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The Summit Part 1

Posted on Thu Feb 18, 2016 @ 3:34am by Valkris of the House of Inagh & Civilian 'Arrival' Krell Antos & Lieutenant Liam Reynolds & Qinee & Second Lieutenant Emily Ransom & Maekhav D'Aerrol & Civilian Hydel Turvan

1,021 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Diplomatic Summit Chamber
Timeline: MD12 10.00

The Federation Ambassador Dutuk was just concluding:

"As the planet has appeared immediately next to Federation space and we have the resources to defend the planet upon the station, the Federation puts forward the argument that this planet become under its protection. We are not convinced that it is uninhabited due to the incident with an alien race recently referring to themselves as the Fae appearing just before the planet did. We believe more exploration is required to understand the connection between these two events. And to study its resources."

"It is the only logical conclusion in the meanwhile that will allow for no change within the balance of power within this area, ensuring ongoing safety for the station and all its inhabitants, along with any of these beings, if or when they make an appearance again. As with any Federation protected planet, visitation rights will of course be extended to all our allies and any research shared."

Liam stood up as the video feed from the Federation representation on Earth finished playing. "Thank you, Ambassador Dutuk," he addressed the Vulcan on screen. "Please hold questions to the end of all the presentations. Up next, I believe, it is Ambassador Hydel Turvan," he indicated the floor, "representing the Cardassian Union."

Ambassador Hydel stood and made his way to the podium. He did not immediately speak. Instead he cast a wide gaze across the room at the gathered representatives. After several moments of silence he finally spoke. "I....find myself straining to find the appropriate words for this particular situation." Hydel said as he looked down slightly at the podium.

"On one hand, I am faced with a rare opportunity for exploration and expansion for my people. An opportunity that could bring with it untold treasures and breakthroughs," he said in a measured tone.

"But on the other hand," he continued, with a slight uptick in his voice, "I would be a fool to ignore the display of power, authority, and intimidation that is being employed by certain representatives at this table," he said, shifting his gaze from the Federation representative towards the Klingon representative. "Certain representatives and their docile servants," Ambassador Hydel said as he locked eyes with the Klingon for several moments before moving forward.

"The question is not: Who should have Pangaea, but instead the ultimate question is: Who can best defend the territory from unworthy invaders?" he asked rhetorically.

"The Cardassian Union has demonstrated time and time again its ability to protect what is rightfully theirs from would-be usurpers. We demonstrated our fearlessness during the Alpha Quadrant War in countless campaigns," he said, as his chest swelled with pride. "While we are prepared to abide by the restrictions that have been compelled upon us, we are also prepared to defend our sovereign rights from anyone who dares to forget the enduring and lethal strength of Cardassian Union," he concluded as he stepped away from the podium and cast a simple glance towards the Romulan ambassador.

Maekhav D’Aerrol stood and walked to the lectern, his face somber. His dark robe with ornate silver trim and Nehru collar gave him an air of regality that only served to accentuate his insufferable self-importance. He held his hands together in front of him Vulcan-style, with his fingers interlaced.

Like Turvan he spent a moment looking over the crowd, pretending to gather his thoughts. Then he spoke. “My thoughts are similar to those of my wise and esteemed colleague, Ambassador Turvan. We stand in the shadow of this new world. A gift, if you will, bequeathed to us by a civilization far advanced from any of ours. It is incumbent upon us that we learn as much as we can from it and as quickly as we can. The transdimensional effect that brought it to us may just as easily take it away. None of us here can say that it will not. Not with a remnant of these so-called Fae lurking about.

“And speaking of these Fae, it further behooves us to ensure that the planet is strategically and tactically secured, lest they see fit to return in force. We must move swiftly.”

His voice shifted to a sorrowful tone. “To that end, we must ask our Federation friends to end their bluster. It is exceedingly unhelpful to those of us who are doing our best to open this new frontier in the spirit of comity, which they themselves have insisted upon. It is an insult to say that this planet is open for all and then demand that non-Starfleet landing parties seek permission to visit the planet, with all details regarding landing party size and radius of movement. As if we lack any experience in the hazards of planetary exploration.

“Or perhaps it’s merely a tactic to keep us in our place,” he suggested, which drew murmurs from some.

He turned his gaze to Federation Ambassador Dutuk and CDO Liam Reynolds. “I will remind the ambassador that although Pangaea is closest to Federation space, your fleet is, as always, scattered far and wide in pursuit of other goals. Starfleet’s means of defending Pangaea lie only in this station, which, I regret to say, is not enough. The Romulan Empire, therefore, has taken it upon itself to deploy forces into the region. Operational security prohibits me from elaborating as to their exact composition and locations.”

Then, in a darkened tone, D’Aerrol concluded, “Be assured that we stand ready and we will do our part to ensure the defense of this system.” With that veiled threat hanging in the air he left the podium, shooting a glare at Klingon Ambassador Toq Qua'lon, who was next.

Qua'lon did not bother to take the podium, what he had to say was brief. He strode up to the Romulan, meeting him nose to nose. "The Romulan Empire has no jurisdiction here," Qua'lon snarled, "and we will meet any intrusion with force. HItlhej," he added to Valkris.

They had nothing more to say and together the Klingons left the room.

To be continued ...


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