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Pride goeth before the fall (Love on the Rocks part 5)

Posted on Wed May 6, 2020 @ 5:11pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval & Civilian Dorian Torel

2,480 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: DS5, various
Timeline: MD 04 1300


Charghwl’IH had just closed his communication with Lord Da’nal and the High Council when one of the Embassy’s aid entered the chamber.  “Come in, come it.  What is it Ktraq?”

“A report from the Teralis mining station, My Lord.”

“Go on.”

The construction foreman reports that the station is operational. There is still work to be completed, but he Federation team has conduct their safety inspections and the joint Federation-Klingon management team is on site and ready to begin processing.”


“They also want to inform you that any ore freighter the had let the system is still proceeding to the Raddon processing facility but that all other ore would be processed locally.”

The corner of his lip curled slightly, “Have them recall any ship within 5 light years of the system.  After all, the new station will be the closest facility.  Has Comma…Captain Soran been informed?”

“I do not know…”

“Well as the commanding officer for the nearest starbase to the processing station and the key supply point for the station and our security detachment do you not think she should be informed?”

Nodding sharply Ktraq replied.  “Yes My Lord.  I will see to it immediately.”

Stopping his with a word as he turned to leave, “No.  There was another matter I needed to bring to her attention.  Set a meeting, before the Vaq’bach arrives. Was there anything else?”

“There was something.  It may be trivial but one of the junior attaché’s thought it might be of interest.”

He was curious.  It would be the first time someone had tried to impress him but he would weigh the value of the information.  “Well?”

“It concerns Captain Soran.  Were you aware she was seeing the Bajoran Lasuma?”  

“I have seen them together yes but I do not concern myself with her or his personal affairs.  Nor should anyone else.”

“Agreed, but apparently there was a very heated and very public exchange between them a two nights age on the promenade.  Seems he had bet another that he could bed her…and she caught this other individual paying up.”

He roared with laughter for several moments just imagining her reaction.  “Seems Mr. Lasuma tried to grab the tlqnagh by the tail and got bit!”  Rising his hand fell to his blade, he had promise to keep.  “Inform me when the meeting is set.”

[Lasuma’s - Office level]

Geral had sent another message to Maritza inviting her to a late lunch. So far she hadn't returned any of his messages but until he heard from her that she didn't want anything to do with him he was going to keep trying.

[Lasuma's - main level]

Charghwl'IH enter the shop, ignoring the other customers, and walked strait into the Café and towards the lift his ears told him was back there. Knowing who he was and that he seemed to know where he was going none of the staff stopped him.

The lift took him up to the next level stepping out he saw Lasuma's lapdog. "Where is he?"

Dorian was coming out of the bosses office. "Hello again Mr. Ambassador. I don't recall you having an appointment with Mr. Lasuma today?"

Stepping towards the door, looking from Dorian to the door as he replied. "I don't."

Dorian didn't move. "I'm sorry Mr. Ambassa…"

Hearing the two he figured he figured he'd interject before anything major happened. "Let him in Dorian, he's an honored guest."

Charg entered the office to see Geral standing behind his desk and he waited until the door closed behind him. Once the door was closed he stepped towards the desk, his hand dropping to his blade. "Didn't I warn you?"

[Klingon Embassy]

Setting aside the updates to the Ambassador's schedule Ktraq put in a call to the Captain's Yeoman to set the meeting.

The breathless little bajoran answered. "How can I help you?"

"Greetings, Ambassador Charghwl'IH needs to meet as soon as possible with the Captain concerning the Dilithium mining in the the Teralis system."

"Her daybook is rather full, sir. I can't give you anything in the next 72 hours straight off. I'll need to take instruction on what can be moved. I'll come back to you later this morning."

Before the connection was dropped he spoke up. "The Ambassador insisted on a meeting today. I'm not sure if you are aware but before returning to the Empire the Ambassador and the Captain were shipmates. I'm sure your Captain would accommodate his request...a lunch meeting perhaps?"

"Um, just a moment."

