to break a nose, but that was the last resort. She needed to get these Cardassians out of sight and let security and maybe the marines disperse the crowd. First day on the job and she was already dealing with an incident, and the Cardassian probably had diplomatic immunity as well. Well, the security feeds might show more what started the whole thing. Right now, Silk just needed to herd them away, otherwise things were going to get right ugly fast.

Terry had finally made his way to the wounded man. He started checking him out when there was weapons fire. He covered the patient with his own body to make sure the man didn't get shot.

"Don't worry, man", he said to the man, not sure if he could hear him. "I'm Terry, and I am going to get you to safety, and I am going to make sure you are patched up good. Just stay still for me."

Bastille had nowhere to go to disperse. She couldn't get to her shop, and right now, there were too many people behind her. The shot made her jump, but all she could do was move back as much as she could and hope to get out of everyone's way.

To be Continued…

Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson
Combat Medic
21st Marine Expeditionary Unit

Lt Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Ensign Relyna Coleman
Security Officer

Bastille Lagrange
The Evil Librarian Bookshop

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Lieutenant Yukiko "Silk" Winters
Chief Diplomatic Officer

Shri'vara Troops
Cardassian Empire

Captain Lazanos Torena
Commanding Officer
21st Marine Expeditionary Unit

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard for Geral Lasuma


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