
  • 10 Mission Posts

Last Post

Tue Jun 14, 2016 @ 6:56pm

Valkris of the House of Inagh

Name Valkris of the House of Inagh

Position Retired NPC

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Klingon
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 6'5"
Weight 210lb
Eye Color Brown


Personality & Traits

Personal History Lost family to pirates operating in the Yadalla system near the Federation/Klingon/Romulan border - it was in the resolution of this dispute in 2383 that she met Lieutenant Commander Karen Villiers who was instrumental in bringing the pirates to justice in a manner that satisfied Klingon (and Romulan) requirements.
Service Record Decorated in the Battle of Rukbat V

Starfleet Id [Admin Use Only]

Personal Data [Admin Use Only]