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The Summit Part 2

Posted on Wed Feb 24, 2016 @ 5:48pm by Valkris of the House of Inagh & Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Qinee & Second Lieutenant Emily Ransom & Maekhav D'Aerrol & Civilian Melvyn Raddon & Civilian Hydel Turvan

2,040 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Diplomatic Summit Chamber
Timeline: MD12 10.00

"Well, that was productive," Sir Mortimer said to Liam under his breath. "What everyone seems to be ignoring is that the Fae, assuming they are present, hold the only legitimate claim to that system. I wonder if we should not be making efforts to contact them."

He paused to listen politely as the Bajoran ambassador took the stage.

Antos stepped up. He smoothed his modest robes. "I stand by the remarks of Ambassador Dutuk. I have the fullest faith in his opinion and that of the Federation Council. The Kai, as well as the First Minister, are in full agreeance. Any change would result in a major power shift, which is not something I believe any of us are prepared to deal with."

"That was predictable. I was expecting them to throw as much mud as they could the Federation’s way, and it doesn't matter what issue it is. If they’re not happy the threat of deploying ships to the region as a show of force is the go to," Liam said after a long moment considering things, turning quietly to the other aid.

"The only thing I didn't see coming was the Romulans and Cardassians teaming up. Interesting. No, I think you’re right, Mortimer. But I think the only way to get the Fae's attention is on that planet, and I think taking them all down there to get a reality check about what they are all actually fighting over is the way forward. I am going to go speak with Commander Aldrex. Get some permission."

Sir Mortimer nodded his agreement. "I also wonder that the Cardassians have any interest at all. It makes me questions Turvan's motives. The Romulans, given the relative proximity of Deep Space Five to their borders, and the incumbent commanding officer here, their interest is to be expected. But Cardassia? The Union is based on the other side of the quadrant. Something tells me that neither Turvan nor the previous ambassador, were representing any other interests than their own. Of course, it is neither time nor place for this discussion, but my hunch is that they have ambitions on the territory, and for now the Romulans see it convenient to support the Cardassian case. I assume to assist in the Federation ceasing interest in the sector. That makes me think more and more that we should dig our heels in."

Sir Mortimer was not so green as to have such a sensitive conversation in public, even at a whisper. He both knew and wanted it to be overheard by anyone who happened to be listening in their direction. The unholy Cardassian-Romulan alliance that seemed to be developing needed to be broken, and soon.

Liam gave the briefest of nods in agreement, thinking back to yesterday. He would have to speak with Mortimer and get his view on the Cardassian ambassador’s behavior yesterday, and where that might fit into this also. He couldn't help but wonder if he had been sizing him and Vedek Antos up, playing some petty psychological game. He knew full well he should have lodged any issue with the temple weeks ago. There was no real reason to descend on them clucking like he had done. Unless he really was fully the diva act he seemed to put on.

"Let’s see what Qinee's stance is," he said, eyes moving to the Ferengi woman.

Qinee was actually giggling as she walked up, Nazl following obediently – and glowering – behind her. He knelt down on hands and knees so she could stand on his back again to reach the podium.

“Ah, yes, the bluster of Cardassians. We all know how well that last war went, hmm? I believe you Terrans have a phrase…”rolling over and showing your belly” to the Dominion? She grinned a snaggle-toothed smile at Turvan. “But ancient history,” she said with a dismissive wave of her hand. “Clearly the Romulans have forgotten about the billions of lives their empire lost in that unprovoked war of Cardassian aggression. “Including a high-ranking senator they assassinated, if I recall correctly,” she pointed out to D’Aerrol.

“The Ferengi position is simple: profit. We see a wealth of mineral resources to develop. Perhaps even tourism. From some of the planetary scans, there are many areas just begging for development. A resource this rich should not be left idle. With the proper safeguards, of course,” she said with a nod to the Federation representatives. Such resources could benefit all parties involved. The Ferengi Alliance is prepared to act as manager to any of the good parties here in the development of the planet. For a modest management fee, of course. In this way, all parties benefit without taking the full burden of colonization and development on themselves, and the risks that entails After all, the planet could disappear just as easily as it appeared.”

She smiled at everyone again and lifted her brightly colored robes and hopped down off of Nazl. The other Ferengi got up, rubbing his back, and followed her back to her seat.

Turvan laughed as he took a drink from his glass. "Ferengi! The punchline to every joke in the Quadrant," he said loud enough for several representatives around him to hear.

The Tholians had opted to stay in their embassy rather than put on environmental suits and come to the summit chamber. They had been observing the whole event, however. When their turn came Ambassador Voskene's eerie, artificial voice erupted from the comm system with a prepared statement.

"The Tholian Assembly rejects any and all claims to the planetary system known as Pangaea. The Assembly further refuses to acknowledge any directives governing the same that are not upheld by previously established treaty. We condemn the actions of those who would assume the role of conservator over its security. We will proceed with our studies."

There was a hiss of static and a split second of feedback, and then the transmission ended as abruptly as it started.

