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Trouble on Prom Pt 3

Posted on Thu May 7, 2020 @ 9:16pm by Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Ensign Relyna Coleman & Captain Maritza Soran & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Yukiko Winters & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Captain Lazanos Torena & Lieutenant JG Natalie Cross & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Gunnery Sergeant Terry Henderson & Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Civilian Hydel Turvan & Civilian Dorian Torel

1,874 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Et In Arcadia Ego
Location: Promenade: Box of Delights
Timeline: Day 2 08:35

Previously in

Annora and Lazanos pushed their way to the front of the crowd when someone threw a bottle at one the Cardassians. As Suvall drew his disrupter, Annora drew her own phaser. It was as much to intimidate the crowd as the Cardassian.

"I need everyone to disperse immediately! There's plenty of room in the brig if you choose to not listen."

Glinn Suvall saw a sudden movement in his peripheral. That view was joined by the shout of his fellow Cardassian. "One of them is reaching for something!" shouted Gil Tussair as grasped Suvall's shoulder to warn him. Before Gil Tussair could withdraw his own weapon or even confirm that the crowd member was armed, Glinn Suvall fired several shots into a heavyset Human male, one shot striking him in the chest.

And now the continuation

The telltale whine of a phaser was unmistakable, but most of the people gathered were civilians. Most of them might have known what it was, but they had no idea how to respond. There were some panicked shouts from people startled by the sound, realizing what it was. Other people froze, not even believing what was happening at first. Annora had Suvall covered, so Laz drew his own phaser, keeping it at low ready, scanning the crowd for another weapon, as Tussair had shouted about. “Everybody down, on the ground,” he called out, with whatever authority he possessed. Trying to spot a gunman in a crowd would be a lot harder with everybody standing, pressing in against them.

The situation had completely broken down into a hotbed of anger and disorder. The other four Cardassians immediately reverted to their training and found their targets. Gil Tussair grabbed the diplomatic officer by her uniform collar roughly and pulled her hard from Glinn Suvall. He used her momentum to throw her directly into the direction of the Bolian security officer.

"The fucking spoonheads have weapons!" one of the nearby Humans shouted angrily.

Three of them decided to confront the Cardassians and charged towards them. The third Cardassian, Gil Wutan, withdrew his concealed weapon and began to raise it at the incoming Humans, but wasn’t prepared for the speed at which the Humans came towards them. A short, dark-haired male was able to grab Gil Wutan and tackle him to the ground, causing the disruptor to go skittering across the floor. The Human tried to reach for the weapon, but was caught in the face by the boot of another Cardassian, who was able to pick up the weapon and fire several shots towards the attacking dark-haired male. However, his shot was slightly off target and went to the right of him.

The misdirected disruptor blast whizzed past Tai and hit his companion in his upper back, between his shoulder blades. The sudden impact caused Malachi to stumble forward several steps before he collapsed and fell to his knees. Tai had instinctively ducked when he heard the discharge. However, it wasn't until his friend had fallen to his knees that he realized just how close the blast was.

"N-N-No! Malachi!" Tai shouted as he reached for his friend. "Damnit, no! Malachi!" Tai said as he grabbed his friend and pulled him away from the carnage that was slowly unfolding. To his right he could see crowd goers racing in every direction trying to escape the rage that had taken form. To his right, he saw several Humans racing towards the Cardassians, whom they saw as the cause of the trouble. He knew the look in their eyes, it was the same look that resided in his own, the look of pure murder. . .

Everything exploded into chaos and violence all at once, and Laz felt everything slow down. The crowd of people were still packed close, but panic was setting in. Now a Cardassian was firing almost wildly with a disruptor at close range. Even on lower settings, people were in danger of getting killed by an errant weapon burst, and one Human already fell, struck down by the disruptor. Laz snapped his phaser up fast and shot the Cardassian in the chest, his own phaser set to stun. As the Cardassian dropped, Laz turned towards the Human, grappling on top of another Cardassian, and grabbed him by the collar, yanking him off the Cardassian. Laz kicked the man’s legs out from under him and threw him over his hip and face down onto the deck. Then Laz came down hard and fast with his knee between the man’s shoulder blades, pinning him for arrest.

Gil Jurati reached for his comm unit as the area erupted. *COM* "Jurati to Embassy Security, we have come under attack by Human forces on the Promenade, near the Entertainment Complex. We need a Quick Reaction Force to be sent immediately!" he yelled as he withdrew a stun baton from his utility slacks and extended it, causing it to crackle loudly as it raced towards a full charge.