The line let out little peeps of holding signal before it was picked up.

Soran spoke in clear tones of irritation. "Tell Charg if its that urgent, he can send a report. And if you or he tries to use our relationship to bully my yeoman again, I'll rip out both your intestines and use them as jump ropes. Understand!?"

A toothy grin spread over his features, the Ambassador was right she had toDuj (courage). "No disrespect to you or your yeoman Captain, nor was the attempt to convey the Ambassadorship urgency meant to come across as bullying. I will inform the Ambassador of your displeasure and of your tight schedule immediately."

"You do that." She cut the line, pinching the bridge of her nose as she tried to regain her composure. She was too stressed out. SHe needed to take a brake. "I'm going out for a little bit. Hold all my calls. I'll be back in forty minutes"


Charg had left Lasuma's shop without killing the Bajoran, though his deck know had a hole in it from his d'k tahg. He huffed and he felt sorry for the man for Maritza was not one forget when she felt she had been wronged...but it was not his place to interfer in their relationship. He was satisfied that Lasuma had been a victim in the mess as well, at least partially, but it would be up to him to extract himself...if he can.

Entering a lift he contacted his embassy. "Krtaq, where is the Vaq'bach and is the meeting set?"

"No My Lord, the Captain's yeoman had stated her schedule was extremely busy and when I press the issue by suggesting a lunch appointment the Captain herself came into the conversation and was quite irritated. The Vaq'bach is just enter the station's control zone and is waiting to dock."

He could imagine why, Maritza was in a foul mood, if only partially so.. "I see. Where is she now?"

He wait as the aid queried her location. "My Lord she is in Starfleet gym on Deck 33."

"Really... Have my guests escorted to the gym once they arrive."



The Starfleet Gym on Deck 33 was quiet. She felt guilty for throwing out the young ensigns and lieutenants who'd been inside, but she wanted to be alone. She needed to be physical, and it was probably not good for her staff to hear her screaming.

She stripped down to her vest, and stretched briefly. She would pay for the lack of warm up, but she didn't care about that either. She got some wraps from the replicator, but that was about all the preparation she did. She wanted to hit something, and lacking a handy Bajoran shopkeeper, a bag full of sand would have to do.

She poked at it heartlessly for a bit and as the memories of the last few days drifted in, the blows got harder, and faster, and she found her rythmn. Not just the problems with the strange crystal growths in the EPS, but the awful night that followed. She could still see that damn bar of latinum sliding into Geral's pocket. How dare he!

She slammed her knuckles into the bag, but the angle was sloppy and she hit hard enough to scrape the skin from edge of her fingers. The smarting just annoyed her. SHe steadied the bag and started again.

It wasn't long after his conversation with his staff that he walked in and saw her working on a heavy bag. Once he had closed on her he shook his head. "You are still dropping your left."

She'd been so absorbed in her thoughts she hadn't heard him come in. "Dammit Charg. I am busy. I told your aide to bugger off. That means you too." She went back to the bag, but she was keeping her left arm up again. "So piss off, or I'll replace the bag with you."

Always up for a bit of sparring he walked over to the other gloves and stripped off his top. "Yes I heard you had your knickers in a twist...and with everything going on lately it's not surprising."

He hadn't bothered to watch her reaction his simply walked over to the boxing ring and waited.

"You're that desperate to talk about dilithium?" She clambered through the ropes. "Fine. Five minutes. Thats it."

Arching an eyebrow he smirked knowingly. "Well after recent events I would have thought you would want some good news..." Raising his hands lightly as they began to circle one another. "...Especially if you could stick a thorn in Raddon's side."

"Raddon doesn't need provoking. I want a lot of rope to hang him with. I want him to give me the people who planned taking Claude." She went with a cautious jab to his chin.

Bringing up his guard and slipping in a cross. "Watch the left...Well provoked is what he's about to be. The refining station in Telaris is operational so he won't be getting any more shipment to refine."

She leaned away from the cross, only just making it, "Well, I'm sure he'll make his feelings known. Was that it?" She riposted with a roundhouse at his kidneys.

