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Set Your Sails For Home (part 2)

Posted on Mon Feb 15, 2016 @ 6:16pm by Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & erie'Riov Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian

2,144 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Pangaea (Wrap up)
Location: Torm's Estate
Timeline: MD10 2000


Yolanthe turned bright yellow as she felt Klia's fingers squeeze her. It shouldn't have ended like this. She braced herself for the terrible sound of a phaser on maximum setting. Instead, there was an explosion. And everything went black.

Klia realised that she wasn't dead, that no-one could see her and moved faster than she thought capable of, diving aside a moment before a yellow-orange streak of deadly energy obliterated a fist size chunk of floor on a direct line from where her heart would have been.

She felt something under her hand, long thin metal, with a heavy handle. Some sort of screw driver. Torm's position was burned on er retinas as an after image and she leapt on him. If she was going to die, she was going to take the bastard with her. She leapt at him, launching herself through the air, adrenalin surging, blocking otu the pain from her burnt flesh and she grabbed around his neck, bringing her screw driver up and plunging it at his face.

The Gods Below must have been listening. The screwdriver's end found something soft, and didn't slow down. Torm screamed, and dropped to the ground.

She rode him down, and felt the tip of the screwdriver bump against the back of his skull. It was her turn to scream, not in pain this time but a wild shriek of victory. She wriggled it around inside in circles, scrambling his brain matter. Torm was completely and comprehensively dead less than a second later.

When the lights went out, Yolanthe surged forward, moving as fast as she could with her left leg dragging uselessly behind. She caught the Andorian round the waist and dragged him down.

He landed hard and she threw herself up the length of his body to grab his antenna and slam his head down onto the concrete floor with all her strength. He went limp under her, dead or unconscious, she couldn't see which. Without lights, the moonlight wasn't nearly enough for her to see by in the shadow laden hangar. She was effectively blind.

There should be emergency lights. Did this place not have back ups and fail safes? Four years living on Starships and space stations where everything had multiple backups was obviously spoiling her.

The barrel of a phaser rifle smashed across her back. Whoever had it wasn't risking firing blind, but was close enough to try a physical attack. She let herself roll with it, which took the edge off it, but it still left her shoulders numb.

And then more explosions rocked the compound, and a ball of fire a hundred meters high made everything as bright as noon, and everyone saw Klia crouched over Torm's fallen form.

For a moment, the three men still standing froze, unsure what to do. Yolanthe scrambled up, grabbing the disruptor torm had dropped, and pulled Klia off his corpse, dragging her behind the nearest shuttlecraft. This hangar bay would be their grave if they didn't get out.

"If I get out of here, I'm learning to shoot." Yolanthe muttered as she pushed Klia towards the stairs. It was the only chance she was prepared to take. Whatever tunnel Torm had come down, she didn't want to get trapped in it.

The little Orion took the disrupter from her, turned it to the overload position and disabled the safety, then chucked it out at the men behind them. There were shouts of alarm, and Yolanthe took the opportunity to pull Klia towards the spiral staircase out.

With her injured leg it was slow going, and they were barely at the foot of the stairs when the disrupter exploded, and the energy burst ate a three meter radius sphere out of the hangar bay.

There were screams, shut off mid way. Yolanthe wondered if the explosion had got all of them. A phaser blast cut the stairs in front of them, and she knew her answer. Klia gave a shocked squeal and pulled back, knocking back into Yolanthe and she staggered, clutching for the railing to stay upright.

"Go, just go!" Yolanthe gave her a shove, pushing her up the stairs again. "I'm right behind you!"


The generator destroyed by the exploding phaser bank, Rianni now focused her attention on breaching Torm's perimeter, starting with that giant tritanium gate between her and his courtyard, ~Phasers won't do it.~ She decided, flipping the switch to arm her first micro-torpedo and firing it directly into the center of the massive gate.

The torpedo flew straight and fast and hit hard, blowing the gate down, ripping out the section of outer wall on either side of it and a guard post atop it, ~Sweet!~ The thrill of bloodying the enemy's nose had never subsided, no matter her age.

The explosion brought a wall of guards into the yard, all brandishing various manner of small arms; they were good weapons in an anti-personnel role, but wouldn't penetrate Midnight's hull, ~Target practice.~ She thought with a smile, unleashing the Peregrine's forward phasers on them; the ones who weren't killed in the first salvo scattered like roaches exposed to light, ~That's right! Run you bastards!~

The sounds of small arms fire coming from what appeared to be a shuttle hangar immediately snagged her attention; they weren't shooting at her, Debby and her people were probably an hour behind, so whoever was shooting, chances are one of them was Klia, ~Means I got to move fast.~ She decided, popping the cockpit and sliding down the nose of the fighter, activating the shields by remote and drawing her disruptor, ~Wish I had some shields of my own....~ The sounds of weapons fire led Rianni to a shed and a staircase at the lip of an underground hangar, where there was an intense firefight going on.

Looking down into the hangar from the lip of the retractable roof, which appeared to have been forced open, she could see Klia and .... YOLANTHE? ~The Hell is she doing here?~ She wondered, before her eyes landed on two hardcore mercs firing on her friends.... ~Okay, no time to even look for another way in.~ She decided, hustling to the edge so she could give covering fire, and hoped that Yolanthe and Klia could get up the stairs to her and out of this situation.