Quite what they meant by that, Sir Mortimer was unsure. Were they onside or otherwise? It was certainly proving to be a most troublesome piece of territory.

With the Klingons and Tholians out of the picture, D'Aerrol saw an opportunity. He made his way back to the lectern and spoke, again with the pretense of regret. "My friends, the situation is already deteriorating. The Klingons, as typical of their kind, have already threatened bloodshed. And the Tholians, predictably, show little interest in an actual dialogue, so crippled are they by their own xenophobia. I move that all remaining parties here continue to work towards a mutually beneficial security solution, disregarding those who have already given up their positions at this honored table."

"Drama queen doesn't cut it," he whispered to Mortimer. "Time to nip this in the bud before he stirs up a hornets nest, although I am sure that's his plan all along."

Liam stood up. It figured that the Romulan ambassador would try to take over. "Ambassador, I am the chair and the arbitrator of this process," he stated firmly. "The floor is not yet open for motions of any sort and you side step decorum in your actions taking the lectern again just now.

"However, I do agree with your assessment that this situation is deteriorating. In fact, let me remind you that the Klingons walking out of here was them merely responding to the threat of the Romulan Empire admitting they had already deployed fleets. I think perhaps you are correct and we do need to discuss security in terms to what you earlier admitted and your belief in the inabilities of this station to protect. Before I am prepared to take this process any further, a meeting will be arranged with the station’s security chief and yourself to, one, allay your fears in our security, and two, for you to allay ours that the Romulans are not hiding in the shadows with these fleets posing a threat to the station. I am sure it’s all a big misunderstanding that we can, of course, get straightened out immediately and stop such deterioration. If anyone else desires similar reassurances I invite you to also speak with our chief of security."

"This is the exact problem that we sought to avoid," Ambassador Hydel said as he shot from his chair. "The Federation seeks to impose its will onto the sovereign rights of others through its so-called 'diplomatic corps', who might as well carry a phaser rifle since he's paving the way for the station's security forces," Hydel said as he slammed his drinking glass on the table before him.

"Now, now, now," Sir Mortimer said, "the Federation seeks to facilitate exploration. Any intention you read beyond is of your own creation. The simple fact is your so called sovereign rights are inapplicable in this territory where the only claim to date belongs to the Federation. Our doors are open to those who share our spirit of exploration, not to those who would seek to impose their own rule." He looked then from Hydel to Reynolds, quite aware that he was trying to force the Cardassian's hand. "If you'll excuse me, Lieutenant, I have to go and avert a small war that threatens due to our would-be partners in exploration."

He turned on his heel and left the chamber in pursuit of the Klingons.

"Thank you, Mortimer," Liam stated after the aid. He had hoped the Klingons were just being somewhat hot headed and would have returned by now, but it clearly was more serious than he had initially assessed.

Turning back to the Cardassian the empath stated calmly, "Ambassadors, the Federation is not imposing its will on anyone. And why would it need to on its own station? You cannot complain about the station’s security, insulting us as hosts in that action, and not allow us to address things. You cannot throw such accusations around and not allow us to address things. So address it we must. And before we proceed any further. The Chief will merely be putting your worries at ease at the station’s security. A quick tour. No one will be turning a phaser rifle on anyone.

"Also, we cannot have, as my colleague has just pointed out, one delegation potentially at the point of war due to another party’s admission they have deployed fleets. Is that what the Romulans want here? And have such a consequence on their actions?" he asked. "I thought we were all here to discuss a planet, not point accusations of xenophobia and of paving the way of security forces."

Liam walked round and headed to the lectern, standing next to Romulan, who he could sense was fuming right now. He didn't need to be an empath to see that. "I feel that as you all distrust the Federation so much -- that seems to be what you are saying here, despite several of you being part of the Federation-- that perhaps we need to move this summit to neutral territory. I was in the process of arranging a field trip, so to speak, to the planet below. Let everyone see and experience it, have more of an understanding of what everyone is fighting to get their hands on. However now I feel that we should actually hold the rest of summit there now. It is neutral and, until we as a consensus decide ownership or prove it belongs to this Fae, will remain so. It also eliminates your fears, Ambassador Hydel, that we are attempting to railroad our security on you. Parties will be of one ambassador and one diplomatic aid only. I am adjourning the rest of today to organize this move."

Lieutenant Liam Reynolds

Sir Mortimer Praxis GCB, KBE, MVO, MA (Oxon)
Senior Diplomatic Advisor
NPC by Louise

Ambassador Toq Qua'lon
NPC by Louise

Valkris of the House of Inagh
NPC by Louise

Ambassador Maekhav D'Aerrol
Romulan Empire
NPC Bert

Ambassador Voskene
Tholian Assembly
NPC Bert

Ambassador Vedek Krell Antos
Bajoran Republic

Ambassador Hydel Turvan
Cardassian Empire

Melvyn Raddon
CEO Raddon Corps

Ambassador Qinee
Ferengi Alliance
NPC Matthew

Under-Ambassador Nazl
Ferengi Alliance
NPC Matthew


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