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Set Your Sails For Home (part 3)

Posted on Thu Feb 18, 2016 @ 4:16am by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

1,562 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Torm's Estate
Timeline: MD10 2000


The place was being rocked by explosions, the ceiling was even shaking and dropping chunks onto the desk Squink now cowered under, and worst of all he could hear that fighter as it blasted away, no doubt headed out of the atmosphere. He didn't know where Torm was, or if he'd even made it, but he knew if he was alive Squink was dead if that fighter, that witness, got away. The comm began to buzz and he had to muster the courage to dash to it, thumbing it on, "WHAT?"

"Sir, we've got a capitol ship just decloaked over the planet! According to patrol they beamed off two of Torm's women." The battery commander replied, "And we can't get hold of Torm, what do you want us to do?"

"Fire the isolytic torpedoes!" Squink hollered, his voice cracking with terror as explosions from underground shook the floor beneath him.


[Midnight Angel]

Rianni was mere seconds from making atmospheric exit when the sirens started going off again, "SHIT! REALLY?" She growled loudly, she now had four more SAMs on her ass like stink on a Klingon, =^=Arrow, come in, Arrow!=^=

=^=Go ahead, College Girl.=^= Micklin answered, knowing she was in trouble again by her tone.

=^=Arrow, get ready to pull out of the system!=^= Rianni barked, =^=I've got too much heat on me, get Klia and yourselves out of here!=^= She began to fly in evasive patterns, shaking one of the SAMs but knowing it wasn't going to be enough. The color of tail fire showed that these were not standard SAMs, either, ~Oh, shit......~ The white circle was indicative of one thing, isolytic bursts, =^="Arrow, evac now!"=^=

[Diana's Arrow]

Yolanthe and Klia rematerialised at the back of the bridge of the Arrow, the bokkai instantly dry heaving. Klia looked around, tense and waiting for the next attack.

Yolanthe wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, tasting bile. But she realised who was sitting in the big chair. "Gregori Monteros?"

"Yes, my dear, so glad you remember." The old Greek smiled, immediately moving to them, "But we should save our reunion for later, no? It seems the heat is still on out there."

The tactical panel near Gregori Monteros lit up, bleeping frantically and flashing with hectic persistance as it picked up the incoming missililes.

"That girl finds her way into the worst messes, doesn't she?" Gregori sighed, looking over the information on the screen, "Oh, bloody hell, that's much worse. Ladies, I think we need to get you somewhere safe quickly, it's about to get hot." He walked back and placed his coat around Klia, who was basically naked, "There, until we can get you something a little more you, no?"

=^="Commodore, your dumbass granddaughter's in a world of shit."=^= Micklin's guttural growl burst over the comm, =^="Wants us to pull out".=^=

=^="Then remind that girl that this is Diana's Arrow, not the Dhelan, she's not the bloody boss here."=^= Gregori replied sharply, =^="Can we give her any cover? Or at least a distraction?"=^=

=^="Yeah, but I don't know how much help it would be."=^= Micklin replied, then added, =^="But maybe some decent advice, Micklin out."=^=

"Well, let's hope Sgt. Micklin still has some magic left." Gregori shrugged, really helpless to do much else, saying "Don't let the way he talks about Rianni fool you, he loves her very much, he just doesn't express himself like a normal person. He's... he's Andy."

[Midnight Angel]

Andy had sent a message to her screen, and a damned interesting one, just one word.... HEAT. She'd heard of pilots doing this before, venting their engines to confuse the sensors on the incoming missiles, torpedoes, whatever, and it could work, ~Or I could royally screw myself....~ The maneuver would be tough, dangerous, ~Hell of a lot easier than getting those four iso-bursts up my ass though.....~

It was going to take some fancy flying, three difficult maneuvers in a period of mere seconds while simultaneously venting hot gases from the engine, but if she wanted to live, well, it was what it was.

She pressed the command into her computer, hearing the small warp and impulse engines beginning to vent hot gas as she went into a barrel roll to port, the gases making a cloud which turned into a swirl when she rolled to starboard before going into a Yeager loop and dumping the last of the gases over the incoming torpedoes, ending up following them instead of the other way around.

