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Mon Apr 24, 2017 @ 4:57am

Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos

Name Krell Antos

Position Bajoran Ambassador

Rank Civilian 'Arrival'

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bajoran
Age 63

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 161Lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Grey
Physical Description Antos is a tall slender man. He has rather angular features, and the characteristic Bajoran nose ridges.

As a Vedek, he dresses only in the robes of his order. They are grey in color (matching his eyes), with an angular headdress.


Spouse Krell Nekaya (Presumed Dead)
Children Krell Mekat (Son)

Krell Jaxa (Daughter)

Krell Katana (Daughter)

Krell Leyana (Daughter)
Father Unknown
Mother Krell Berra
Sister(s) Krell Meru

Personality & Traits

General Overview Antos is a calm devout man. He rarely has a temper, instead he uses logic and reason to diffuse situations.

His children describe him as loving and understanding.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Easy-going

-overtly devout
-closed minded
Ambitions Antos hopes to serve his purpose to the Prophets in whatever manner they choose for him.
Hobbies & Interests Krell Antos enjoys painting and gardening. All of his children are named for his favourite plants.

Personal History Born during the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, Antos was raised in a Bajoran Labor Camp. He never knew his father, it is assumed he was killed or died just prior to Antos' birth. Much of his life was filled with strife and hardship under the whip of Cardassian rule.

At a young age, Antos was taken under the wing of a Vedek by the name of Styra. Under her tutelage, Antos grew into a confident and devout man. He trained for some time to become a monk.

Following the Cardassian withdrawal, Antos contributed to the religious rebuild of the Bajoran society. In a time of confusion and chaos many Bajorans turned to religious leaders to guide them forward.

With the return of the Emissary to the Prophets, Antos saw a fanatic surge of former non-believers transforming into devout followers of the Prophets.

For some years, Krell Antos served Kai Winn as a member of her personal staff. Her transfer into the political world saw Antos in his first post as a diplomat before returning to his Monastery soon thereafter.

Antos rose in his practice and eventually became a Vedek. He served Sidau and it's people. When Kai Pralor ascended to office, Antos requested more of what he had been given a taste of years before. The Kai and the Vedek council unanimously agreed that Antis was ideal to serve the interests of the Bajoran people while abroad.

Vedek Krell bid his Parish farewell and,with a formal blessing from the Kai,set off for assignments abroad.

For three and a half years, Antos working with Federation humanitarian aid around the Quadrant before finally securing a post aboard a Federation Outpost, Deep Space Five.
Service Record Monk, Kendra Monastery

Ranjen, Kai's personal staff

Mylar, Kendra Monastery

Mylar, Sidau Temple

Vedek, Sidau Temple

Vedek, Vedek Council

Vedek, Federation Humanitarian Aid

Vedek, Ambassador to Deep Space Five

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]

Quarters Ambasador's Apartment, Embassy for the Bajoran Republic
Office Ambassador's Officer, Embassy for the Bajoran Republic