As Laz grabbed the first Human, Gil Jurati charged towards the second Human and slammed his baton into his solar plexus, driving the wind from him, and kneed him in the stomach. As the Human staggered, he took the fully charged instrument and drove it into the Human's chest, causing his body to stiffen as the current traveled through his body for several moments. Jurati slammed the reverse end of the buton into the back of the Human's knees, driving him to the floor.

"NOT ON A LEASH? HUH, NOT ON A LEASH? YOU SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I'M NOT ON A LEASH!" Gil Jurati boasted as he shouted in rage at the downed Human as he turned to face the next Human. Just as Jurati raised his baton for another blow, he felt the cold steel of a blade pierce his left side, just below his ribcage.

"Aghh!" he shouted as he staggered and fell to one knee. He turned in time to see another Human, this time a female Human, driving the dagger deeper into his side with a sharp grunt.

As things further deteriorated, Annora could tell they would need more than just a handful of guards keeping the crowd from growing.

“Chief, this powder keg is reaching critical,” came over the comms.

Further communication was disrupted by an Enolian throwing a punch. Whether it was meant for her or not didn't matter. Stepping into the punch, she blocked his arm with hers. Acting on instinct, she applied forward pressure on his arm while sweeping his legs with her right foot. As the man landed on the deck, she placed a pair of disposable cuffs on him.

Annora didn't bother reopening lines of communication as the present situation took her full attention. She knew at a minimum, the Chief would take three actions. First he would shut down turbolift access to all but essential personnel. Second would be to dispatch more security, including the two SRU Teams on duty, to the location. Third would be to inform Ops of the situation.

She turned back to the chaos in time to see a Human stab Jurati. Coleman grabbed the woman before she could make any further actions, placing her under arrest.

"Doc!" she shouted. Using the age old term for a medic, regardless of their training. "Beam your patient to sickbay, then come help."

When first given warning there would be a need for emergency medical teams on the promenade, Amia had sent two teams of three, one doctor and two senior nurses or junior doctors in each group. From what they were sending back on their comms, Amia decided they sounded as if they were in danger at worst and overwhelmed at least, so she stiffened up the response and sent up four more groups, this time of four each with a senior member of staff and other fully trained medics from all levels. They clearly needed more experienced doctors to back them up. She sent out for all off-duty medics to come in and sent Opal down to open up the Emergency Sickbay on the deck below and gave her some help to take. Amia herself couldn't leave Sickbay, but she was torn about sending her people into what sounded like danger without going with them. It felt all wrong.

But protocols were there to be observed, so she asked River to go up there with one of the new wave of medical groups beaming out on Emergency Medical Transport beam-out.

They were barely gone with their blue light residue flickering out when the first wave of casualties started to arrive and triage began. Amia turned to setting up her very efficient teams to stations where different types of wounds could be quickly prioritized and helped with as little delay as possible. The teams in all three places, the promenade; the main sickbay, and the EMS a deck down were all soon filled with medical staff, patients and bustle.

Annora wouldn't put it past the Cardassian security to find a way around the lock down and further add to the chaos. "Captain Torena, it would be nice to have a welcoming party for our guests if they show up. Think your Marines are up to the task?"

“I think we can put something together,” he replied, tapping his comm badge to scramble a team to the Promenade. There were drills and procedures for this sort of thing, but he wasn’t sure they’d ever had to utilize them like this before, and he gave quick directions to his Marines.

At the local security station, Ensign Jessica Mayhew and her partner Petty Officer Travis Nottingham strapped on their vests and helmets and grabbed up their stun batons and phaser rifles. It wasn’t full riot gear, but that team would be coming. They raced out to the chaos on the Promenade.

At the edge of the crowd, Jessica and Travis each took a knee and lifted their rifles, before Jessica tapped her comm into the public address system.

“Everyone clear the Promenade! If you have a weapon, you will be shot!” she warned.

Travis blasted his phaser on a heavy stun at one of the Cardassians with a disruptor.

The on duty SRU team was less than a minute behind the other two security officers. The security cordon parted to let them through before closing up again. While it was important to break up the current crowd, it was equally important to keep it from growing. Tihr and the others arrived just as Jessica tapped into the PA system to issue a warning. The six person team formed a half circle behind the crowd, rifles at the ready. A second team was gearing up and would be arriving shortly. Hopefully the increased security presence would convince people to heed the warning to disperse.

To be Continued…

Yolanthe Ibalin
The Box of Delights

Captain Lazanos Torena
Commanding Officer
21st Marine Expeditionary Unit

Shri'vara Troops
Cardassian Empire

Ensign Jessica Mayhew
Security Officer

Petty Officer 3rd Travis Nottingham
Security Crewman

Dorian Torel
Bodyguard for Geral Lasuma

Commander Amia Telamon
Chief Medical Officer

Lieutenant Commander River Morgan
Acting Chief Medical Officer


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