When more phaser fire started raining down from above, Yolanthe had thrown herself back on instinct, pulling Klia back with her. it took her a moment to realise the phaser blasts weren't aimed at them, but were driving Torm's men back into cover. She took Klia's hand and pulled the orion ahead of her again. "Run. Don't stop till you reach the top. I'll be right behind you."

As Rianni began to fire she heard the sound of phasers going to maximum setting behind her; it seemed a couple of the guards she'd scattered with heavy weapons fire had regrouped. She moved to the stairs as quickly as she could wishing she had brought a couple of grenades as she did.

When she reached the top of the stairs she could see Klia and Yolanthe even better, poor Klia had been mangled, increasing Rianni's rage as she leveled her disruptor and began to fire on the last place she saw one of the shooters, then spun quickly to fire down the way she'd come in as the footsteps grew closer, and returned her attention to the fight below, "Can you two walk?" She called down, continuing to lay down suppressing fire in hopes they could.

Klia got to the top of the stairs and did a double take. "Rianni?" She stared at the half romulan with confusion. "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to rescue you, honey!" Rianni smiled, embracing Klia quickly before putting her behind her and opening fire again, "Looks like it's going to be a two-fer." Seeing Klia in this condition hurt, but she wasn't about to let on, though sharing the hurt with the people responsible was definitely on the agenda, "Soon as Yolanthe gets up here we're getting out of here."

The sounds of footsteps coming up the stairs snapped Rianni back into the moment, promises of escape had to be paid for in advance after all. She positioned herself in the classic Weaver shooting stance, where her entire body would stand bladed in front of Klia while she fired at the two guards coming up the stairs, striking one between his eyes and sending him tumbling backwards down the stairs, taking out his partner, causing both to drop their weapons, "Klia, get down, okay?" She half asked, half ordered, moving quickly to pick up the two phaser rifles, arming herself with one and yelling to Yolanthe, "CATCH!"

The Bokkai had pulled herself up the stairs more by hopping than running, and she had only just cleared the stairs when she had to grab at the rifle thrown at her.

Klia snatched it right back. "I am not a fucking piece of china. I hurt like hell and I know its bad. But I am not helpless, stop treating me like a fucking child. Both of you!"

"Uh, yell at us later, I think we've still got bad news coming." Rianni sighed, still firing at the two in the hangar, though she knew if she was really going to get them out of there she needed to get to Midnight and FAST. She turned to the other two women, "Okay, if you two can cover me, I can sprint to my fighter and get us out of here. I just need like ten seconds of cover fire then you two get out of here, okay?"

Klia was sweating with the pain, but she nodded, and raised the rifle to her shoulder without hesitation. She caught Yolanthe's surprised look. "Hey, I built you a gladiator pit. I built myself a first person shooter." She fired three times, holding the trigger for maybe a second each time, and sent the oncoming guards jumping for cover.

The little Orion was giving amazing cover as Rianni sprinted across the courtyard, firing her pistol at the other guards who were popping up, ~Too many of them.~ She thought as she lowered the shields and scampered to the cockpit, a pair of phaser blasts hitting alongside her as she did.

~FRACK! That was close!~ closing the cockpit quickly she fired a few quick blasts to scatter the shooters on the yard before lifting off and firing the micro-torpedoes into the hangar, setting off a series of deeply satisfying explosions that shook the tiny fighter and, she hoped, took out the two shooters within.

=^=Andy! We're going to need a beam out!=^= Rianni called over her comm, =^=I'll mark the coordinates, get ready to bring up two, repeat two, in need of medical attention.=^=

=^=Alright, I got ya covered, College Girl.=^= Micklin replied, getting the transporter ready and hoping College Girl wasn't planning on hanging out down there too damn long.

Out of no where, a disrupter burst exploded next to her head, biting into the plating of the Midnight Angel.

"DAMN!" Rianni exclaimed, firing three quick bursts from her forward phasers in the direction of the shooter, blowing them from their cover, "Yeah, that's what you get!" She hovered in place, firing the phasers at any armed movement, waiting for Klia and Yolanthe to get out to somewhere safe for their beam-out, ~Don't drag your asses, ladies.~

The two women started running toward the fighter the moment the phaser fire from the small fighter dropped off. A second later they were caught up in the shimmering beam of the transporter from Diana's Arrow

~Sweet! They're out of here!~ Rianni thought, pulling Midnight into a vertical climb, maximum speed towards atmospheric exit.

[Torm's Office]

The place was being rocked by explosions, the ceiling was even shaking and dropping chunks onto the desk Squink now cowered under, and worst of all he could hear that fighter as it blasted away, no doubt headed out of the atmosphere. He didn't know where Torm was, or if he'd even made it, but he knew if he was alive Squink was dead if that fighter, that witness, got away. The comm began to buzz and he had to muster the courage to dash to it, thumbing it on, "WHAT?"

"Sir, we've got a capitol ship just decloaked over the planet! According to patrol they beamed off two of Torm's women." The battery commander replied, "And we can't get hold of Torm, what do you want us to do?"

"Fire the isolytic torpedoes!" Squink hollered, his voice cracking with terror as explosions from underground shook the floor beneath him.

::To Be Continued::

Rianni Monteros-t'Khellian
Rogue Pilot

Yolanthe Ibalin
Owner, The Box of Delights

(NPC by Yolanthe)


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