It had worked! The hot gases swirled around the torpedoes like a hurricane, confusing the sensors and causing them collide with each other, setting off a massive explosion, the shockwave sending Rianni careening back towards the atmosphere below and leaving Midnight temporarily, she hoped anyway, without power.

As she worked frantically to restore power to her bird she saw something even worse than the possibility of her crashing back to the planet below ahead of her, a subspace tear forming where the iso-bursts had exploded, a subspace tear that was now following the Arrow,

~It's going after the warp core, just like the Enterprise incident.~ She realized, also realizing that ejecting the Arrow's warp core like Capt. Riker did wasn't an option, ~And if they go to warp, it might chase them all the way back to DS5, could destroy everything between here and there.~

Sirens began to go off again, letting her know that she was in danger of entering the atmosphere without shields, a few more minutes and she was going to be an overcooked Baklava. Then, as though commanded by Eisn herself, the tiny half Romulan caught her first break of the day, Midnight Angel came back to life underneath her, and she was back in the game.

Shields were back up, though only to about forty percent, she had full power to the engines, and her weapons would be okay for a few dozen shots if need be. Also, best of all, the comm worked, =^="Arrow, start moving away from that tear at impulse, I've got an idea!"=^=

[Diana's Arrow]

"It had better be a damned good one." Gregori shook his head, this was the worst mess he'd seen in his entire life. He turned back to Klia and Yolanthe and smiled comfortingly, "Don't worry, she's the best."

Klia had much more understanding of what an isolytic torpedo meant than her friend. The Bokkai just looked blank, but Klia stared at the view screen in shocked disbelief, watching the shimmering tear in subspace that was stretching towards the old Miranda-class even as it was pulling away. "She's going to die!"

A puff of cigar smoke and a guttural laugh alerted them that they had been joined by Master Sergeant Andy Micklin, "No, she ain't." He sneered, "Because I ain't gonna let 'er." He stormed to the nearest comm and got on with Rianni, =^="All right, College Girl, the fight's over".=^= He began, =^="Set that bird on autopilot for that rift and blow out. We'll get a shuttle to come pick ya up!"=^=

=^="Like Hell!"=^= Was Rianni's terse reply, then static.

[Midnight Angel]

"Don't pay any attention to him, baby." Rianni reassured the fighter, as though it was sentient and could understand her, much the same way she figured the cowboys of old talked to their loyal horses. She and Midnight had been together for about a couple decades, her relationship with Midnight was her longest and most successful, no way in Hell was she sacrificing her now. Besides, she had another plan, well, more like a new take on Riker's plan.

Pushing the throttle to the maximum she headed for Diana's Arrow, placing herself between the subspace tear and her Papa's ship before ejecting the fighter's small warp core, ~Would've had to replace it after this anyway.~ She concluded, the status alerts on her screen confirming exactly that, not to mention more bad news; even if she'd been able to rejoin a Starfleet squadron Midnight was done as a combat craft after this, she'd given her all, now all that remained was to send her out on top.

Fortunately they were still as in tune as they were the first day Bird met Girl, and, as soon as she confirmed a safe distance between herself and the now ejected warp core she put phase two into effect. Banking hard to port at maximum thrust she suddenly cut engine power to zero, sending the fighter into a slide and opened up on the warp core with the forward phasers.

It was a small target, and definitely the wrong color to pick out in the black background of space, but for a brief second it shone in the light of the subspace tear, The phasers hit it dead center and the whole thing exploded in a rush of blue and pink and bright wire fire that consumed real space and warp space alike

The fighter shook as Rianni hovered for a few seconds watching the tear beginning to seal itself up, "Let's see Riker do that shit." She laughed, "Or look this cute doing it!" Turning the thrusters back on she banked gently to starboard, putting herself back on path with Diana's Arrow, "Come on, baby, let's go home."


Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Rogue Pilot

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

(NPC by Yolanthe)


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