New Beginnings (Part I)
Posted on Wed Mar 5, 2025 @ 9:09am by Commodore T'mpest Michaels & Lieutenant T'Lul & Lieutenant JG Ace Cannon
1,354 words; about a 7 minute read
Time After Time
Location: Deep Space 5
As T'mpest Michaels' shuttle approached the station, she felt a ripple of...something...pass through her. She'd experienced temporal fluctuations a number of times and immediately pulled out her tricorder and checked the readings. Yes. They were there, radiating from the sun? That was odd. The planet below was experiencing faint fluctuations, but from the intel she'd been given before leaving earth she wasn't surprised. In fact, they were calmer than she expected. Still, it was a curiosity. She'd have to ask one of the temporal scientists if this was a common occurrence.
She wanted to ask Captain Soran, but she was taking extended bereavement leave and was thus out of contact. The half-Vulcan sighed and put her tricorder back. Just something else to add to her list of questions.
Maybe science would be the best place to go. She had met Alanna before, and T'mpest brought two ships to help the station when the chief science officer asked her for help. Had Alanna's trip back in time to get help caused the ripple, or was it the planet itself? She shook her head and put her tricorder away.
"Commodore, the station has given us permission to dock."
T'mpest looked up. "Thank you." She still wasn't used to the new rank. In her opinion it was totally unnecessary, but Starfleet decided, in their infinite wisdom, that the rank was crucial if to help reestablish peace after the recent attack.
As the shuttle approached, she noted he damage, and the repairs being done. At least that appeared to be going well.
Once the shuttle landed, she thanked the pilot, grabbed her bag, and left to check in with...someone. She shook her head. She and Cara should find their respective quarters first to freshen up, then go to the command center.
As the Chief Ops officer, Ace Cannon knew that he had better make a good first impression. Maritza did not think much of him. Then again, he was pretty certain that she did not think about him at all, which was perfectly fine. As long as he kept the station in reasonable shape, he would have his life made for himself here. At a deep space station, many people came in and out and approximately half were women. That was always a bonus as far as he was concerned. Well, it was a bonus as long as their name was not Paula. She was quite the exception.
Yet here, they were going to have a new temporary Commander, a half Vulcan. He scoped her out as she exited the shuttle. I wonder if she has the strength of a Vulcan. It could get very interesting being under her. He grinned knowing that he probably meant that more for the innuendo than the figurative statement.
Confidently, he said, "Welcome aboard, Commodore. I'm Lieutenant Ace Cannon, Chief of Operations here on DS5. Why don't you let me take that bag for you?"
Before the Commodore could answer, a smaller, full-blooded Vulcan walked in. Ace noticed her immediately. He had never met with T'Lul, but there was something unsettling about T'Lul. Ever since she arrived on the station, Maritza was almost tolerable. She had a hold on her somehow and was friends with Yolanthe. That made her powerful and probably not a woman to be trifled with.
T'Lul walked up to T'mpest and introduced herself with a Vulcan welcome. "Live Long and Prosper, Commodore Michaels. I am Lieutenant T'Lul, the Chief Counselor. Undoubtedly, Lieutenant Cannon has already introduced himself," she commented with her eyebrow raising slightly towards the womanizing operations officer. "Therefore, it would be logical for Mr. Cannon to take your bags to your quarters. I, in the meantime, could brief you on our current status or answer any other questions you desire."
"Peace and long life," T'mpest replied, automatically returning the greeting.
She turned first to Ace. "Thank you, but I do not require assistance. I have this one bag. The rest should be waiting for me in my quarters. I would appreciate knowing where those are as my stay is temporary."
Ace gave T'Lul a small glare which she either did not notice or react to at all. He then sweetly told T'mpest, "Commodore, your quarters will be on Deck 13. Should you need further assistance, just feel free to ask for me. Otherwise, I shall take my leave, seeing as my services are not required at the moment." There was a hint of something in his voice in that last sentence. Regardless, he waited to be formally excused.
"Thank you, lieutenant." T'mpest inclined her head in a Vulcan nod. "I am fine for now, but I will definitely let you know if I need anything."
Then the commodore turned to T'Lul. "Ah, yes. The counselor. As there is no first officer at the moment, I would appreciate an update." She had no doubt the briefing from Starfleet was sorely lacking.
The Vulcan answered, her eyebrows furrowing slightly. Clearly T'mpest had more human in her than Vulcan as she had the annoying human habit of repeating what was already said. Why did that have to go along with emotions, she wondered. T'Lul was still not convinced that logic as a lifestyle was correct; however, it certainly had its benefits in getting to the point quicker and eliminating redundancies. Obviously T'mpest did not see that. "I am the Chief Counselor," she once again confirmed. "A Cardassian and Xi’Cadian attack on this station was thwarted. We had significant assistance from some civilians. The Captain, you should be familiar with her circumstances. If not, I shall explain further on that if you desire." T'Lul felt no need to identify that Geral and Maritza were involved in a relationship. It could lead to misunderstandings that were unnecessary in her calculations. "The First Officer has been absent. Consequently, I have temporarily been handling matters here." T'Lul took no satisfaction in the fact that she had been doing what was her duty. It was expected and thus she handled it. "Certainly, recent events have had a negative impact on the morale of the station; however, despite everything we have went through, it has not dipped as dramatically as one might expect. One might even say that other than the top officers being absent, that the station is getting back to a sense of normalcy."
"Yes, I was briefed on the situation. I was also on one of the ships that helped defend the station." T'mpest raised an eyebrow. "Is there anything I need to know about the current situation?"
T'Lul reported, "All primary and secondary systems are back online and are fully functional. There are some areas of the station, such as the Arboretum that require more assistance, according to Mister Cannon. However, I expect that any such remnants of damage will be rectified within the next twenty-four hours. Our staff has performed admirably." There was a slightly lilt in her voice, at the end, trying to emulate a pleased emotion. T'Lul was uncertain whether it came off as prideful or questioning, though.
T'mpest found the mention of the arboretum curious and wondered if it had been damaged during the attack or if something had happened before. "Quite admirably. Thank you."
"Is there anything else that you desire to know about before assuming command?" T'Lul asked.
"There is a great deal, but I wish to prioritize what I need to know and do. For some of that I will rely on you and the other leadership on the station." What she'd been given only covered the most critical information, and that had little to do with the dynamics of how the crew operated. T'mpest had no desire to come in and change everything, so she would need to learn how the station normally ran and adjust as needed.
"I, of course, will be at your disposal," the Vulcan concluded.
"Of course," T'mpest replied. She couldn't help giving the counselor a Vulcan bow.
(To be continued...)
Commodore T'mpest Michaels
Deep Space 5
Lieutenant T'Lul
Chief Counselor
Deep Space 5
Lieutenant JG Ace Cannon
Assistant Chief Operations Officer
Deep Space 5