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Putting Down Roots (Part I of IV)

Posted on Fri Nov 23, 2018 @ 6:26am by Captain Maritza Soran & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Commander Caleb Ryan & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & First Lieutenant Gordon Blue & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Qinee & Civilian Dorian Torel

2,311 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Doors of Perception
Location: Spiral Castle Camp
Timeline: MD01 1900


It wasn't much to look at. The 'square' was just that, a square area of packed earth laid to turf that was meant to be the communal space, where everyone from the different camps could meet. There was a replimat hut opposite one corner, but that was about it for recreation. More facilities could be added, would be added, in time. But at the moment everything was as generic as could be, maximum flexibility with zero personality, a blank canvas ready to be adapted to the needs of the residents.

Most should have moved in earlier that afternoon, and now all was settled there was time for pleasantries and socializing and were now filtering in for the evening’s gathering. To one side of the square some tables had been set up and stocked with drinks and finger foods. Smaller tables and chairs were scattered around the edges as well, though people were still standing in small clusters.

The square was lit by bright lamps and, she noted, some wag had also put up tiki lights. Already. That hadn't taken long. Maritza looked from the naked flames to the crowd. Personally she did not agree with this, but the UFP State Department was adamant. This was a Federation territory, not a sovereign one, and therefore they had jurisdiction, and Starfleet was always, always, always subservient to the civilian government. Therefore she followed orders. It wouldn't take long. She’d say a few words, ask Dr. Wells and Ambassador Quinee to say a few words, job done, colony open, let's all have a drink.

And then she could get back with hunting for a bomber, criminal gangs, illegal technology. The square was filling up. She tugged her dress whites into position and went to mingle with the guests.

Ambassador Hydel Turvan was dressed in his formal Cardassian Union attire. He always preferred his ceremonial military uniform than what was normally worn by diplomatic personnel. In his heart he was still a soldier and he felt that it provided inspiration to those within his command to see him and the various accoutrements he had earned through years of relentless service to the Union.

To his left was his garrison commander Gul Denat Meran. As usual, the Cardassian was quiet and more intently focused on observing the other partygoers moreso than the party itself.

"Denat, you should relax and try to enjoy yourself. How often do you get the opportunity to set feet on a new and unexplored planet?" Ambassador Turvan stated as he shook hands with a passing embassy personnel member.

"Sir, I'm a soldier, not a diplomat. I have no true business being down here on this planet. Especially when the embassy is still being rebuilt from the attack," Gul Meran said as his eyes continued to ascertain any potential threats around them.

"Trust me, if I was worried that there was any credible threat against us I would have you deployed with an armed contingent," Ambassador Turvan said. "Your presence here is even more important since we're so close to executing the next phase of our plan on Xi'Cadia," he added.

"That, sir, is even more of a reason for me to be on the station preparing," Gul Meran replied. "Undoubtedly the Federation will not have a positive response to this rather...significant power move. They surely won't be happy," the security officer said in a lowered tone.

"Happy? Oh no, Denat, they will be incensed," Ambassador Turvan said in an almost whimsical tone. "To quote an ancient Terran religious text, 'There will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth,'" the ambassador said.

Geral and Dorian walked around the area before the opening ceremonies began. Though not a commercial venture, there were definite possibilities. opportunities that he was sure the Ferengi would try to monopolize. The current spartan nature of the facilities could definitely use some comfort items, the very thing that got him his start and could easily be addressed. Had they arrived on the station earlier he would have put in a bid for the management of the colony, but that opportunity was gone, so he would adapt to overcome.

Dorian leaned in. "Raddon's man is here."

Geral nodded quietly, replying, "I saw, though nothing of Raddon yet. Odd."

Seeing who, if memory served, was the station's Chief Science Officer, he made his way towards her with Dorian in tow. "Lieutenant Wells, isn't it?"

