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Putting Down Roots (Part II of IV)

Posted on Fri Nov 23, 2018 @ 6:28am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & First Lieutenant Gordon Blue & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Qinee & Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Civilian Dorian Torel

2,172 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Spiral Castle Camp
Timeline: MD01 1900

Previously on Putting Down Roots

The square was lit by bright lamps and, she noted, some wag had also put up tiki lights. Already. That hadn't taken long. Maritza looked from the naked flames to the crowd. It wouldn't take long. She’d say a few words, ask Dr. Wells and Ambassador Quinee to say a few words, job done, colony open, let's all have a drink.

And then she could get back with hunting for a bomber, criminal gangs, illegal technology. The square was filling up. She tugged her dress whites into position and went to mingle with the guests.

And now the continuation...

Maritza took a look around the assorted crowd. Turvan was here. Well. She had only banned him from DS5. She had forgotten to include Pangea in those restrictions, and it was too late change them now. She didn't want to listen to his insufferable gloating, so she turned away and looked for a friendlier face. Spotting Ambassador Qinee, she moved over. "Thank you for coming, Madam Ambassador. Could I ask you to say a few words, later on, once everyone's mingled a bit?"

Qinee turned her scraggle-toothed smile on Maritza. “Of course, Commander,” she said. “After all, this is a rather auspicious occasion, the first joint colony among the Great Powers. We have a betting pool on how long it takes to burn to the ground and start the next war,” she teased Maritza. “What can I put you down for, and your time table? Side bets on who starts it, also.”

"I can't be seen to take sides. I might be considered undue influence," Maritza said. "Though I look forward to receiving the revenue from your gambling profits."

Qinee grinned. “True. Frankly, you’re in the running for putting a cocktail fork into Ambassador Turvan’s eye tonight,” she teased Maritza.

Soran did her best not to glare. "I can assure you that I have no intention of assaulting a foreign dignitary."

Qinee sniggered. “No intention, but I can see you thinking about it!” She cackled merrily. “It isn’t like you would be the first,” she pointed out.

"I couldn't possibly comment," Maritza said grimly. She wasn't going to be drawn on any of feelings, positive or negative, for the Cardassian ambassador.

Melvyn noticed the commodore earlier in the evening, but was caught up in conversation. Now that he had removed himself he decided to make his way over to speak with the Human.

"Commodore Pierce, what a pleasure to see you again," the elder business owner said as he extended his hand. "I'm surprised that Starfleet would send one of their most valuable officers to simply hobnob with us mere mortals," he said with a smile. "Or perhaps you are looking for a change scenery?" he said with full intent, still trying to woo the officer to come work for him.

Pierce smiled at Raddon. “After how difficult it was to reclaim my career, I am not looking to change just yet,” he told Raddon in his Australian accent. “We happened to be docked at Deep Space Five at the time, so an invitation was extended. It is not often the Federation and the other powers can get along well enough to try and make something like this happen.

"I understand, Commodore; however, my offer still stands. Just imagine the good that could be accomplished with your years of leadership experience," he said, still not letting go of the idea. "The Federation does not recognize the true value your possess. I can assure you that we will," he said genuinely.

“Perhaps I could be of more help in my current position,” Pierce suggested. “Though I am not sure what help you think I could offer in your commercial enterprises.”

Melvyn leaned in closer to speak into the commodore's ear. "Space is a very dangerous place. There's no telling when the next Starfleet vessel could turn rogue again," Melvyn said, subtly referring to the Svriki disaster. "If Humanity cannot depend on Starfleet to protect it, then Humanity needs to learn how to protect itself," Melvyn said. "And that begins with having the right men, in the right place, at the right time," he said as he leaned back and straightened Pierce's jacket lapel.

"Besides, we have a wonderful healthcare and dental!" he said jokingly as he slapped the Commodore's arm in good natured fashion.

Pierce chuckled. “I couldn’t agree more,” he said with his light Australian drawl. “It is why I joined in the first place, and why I returned after my...sabbatical.”

Melvyn rolled his eyes. "Your sabbatical..." he said incredulously. "You don't need to use euphemisms with me. You and I both know that you were the victim of Starfleet bureaucracy. You were just an unwitting pawn. It's disgusting that they would treat a patriot in such a manner," Melvyn said.

"Imagine having the privileges of command without the suffocating rules and procedures stifling you," Melvyn proposed. "You'd be in charge of our entire fleet. Whatever mission that needed to be carried out would be under your direction and discretion," he continued to offer.

“I can’t imagine mining surveys and nebula scans could be more rewarding than what I am doing now,” Pierce said. “I’ve given my life and career to keeping the Federation safe.”

"Mr. Raddon?" An earnest looking young man, apparently Human, cut through the crowd to step in front of Melvyn and Dorian Gabriel. "Daniel Reyes. FNN. I was wondering if you wanted to share your thoughts about the potential of developing this world for the Federation." He held out a slim pen, combination stylus for his padd and recording device. "For the record."

Gabriel was about to shove the intrusive reporter out of the way, but Melvyn stopped him. He looked towards Pierce. "One moment please," Raddon said as he nodded towards the young reporter.