Even though he was fulfilling her request to stand in as her punching bag he wasn't going to just stand there. Ripping out a sharp jab he sent her back a few paces. "Well of course, per the agreement, Mr. Lasuma's transports will begin distributing the refined ore to ship yards in both the Federation and the Empire."

MAritza tasted blood and he knocked her lip into her teeth. She swallowed sharply metallic spit, and came back with another blow aimed t his torso. "I'm sure that will make him very happy. He. Loves. Latinum." She punctuated the bittter words with sharp jabs at his belly.

Grinning at her shots to his abs. He telegraphed a few rapid shots for her to block before dancing back. "The way he acts arround you I'd say he loves more than latinum..."

She slapped his hands away, "yeah, well, he's also a great actor." She changed tactics and aimed a sharp kick at his groin.

He grabbed her kick and threw her back. "Ha... one doesn't shield another from a would be assassin if they are acting." Already knowing the answer to his next question he asked anyway, wanting her to say the name. "Who led you to believe that he was acting?"

She landed on her arse, and got back to her feet. "He did." She closed as fast as she could, hurling all her strength behind a vicious punch aimed at his centre mass.

He side stepped her attack at connected to a solid blow to her side and his sharp hearing hear her ribs crack. Dancing back he gave her space to see if she would continue or stop. "Really?? Do not let your anger unbalance you," he instructed. "My sources tell me that there was another that caused things to fall apart."

She barely heard him through the electric heat that burned through her. She reflexively gasped, and the act of breath sent more coursing through her. FOr a moment, it took away everything, her anger over Geral, her frustration that yet more people had died on her watch, the irritation of the Trill Commission - her father! - sending his inquisitors to harrass her citizens. It hurt, but there was also peace. "No." She wheezed. "Just him, being an arse. Petaq!" She made a clumsy swing for his chin.

Batting her hand away. He continued to press her. "You seem to be forgetting a certain figure known to operate this station underworld. Lasuma is a relative stranger here and in a short time has accomplished quite a lot. That makes enemies. Have you thought about that...possibility? I didn't think you to be so easily manipulated."

She stepped back, managing through more luck than skill to dtay away from his sharp controlled attacks andstay upright thorough the pain. "He still made the bet. He said so."

Dodging another attack "I am not defending his actions. I just want you to think that MAYBE this was an attack on him and you were the casualty."

She couldn't really think through the roaring throb in her ribs. "Doesn't matter. He wouldn't have got caught, if he hadn't done something that required catching She was half gasping, half screaming, and practically threw herself at him.

A familiar presence brushed his mind and he smiled inwardly as the warmth of her mind touch his once again. Maritza came at him again, but this time he stood his ground. Blocking her left he landed a solid blow to her ribs, cracking a few more. He followed it with a right cross sending her to the canvas.

She collapsed back, slamming her head into the mat to add another twist of pain into the cacnophy in her chest. She wanted to get up, but wasn't sure she could. her sides hurt so damn mutch. Was she ever going ot learn about not taking on klingons?

Before he could offer her any help or say another word a voice cut the silence. "CHARGHWL'IH!! Why don't you pick on someone your own size."

Glancing up as she worked her way closer was Xae'dell, flanked by the twins Tumek and Varshara, while holding the newest addition to their house Konjah. "My Lady."

"Xae?" Maritza looked at the klingon woman and her entourage "What are you doing here?" she wheezed.

Smiling at the question as she looked to her friend. "Is it so surprising? My husband is the Ambassador here after all. Are you ok?

"No." Maritza decided she wanted to stay on the mat for a minute. "I've broken a rib. Maybe more."

Handing Konjah off the the children's ghojmoq (nurse/nanny) Xae entered the ring as Charg held open the ropes. "You always did have a habit of biting off more than you could chew. Come on let's get you to sick bay."


Captain Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

Charghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador

Xae'dell, of the House of Soval
Ambassador's wife

Geral Lasuma
Lasuma Enterprises

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard & Henchman


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