Alanna turned to see who was speaking. "Yes, I'm Doctor Wells. I don't believe we've met, Mr...?" She glanced at the man with him. He looked familiar, but she couldn't place his face.

“Lasuma, Geral Lasuma. My apologies, Doctor. I mean, I'm no engineer, but I was wondering given the difficulty in transporting to the surface, would a space elevator between the surface and an orbital platform be an option?

Alanna took quick stock of the man before her. "No need to apologize. I'm also Lieutenant Wells, but I'm here more in my capacity as a scientist." She smiled at him and shook her head. "No. There's too much atmospheric instability. Even in geosynchronous orbit we'd run the risk of it failing catastrophically. Shuttles are the only safe way in or out."

"I see. I know there are strict security placed on accessing the planet, but the personnel working here have no means of diversion onsite. Would it be possible me to set up a small establishment for them, after proper security measures, of course?"

Alanna considered him for a moment. "It depends on what you have in mind."

"I could meet any need or requirement set. We can open something as simple as a general store or a fancy as a night club. However, I think a place where people can just relax, get some good food, an evening's entertainment after a hard days work would be welcomed by all."

"That's a possibility. Send me a proposal and I'll look it over," Alanna said. It might be nice to have something like an inn for the colonists, but she wanted to see exactly what he had in mind, and then do some research, before supporting such an endeavor.

Bowing his head slightly, Lasuma said, "I will have a proposal to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your time, Lieutenant."

He had expected little else. Starfleet had their procedures, and with the earlier incidents additional precautions were to be expected. Moving off, he made his way over to the Ferengi delegation.

Adjusting the jacket on her dress uniform, Annora entered the square where the others were gathered. They weren't all that uncomfortable, especially when compare to the dress grays she'd worn as a cadet. One complaint about most dress uniforms was the lack of places to inconspicuously hide a sidearm. She was confident in her unarmed combat skills, but still felt more comfortable with at least a phaser, especially considering all the recent turmoil. Some of those fears were relieved by the obvious presence of Starfleet security around the perimeter as well as the Marines.

Taking an offered drink from a waiter, she started to mingle among the crowd.

T'gan had only just arrived on DS5, and so knew no one yet. But this was too good an opportunity to miss. So she chose to dress in a flowing Vulcan robe and attend the ceremonies.

Brianthe, too, had chosen to dress casually. She wore a long, flowing skirt and blouse so she didn't stand out so much and mingled.

Although Amia Telamon was officially on maternity leave, she was still taking part time duty rotas and had volunteered for this shift to let her locum River Morgan go down to see the planet, which she had yet to visit. River was happy to accept Amia's offer on this and had arrived in the latest shuttle, excited to see what all the talk and rumour was about first hand. She looked around herself on alighting and then joined some other colleagues who were mingling.

The Raddon Corporation had managed to use its considerable influence within the Federation Council to gain permission to send a research expedition team down to the planet's developing surface. Dorian Gabriel, not entirely convinced the planet surface was sufficiently secured, suggested that instead of either of the Raddons coming down, they send down a team to establish a presence. Melvyn Raddon being the person he was refused to be hid in obscurity during such an important event. And so he decided to travel with the researchers while his son, Raymond, remained on board The Matthias. And so Gabriel and his team stood, watching the crowd.

Caleb wasn’t much of one for parties, but he was here nonetheless, looking about as comfortable in his dress whites as Commander Soran did. He got himself a glass of the punch and took a sip, then blinked, staring at the glass. Okay, so it was real punch, with real rum. Well, he wasn’t technically on duty, so he shrugged and took another sip. Out of habit, he noted the location and attentiveness of the Starfleet Security officers working the event, nodding to Ensign Jessica Mayhew and Petty Officer Travis Nottingham. They were in charge until a civilian protective force could be formed.

Qinee was in her element. The gaudily-dressed Ferengi ambassador swept through the VIPs, stopping to talk to ambassadors and admirals. She sipped a rum and Slug-O. Her gown that evening was particularly garish in its swirling colors and she wore even more ostentatious jewellery than usual, hurried after by her young female assistant.

