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Putting Down Roots (Part III of IV)

Posted on Fri Nov 23, 2018 @ 6:29am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & First Lieutenant Gordon Blue & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Qinee & Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Civilian Dorian Torel

1,554 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Spiral Castle Camp
Timeline: MD01 1930

Previously on Putting Down Roots

Reyes said, "That's a hell of an accusation. Have you got proof?"

"Proof? Yeah, go ahead and ask the new head of Security about all the suspects she's interviewed and subsequently let go. I'll bet you five bars she'll tap dance out of the truth," Gabriel replied. "And then go ask the owner of the Box of Delights if she's had any run ins with the XO's brat," he added.

Reyes narrowed his eyes, evaluating, but then turned his head to scan the crowd for Tessaro. "I think I’m going to go chat with the new head of security. Pleasure to talk with you."

And now the continuation...

Dorian had been casually moving about, keeping within range of Lasuma should there be a need, and he made note of the exchange with the reporter. Smirking slightly as he continued, he would need to look into that reporter.

Blue was in his uniform. Thank the gods it was not a dress uniform, as he was on crowd control of sorts. He and his small contingent of Marines were just about to enforce the Security forces of the colony. Being newly opened and on the first footsteps, it was thought that a few Marines scattered throughout the plaza might just help keep things more under control.

Blue himself had Corporal Janice Sign with him. She was a crack small arms expert and marksman. She also scored well in the combat drills involving hostage situations and urban fighting.

"Everyone be nice," Blue said over the concealed headset. "Be nice until I give the order not to be nice, not before."

He waited as the two person tag teams checked individually with Blue. "This is a celebration, so just remain very passive unless ordered."

As Annora made her way mingling in the crowd, she bumped into a petite young woman with dark brown hair. She was in Starfleet dress uniform with Lieutenant Commander pips and colors indicating Security, as well. She seemed to be keeping an eye on Ash Danrisa as he flirted with the new doctor River.

“Sorry,” the woman said, a bit curt as she turned quickly to Annora, making sure she hadn’t spilled Annora’s drink.

Turning to see who bumped into her, Annora noticed it was another Starfleet member. She didn't recognize the woman, but the yellow trim indicated either security or engineering. If she had to guess, she'd place the commander in security.

"Not a problem, ma'am. It's bound to happen in crowds like this."

“I hate crowds,” the woman admitted. Her eyes darted about for threats in the way a trained security officer’s did. “Sorry. I’m being rude. Lieutenant Commander Eve Three, Chief Tactical Officer of the Nemesis,” she introduced herself, offering her hand to Annora. The grip was surprisingly strong for one of her size. “You’re the new head of station security, correct? Tessaro?”

While she had been a bit surprised the Nemesis was sticking around, Annora wasn't unhappy about the situation. "That's me. Nice to meet you, Commander. Crowds are a necessary evil in our line of work. Thankfully here at least we're not too spread out."

“True,” Eve said. “And I don’t expect there will be any trouble.” She glanced around at the mingling guests. “So how have you been getting along with your little Human unrest problem?” she asked, sipping from her drink.

"Human unrest?" It seemed an odd way to phrase what had recently transpired in and around the station. "Things have calmed down for now. We've increased security patrols, especially in the heavily populated areas. Hopefully that shows would be terrorists we mean business."

“That’s good,” Eve said. “Any idea who blew up the embassies?” she asked. “Do you think it was more of the Earth First people? We’re looking into them.”

"Still looking into who is behind it. I'd be surprised if it was Earth First due to the lack of a public declaration. Would think they'd be quick to claim responsibility. The leading theory is someone else who took advantage of the previous attack to launch their own. Due to the closeness in timing, they hoped we'd blame Earth First and not investigate further."

She didn't know much about the Nemesis, but was glad they were looking into the terrorist attack. Sometimes the less official investigations yielded the best results.