"Daniel, I believe this planet holds limitless opportunities for development and exploration. In fact, my corporation has already received the blessings of several members within the Federation Council, including Mr. Hilliard Braxton, the Federation envoy to the Obsidian sector, to travel to the surface and begin exploratory operations in regards to potential dilithium and other valuable resources that cannot be replicated by current technology," Melvyn said in a much rehearsed tone. He had given the sales pitch many times to many people in many forms as he continued his campaign to obtain exclusive drill, exploitation, and development rights to the newly-discovered planet.

"Thank you, Mr. Raddon," Daniel said. "And how do you feel about sharing the discoveries here with the Cardassians, Ferengi, and other powers showing interest?"

Melvyn gave a mirthful laugh. "Daniel, my boy, we've been sharing discoveries with other races and species throughout the quadrant for centuries," he said. "Name a time when others have not benefited from the innovation and inspiration of Humanity," he asked rhetorically.

Reyes nodded along. "So you're committed to sharing any and all of your company's discoveries publicly without charging for access?"

Melvyn gave another chuckle. "I am committed to the constant growth and success of my company," he replied. "However, let me be very clear that the Raddon Corporation has not and will never allow our technology and intellectual property to fall into the hands of the unsuitable, the unworthy, and the untrustworthy," he said in a much more serious tone.

"Given your affiliation with certain populists back home," Daniel began, "it’s not unreasonable to say that on that basis you've just said you won't share your discoveries with non-Humans. Are there any non-Humans who meet your conditions?"

"Populists..." Melvyn said dismissively. "Who talks like that? Other than the terrorists that have been allowed to run rampant throughout Deep Space Five," he said. "In fact, the Raddon Corporation is more than willing to share its discoveries with Commander Soran if it would help her get this station under control and some semblance of order. My company and its subsidiaries operate under the charter of the United Federation of Planets and has always complied with all laws and regulations set forth by that body. Any rumor that my organization is associated with anyone other than lawful representatives and honorable Federation citizens is simply a lie," he said indignantly.

"So you reject the Human supremacist leaning of politicians like Hilliard Braxton? Didn't he speak at one of your facilities just a few months ago." The journalist had a gleam of his eyes, obviously enjoying the verbal fencing.

Melyvn locked eyes with the young reporter for several moments before responding. "Hilliard Braxton is a Dominion War veteran. He put his life on the line to defend your freedom back when you were still a sniveling toddler," the elder man said. "When you have put on a uniform and have put your life on the line, then you can question his motives," he said as he pressed his finger into the younger man's chest. "Until then, you can take your smarmy little questions over to the station commander and ask her what she's doing to maintain a competent security department and when, not if we should expect the next bombing to occur!" he said defensively as he turned to leave.

The journalist side stepped to stay in front of him. "Mr. Raddon, you didn't answer the question. Is the answer because not only do you not reject them, you agree with them, which is why the Dilithium Chamber has a racist door policy?"

Melvyn's patience had grown dangerously thin with this provocateur. He glanced towards Gabriel and gave an slight, almost imperceptible nod towards the younger man. Gabriel caught the glance and immediately stepped in between Melvyn and the reporter as Melvyn turned and walked further into the crowd away from the reporter.

"Mr. Raddon has other matters to attend to at the moment. We will gladly answer any further appropriate questions at a future time after you have contacted our Public Affairs division and scheduled a proper appointment," Gabriel said to the younger reporter, hoping that the reporter would push his luck and try to physically move the former security chief.

Seeing the brush off for what it was, Daniel effortlessly switched track and held his microphone out to the old head of DS5 security. "Former Commander Gabriel! Are you really comfortable supporting a man who is completely against the values of an organisation you served loyally for years?"

Gabriel took a deep breath before responding. "You know what I'm not comfortable with? The fact that our Executive Officer's daughter is linked to a murder and the security department, his department, brushes it under the rug as if its business as usual," he said, going in a totally different direction than the previous tone of the interview. "Maybe you should go shake a few bushes around the command staff and see what values they support up in OPS."

That seemed to silence the reporter for a second, and Gabriel could see the wheels turning in the man's head. Then Reyes said, "That's a hell of an accusation. Have you got proof?"

"Proof? Yeah, go ahead and ask the new head of Security about all the suspects she's interviewed and subsequently let go. I'll bet you five bars she'll tap dance out of the truth," he replied. "And then go ask the owner of the Box of Delights if she's had any run ins with the XO's brat," he added.

Reyes narrowed his eyes, evaluating, but then turned his head to scan the crowd for Tessaro. "I think I’m going to go chat with the new head of security. Pleasure to talk with you."

Annora was aware of the reporter's presence at the event. She was, however, a bit surprised he sought her out.

"Mr. Reyes, how are you enjoying yourself tonight?"

"It's a lovely evening," he said with a smile. "And congratulations on your promotion, I trust you will have a few words for a humble reporter some time soon?"

"Thank you, and feel free to stop by the security offices when you get a chance. We'll try to answer any questions you have."

Thankfully he didn't want an interview right then and there.

"I'll certainly take you up on that, Lieutenant." He gave her a little bow. "Have a good evening, Lieutenant."

To Be Continued...

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Commander Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Commodore Artemis Pierce
Commanding Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Commander Ash Danrisa
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Commander Eve Three
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Myru Jera
Intelligence Consultant
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Ferengi Ambassador
NPC Caleb Ryan

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Petty Officer Third Travis Nottingham
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lt Cmdr River Nelson
Acting CMO, DS5

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

First Lieutenant Gordon Blue
Marine Commander


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