Commodore Artemis Pierce, in his dress whites, watched the festivities as well. Since the Nemesis was on one of its usual rotations through the area while patrolling the border, he had been invited to the opening ceremonies. He tapped his finger against a glass of beer. Next to Artemis stood a beautiful blonde Bajoran woman sipping a glass of white wine. She wore a civilian dress, but there was a Starfleet communicator badge pinned to her breast. On Pierce’s other side, looking dashing and handsome, was Lieutenant Commander Ash Danrisa. Where Pierce seemed to be watching the Raddon’s, Ash eyed the Cardassians.

“They’re plotting something,” Ash murmured, sipping his scotch

“When are Cardassians not plotting?” the blonde Bajoran asked.

“My spider-sense is tingling, Jera.”

“What the hell does that mean?” the Bajoran looked at him.

“Earth thing,” Ash said dismissively.

“Your spider-sense is usually right,” Artemis observed. “Have you managed to get a peek at the portal site yet?” he asked the Bajoran.

“Not yet,” she said. “I’ve been tracking the Marine rotations to make it easier to get a look. Soon, though.”

“No rush. Be careful.”

Ash found something else interesting. “Excuse me, Commodore,” he said as he moved off.

Jera’s blue eyes tracked him and she chuckled. “Predictable.”

Artemis gave a smile.

Ash slid up behind Dr. River Morgan and touched her back lightly as he spoke. “Nice to see you again, Doctor.”

The doctor jumped, visibly surprised, but she didn't seem unhappy. "And nice to see you again too, Mr. Bolero," River replied. "Better to see you still in one piece. Have you been taking it easy?" she asked.

Ash grinned. “As easy as I can,” he said. “But please, you can call me Ash now.” He didn’t explain the change in name. “Can I refresh your drink?”

"Ash?" River was confused. "Have you changed your name?" She was distracted with the second part of his remark and dropped the query in favour of the offer of a drink to up. "Oh, yes, please. I had some of that nice orange juice they were giving out at the entrance," she explained the original contents of her now empty glass.

“I will be right back.” He smiled. “And I have always been Ash,” he whispered conspiratorially, his breath warm against her ear. He placed a gentle kiss there and disappeared into the crowd. He was back shortly with a fresh glass of the orange drink and a glass of scotch poured over a whiskey stone.

Taking the drink and thanking him, River looked confused. "But I thought your name was Nick. So if you've always been someone else, who did I have dinner with...and extras?" she asked quietly so as not to share the conversation with anyone else.

“Oh, that was with me, love,” Ash replied, gently reaching up and brushing back a strand of her hair behind her ear, caressing. “A rose is still a rose and all that Shakespeare.” He smiled, meeting her eyes. “I’ve thought about you,” he said. “About our wonderful evening.” He moved a bit closer. “Maybe while I’m here we could get dinner again.” He smiled. “And extras.”

River's cheeks pinkened slightly with pleasure, not just at the caress but also at the thought of more dinner and "extras". She tilted her head gently and let her own fingers brush his hopefully unseen by the rest of the large company thronging around all chatting, drinking, posturing and enjoying the evening. All was well with the doctor tonight. Things were finally appearing to look up for her.

To Be Continued...

Commander Maritza Soran
Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Annora Tessaro
Chief Security Officer

Commander Caleb Ryan
Executive Officer

Commodore Artemis Pierce
Commanding Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Commander Ash Danrisa
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lieutenant Commander Eve Three
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Myru Jera
Intelligence Consultant
USS Nemesis
NPC Caleb Ryan

Ferengi Ambassador
NPC Caleb Ryan

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Petty Officer Third Travis Nottingham
Security Officer
NPC Caleb Ryan

Lt Cmdr River Nelson
Acting CMO, DS5

Lieutenant JG Alanna Wells
Chief Science Officer


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