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My Head Hurts!

Posted on Wed Feb 24, 2016 @ 1:39pm by Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Commander Amia Telamon M.D.

1,471 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: MD12 18.00


Liam bet money that Amia was not planning on seeing him again so soon but the dream/flashback last night was bothering him. So he found himself in sickbay and asking for her. She was tied to this and she was the one he trusted to help him make sense of things.

Hearing who it was who was asking for her Amia dropped what she was doing instantly and placed a startled looking Junior Doctor in charge of the case she was just finishing off. "Call me if you get into any trouble but you should be fine to close this up and regen. Schedule an appointment for tomorrow for the second part of the regen and I'll do that. Thanks!" she was gone before the dropped jaw of her colleague had closed enough to say that he was indeed okay to "finish up here".

"Who is this Reynolds guy then?" the medic muttered to the nurse helping him with a sparkle in his eye. The nurse shrugged and rolled her eyes. "Well the only other man I've ever seen her move that fast for is up on the Bridge so keep your ear to the ground and see if we can find out!" she agreed conspiratorially hoping for some gossip to brighten a dull, ordinary shift or two.

Amia rushed out to the office, cleaning up quickly on her exit from the Theatres and worrying what ills had brought him to see her again so soon, hoping from the heart that he wasn't hurt or .... well hurt.... physically or otherwise!

"Hey!" she puffed as she skidded in. "What's happened?"

Liam felt a change in attitude in the part of sickbay around him as he had been waiting. Several people had been watching him curiously and one hadn't realised how loud her voice had carried when she suggested her theory to her friend.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "You seem out of breath?"

"I rushed because I was worried you might be hurt or something?" she replied, looking at him with curiousity. "You look okay from here..... want to tell me what's up?"

"The gossip mill seems to suddenly be in overdrive," he lowered his voice to a whisper so only Amia heard. "One of those ladies thinks I am your secret fella," he said with a laugh. "She speculated I am dropping in to arrange some sort of exciting tryst. Imagine Cade's face if he got wind of that."

Amia laughed. "I can imagine it. Exactly the same as it always is. Not even a twitch! Don't you ever just wonder what he'd be like with all that serenity in a fluster?" she grinned. "Well this lot would LOVE to see that and they're NEVER going to!" it was a great irony and joke to her. The beauty of her Trill husband was that he was unshakeable. A real rock. It did seem to frustrate some people but that in itself amused his wife.

Turning serious again, as she led him to a quiet corner in which he dearly hoped there was tea he said. "I wanted to ask you about something. That tumour you removed .... back on the Nimitz. What did we conclude caused it again?" he asked. "Do you still have the files?"

"Of course I do. We never destroy medical files. We have no need to because we don't lack storage space when they're all virtual. What do you need to know, hun?" she replied, even more curious now.

"What exactly it was again? What did we think caused it? What it was doing to me while it was inside my head?" Liam reeled off the questions. "It couldn't come back could it? Cade does twitch occasionally. Only when he's worried about you," he told her suddenly as an afterthought.

"last things first. In a way I'm glad to hear that. I'm so very lucky to have such a perfect husband........... but every now and then a girl does like to know he still feels the same." she sighed and shook herself softly.

"Of course he does..... wouldn't I know if he had changed.......?" she muttered, more for Liam's benefit than her own. She didn't add that she had very little chance to tell if Cade had changed these days as he was so taken up with his duties.

"With the CO having so many awful things on her plate, I do understand why he has to work so long......" she felt obliged to add so it didn't sound as if it were a problem.

"And to answer your medical questions" her far-away look snapped back into a sharp focus when she reverted to 'work'. "It was a potentially invasive carcinoma of the frontal cortex of your brain. We never did discover what caused it as such, but many of these kinds of things are genetic and have no relation to your personal circumstances, they're just programmed into your genes.

What it was doing at first was drawing the nearest blood vessels towards itself so it could grow and then doing exactly that. After a while, it would have replicated itself enough that it would have *seeded* outside of the Primary tumour and tried to plant itself elsewhere too. It *could* have got some 'seeds' planted IF....... " she repeated for reassurance.

"ONLY IF.... it had become mature enough to shed micro-cells. It had not become fully *invasive* in the sense of spreading micro-metastases before we regenerated it all out both with our microsurgery and our careful margin calculation and securing. It was tiny Liam. We had the micro technology to get to it before it could take hold and spread, that's what I'm saying.

*IF* it had been there longer before we got to it, it MAY have been able to grow and threaten to kill you or perhaps even drive you mad with the pressure on your vital brain cells and functions, but it did not and it can't start itself off again. We zapped it while it was too early for it to spread, hun. Why do you ask now in particular?" She came over and put a caring hand on his shoulder, looking deeply into his eyes hoping to read something there, even though she knew he had mental walls that she couldn't have hoped to breach even if she had telepathy, let alone just by looking in from the outside.

Liam blinked rapidly. That was a lot of information to process. "I am having dreams. Flashbacks. When they were doing the tests, whoever it was said, "their primary hypothesis was the log buoy caused the tumour and it was the only correlation between both versions of us." I got the impression that tumour is why evil me can do the things he can do somehow. They got hold of it again. Exposed me to it again. Not the same situation - there wasn't all that radiation and weird tachyon time stuff this time round but I need you to scan my head, make sure they are wrong. That its not coming back. Put me at ease Amia please," he begged.

"I can do that very easily my friend. Hop on the bio-bed and I'll set up the scanners." she agreed quickly and happily. I was clear that Liam was very worried about this and she wanted to rid him of any un-necessary concerns right away. She thought to herself as an aside that IF he were to have been exposed to something in the parallel universe that had done any harm, then the sooner she found it and fixed it, the better.

She set up the bio-bed monitor, raised the Med-arch over his shoulders and above him and worked deftly with the tiny LARCS control buttons and lights so that the scanners primed and started up one after the other.

"Thanks Amia," Liam said doing as he was told. He watched as she wizzed through medical technology. "So no uninvited guests in my head?" he asked after a minute of so.

"No honey. No invited or uninveted. In fact, no-one at all!" she grinned at him and winked. "Just kidding, you know I love you very much!" she reached over to hug him across the bed.

He didn't care if everyone in sickbay decided to come up with wild rumours. As soon as the medi arch was gone, he was stood up pulling her up into his arms and swinging her around in a very relieved hug. Placing her back down, he kissed her cheek and said happily. "I can sleep tonight now. Thank you!"

"You're MORE than welcome lovely friend!" she gushed, hugging him back properly now he was upright and so very happy.

A JP Between:

Lt JG Liam Reynolds


Lt Cmdr Amia Telamon


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