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Scrubbed Raw

Posted on Wed Feb 24, 2016 @ 8:58pm by Commander Caleb Ryan & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan

839 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Ryan Quarters
Timeline: MD 10/0400

The water was long since cold where Aleczandra sat huddled in the corner of the shower. Strands of her long black hair trailed over her naked body as she shivered, sobbing. The rough body scrubber made inefficient passes over her raw, bare skin as she tried to scrub away the memory of last night. She pressed her legs together, sore, at the memory, and blood stained the water pink where she had scrubbed her flesh raw. The worst part was, she had enjoyed it! Or, at least, her body had. Juheni had no such qualms about the seduction, giving away that which her father said was most precious. Her mother tried to soothe her. Kinony tried to reassure her it was no big deal, that she would go on. Others piped in their voices in her head and she slammed the heels of her hands against her temples.

“SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!” she screamed.

Juheni just laughed. This was all a sick joke to him!

“I’ll kill you…”

I’m already dead, bitch.

Aleczandra snarled. She slid her hand into the pouch in her stomach, grabbing the symbiote. There was a mental squeal of pain in her head and she flinched.

Baby, honey, don’t, Mika’s voice soothed. You’ll die. You don’t want to die, Zandy-bear. I know that. Think of your father, our Caleb…

Aleczandra gave a sob and pulled out her hand, hugging her knees, pressing her face against them as she cried.

You’re weak, Zandy-bear. Juheni put a sneer on her childhood nickname. Pathetic. You aren’t worthy of us. But we’re stuck with you. Why don’t you just leave it to us? We’ll take care of you. Make you strong.

There was a knock on the door.

“Zandy-bear?” Caleb’s voice said quietly. “Are ya okay? Ah thought Ah heard screaming. How long have ya been in there?”

“None of your business!” Aleczandra shouted at him. “I’m fine! Leave me alone!”

There was a pause. “Ya don’t sound fine,” Caleb said.

“I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!” Aleczandra through the soap at the door.

Silence from the other side.

Her father’s intrusion broke through her agony and Zsndra reached up and turned off the water. She dragged her raw, naked body out of the shower, wincing, staring at herself in the mirror. Blood trickled in small rivulets down her pale skin, her bedraggled hair, black now, hung dripping in her face. She got a towel and gingerly she dried off, hissing and wincing in pain, before getting the dermal regenerator from the cabinet. She took a few minutes to treat her raw skin, watching the fresh pink flesh heal up.

Putting the regenerator down, Aleczandra stared at the two vials of blood sitting on the counter. Juheni had tried keeping control of her body, but he had lost it. But not before he had contacted this Hex woman. Aleczandra knew instinctively the woman was dangerous, that if she didn’t deliver the blood, something bad would happen. But something bad would happen if she did deliver it, too. Ahjess would be hijacked, his life no longer his own.

Just like mine, Aleczandra thought.

What is he to you? Juheni sneered. It’s not like you even know him. Should I go over, in agonizing detail, what Hex will do to you if you fail to deliver?

“No!” Aleczandra growled, punching the counter. “Just…Just leave me alone! Let me think!”

Aleczandra stared at herself in the mirror again and then grabbed her colorizing rod. She pulled at her hair and started in, the black fading to her natural blonde, and then into the rainbow hues of which she was fond. It was deliberate, calming, freeing her mind to think. When her hair was complete, Aleczandra straightened. She threw her clothes into the reclamator and snuck back to her room to dress. There was no way she was going to get any sleep in the few hours she had before school. Her mind was racing too much. So she dressed and slipped the vials of blood carefully into her bra. She slid her wrist sheaths onto her arms and tugged her sleeves down over them. A bit of the makeup applicator and she looked good as new.

Caleb was sitting at the table eating breakfast when she emerged from the bathroom.

“Zandy-bear, you okay?”

“Don’t call me that,” Zandra said coldly, and Caleb was taken aback. With no appetite, she headed for the door.

“Zandra, you should eat.”

“I’ll grab something on the Promenade,” she said.

“If ya need to talk—“

“I’m FINE! God!” She slapped the door controls and stalked out.

Half an hour later Aleczandra sat in Q’uits, hood up to hide her hair, awaiting Hex’s arrival.


Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan
NPC Matthew

Lt. Cmdr. Caleb Ryan
Chief of Security/Tactical


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