“That’s just what we need. Yet another player,” Eve said. “Sorry. All of this subterfuge is more Ash’s domain -- Lieutenant Commander Danrisa,” she corrected her overfamiliarity even as she watched Ash getting cozy with that doctor. “I prefer to shoot and punch my problems.”

Excusing herself from the little Ferengi, Maritza made a circuit of the crowd to reassure herself everyone had mingled enough and were ready for the formalities. She stopped by Blue. "Everything in order, Lieutenant? Anyone looking for trouble?”

"Just a friendly gathering thus far, ma'am." Blue gave her a grin. "Nice to be invited to a shin dig that does not take place on combat conditions, as per usual." He gestured to his partner. "This is she who watches my back and the best administration person in the Corps, Corporeal Janice Sign." Blue had some pride in her. "Corporeal Sign, may I introduce our lovely commanding officer and the reason you have the fine accommodations on her station."

"Pleased to make your acquaintance, Commander." Sign gave a salute.

Maritza raised an eyebrow at Blue when he called her lovely, but said nothing more. "Likewise, Corporal. Unfortunately, with all these new faces down here, you may find yourself camping out here on a more permanent basis."

"Camping with fresh air, might be a nice change, Commander," Sign replied.

"Marines on a working holiday, that could be fun," Blue said with an expression of seriousness. "Wherever and whenever we are needed you can always call in the Marines, ma'am," Blue added to the conversation.

Soran carefully didn't let her gaze slip to Turvan. He may well try something. And she trusted Qinee. Trusted her to be devious, self-serving, and avaricious to the point of abuse. And then Raddon and Gabriel may well start to stir something. And there would always be daredevils and glory seekers who always took the concept of off limits as a personal challenge. "Whilst you may appreciate it, Miss Sign, I sincerely hope that you will spend the rest of your time here utterly bored. Now, please, excuse me.”

Now that most people had had time to chat, Maritza moved to the small podium, meaning to get the main event over with. She tapped on the podium with her knuckles. "Ladies and gentleman, if I could have your attention for a few moments."

When the murmur finally went silent and turned to face her, she began, "It is the purpose of Starfleet to seek out new life and new civilisations. It is a rare occurrence that a new civilization comes to us. Yet here we are, on a planet that has crossed realities. To learn more about this gift, the UFP is reaching out to friends inside and outside our borders. In the spirit of this collegial approach, I'd now like to invite Ambassador Qinee of Ferenginar to say a few words and formally open the Pangaea Scientific Research Settlement."

Qinee lifted her gaudy skirts as she climbed the stage. She moved to the podium and stood there, barely visible. She tapped a foot in annoyance as her female assistant rushed up with a small stool so Qinee could step up and be seen and reach the podium.

“Ladies and gentlebeings of the Federation, the Ferengi Alliance, the Cardassian Union, the Romulan Star Empire, and the Klingon Empire. Today marks an auspicious occasion of our great powers, an occasion of mutual cooperation for exploration and profit. All of our cultures have had their stories of mysterious, powerful beings, of other worlds, paradises where these near deities dwelt. And while it may be profit and scientific inquiry that brings us here today, let us not forget that it was the call of our hearts in those old stories that gave us our direction.”

Qinee’s assistant lugged over a giant set of shears to the ambassador. Qinee wrestled with the oversized implement toward the giant blue red ribbon. Her assistant held the body of the shears while Qinee worked them open.

“I hereby announce the opening of the Pangaea Scientific Research Settlement. As the Vulcans say, may it live long and prosper!” With that, she cut the ribbon.

And the lights went out.

To Be Continued...

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Commander Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Commodore Artemis Pierce
Commanding Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Commander Ash Danrisa
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Commander Eve Three
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Myru Jera
Intelligence Consultant
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Ferengi Ambassador
NPC Caleb Ryan

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Petty Officer Third Travis Nottingham
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lt Cmdr River Nelson
Acting CMO, DS5

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer

First Lieutenant Gordon Blue
Marine Commander


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