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First Meeting

Posted on Tue Mar 4, 2025 @ 1:33pm by Commodore T'mpest Michaels & Commander Cara Letsul

1,637 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Time After Time
Location: Earth
Timeline: Before heading to Deep Space 5

A dark haired woman dressed in civilian clothing approached an office where she was told she could find Commodore T'mpest Michaels. The woman paused for a moment looking around, feeling the prickle of goosebumps rising upon her arm. It had been awhile since she'd been here. The door opened into the lobby of T'mpest's office, where she was greeted by a receptionist.

"Hello, may I help you?" the receptionist taking in the look of the woman there.

"Yes I would like to meet with Commodore Michaels, please." the woman giving a friendly smile.

"Do you have an appointment with her? And what is your name please." the receptionist getting ready to look under the appointment book.

"My name is Cara Letsul and I do not have an appointment with the Commodore." Cara not giving out a rank. "Please it is very important that I see her."

Taking a look at the expression in Cara's eyes, the receptionist nodded and sent a call for T'mpest.

"Commodore, there is a lady who says she needs to meet with you."

That surprised the half-Vulcan. She was only here until the paperwork was arranged to transfer command of her ship to another captain and to get everything squared away for her temporary command of Deep Space Five. No one but the admiralty knew she was here. "Send her in."

While she waited, T'mpest saved her files and switched the computer screen to the Starfleet logo.

"Yes, Ma'am." the receptionist looked towards Cara.

"She is waiting for you." pressing a button to allow access to where the commodore's office was.

"Thank you." Cara stepping though the door, traversing the narrow hall to the office where T'mpest was at.
When the door opened to allow her entrance, she stopped after taking a few steps away from the doorway.

"Commodore Michaels, thank you for letting me have a moment of your time. I am Commander Cara Letsul, and I've been requested by Starfleet to report to you as your temporary executive officer. I've only been here for a few hours. And once I found out about what Starfleet wanted, I came here immediately. Ma'am, I did ask where the assignment was to be at, I was informed that I would find out from you." walking forward to hand the PADD with the necessary paperwork to the Commodore.

T'mpest raised an eyebrow in surprise as she took the PADD and glanced through it. She hadn't been informed that the first officer would be new as well. "Please, have a seat. Would you like something from the replicator?"

"Yes please, peppermint tea." Cara taking a seat in front of T'mpest's desk. She was intrigued by the orders from Starfleet, especially with them being closed mouthed as to where she would be going to with the Commodore.

"What did they tell you about Deep Space Five?" T'mpest replicated a cup of peppermint tea and a cup of vanilla chamomile, then took both cups over to the desk. "I find that the more I learn, the more curious I become."

"They said that it was unusual and that any other information I needed would be provided by you. And when we get to our destination. Perhaps you can enlighten me a little bit? I am intrigued, with all of the mysteriousness of their behavior." Cara picking up the tea holding the cup in her hands.

T'mpest sat at the desk and took a sip of her tea before responding. "Two days ago, Deep Space Five was attacked by a joint Cardassian and Xi-Cadian force. It was combined with an assault on Pangaea itself. Fortunately, several ships arrived in time to assist, and the station was able to defend itself. It was led by Ambassador Hydel Turvan."

"I see, Ambassador Hydel Turvan the name doesn't ring a bell. Sadly. Starfleet at times loves to keep people in the dark at times. I am glad to hear that they had assistance from other ships." The one thing that Cara didn't care for with Starfleet was they liked to keep people in the dark in some aspect. It was nothing new though.

"As am I. I shudder to think what resources could have fallen into Cardassian hands if the defense failed. We will deal with the aftermath when we arrive. My hope is that it will be more of a diplomatic resolution than a military one. But we will find out soon enough. Part of my orders are to begin peace talks with the Cardassian and Xi-Cadian governments."

Cara sucked in air between her teeth when she heard this. "I am not familiar with the Xi-Cadians, but I am familiar with Cardassians. I have attended peace talks before and they take a lot of work. Anyone who says it’s a piece of cake, needs their head examined." a playful smile tugging at her lips.

"Indeed. That is the primary reason Starfleet gave for promoting me to commodore." She was less than pleased with it, but couldn't find a suitable argument because of the recent problems.

A quiet rueful chuckle came from Cara when she heard the displeasure in T'mpest's voice about being made a commodore.

"I sympathize with you being made commodore. Being made an upper rank when you don't want to be in Starfleet, it isn't anything to take lightly. I didn't like being one myself." Taking a sip of her tea, her eyes connecting with T'mpest's. Lowering her mug, Cara continued, "Awhile back ago, the position of being commodore had been thrust upon me, them using the phrase 'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one.' They have pulled that on me a few times."

"I quite enjoy being in Starfleet, but captain was more than enough. However, I cannot fault their logic and so, here I am." T'mpest shrugged, clearly accepting what she could not change. "Tell me, if you were a commodore, why are you now a commander?"

"I was on sabbatical, trying to figure out if I wanted to stay in Starfleet. I had been raised to the rank of Admiral and put in charge of the New Exploration Command otherwise known as Avalon Station. I had been a part of the crew refurbishing an ancient base carved out of an asteroid. They wanted me to take over the position when the higher ranked officers left. I was in command for a few years, things progressed where those I served with, ended up leaving. I got worn out. Ten years I felt was long enough. I went to Poseidon Station to decide if I were going to stay in Starfleet. Then things happened to where, I was needed. I made a bargain, with Starfleet, if I agreed to becoming part of the command team on Poseidon Station, they would agree to my terms of lowering my rank to Commander. Besides there is a little known fact, when going on another station, ranks can be lowered below the former rank. So here I am a commander once more, being able to enjoy this rank for however long it is possible. I have an interesting relationship with Starfleet, don't you think?" Cara chuckling.

The half-Vulcan grinned. "Then there is hope for me yet. Seriously, though, I am pleased to meet you. With hard feelings on all sides, this is going to require patience and delicate negotiation."

"And I am pleased to meet you as well. So, looks like I have been accepted by you to be your XO, for however long you wish me to be." Cara giving a teasing expression to T'mpest. Her expression sobered up. " I will endeavor to do my best on the matters at hand."

"Thank you." T'mpest inclined her head in a slow nod. "This will likely be a temporary assignment as both the captain and first officer have taken leave, but we will see what we can achieve while they are absent."

"I am all for it whatever you need. When will we be leaving? I am ready to head out whenever you are. I am eager to see new horizons and see what the future is ahead for me and others." Cara thinking about K'doc and those that went with him to another place.

The half-Vulcan raised an eyebrow. "You and others? All I know is that once I complete the paperwork required, I will leave here. I have too many questions that will not be answered by Starfleet and I wish to get to Deep Space Five as soon as I can."

"I got word that one of the people I served with on Poseidon Station, has been sent to Deep Space Five. I had no idea that I would be going to the same place, and I am looking forward to seeing him. Going with you to the station, it will be like a reunion." Cara giving a smile.

"That is quite the coincidence. I met the head of science, and now you know someone." T'mpest shook her head. "I am not sure if this should be catalogued as a coincidence or fortune, but I will take is as an auspicious beginning."

"I agree, this is an auspicious beginning. Someone has always said there is no true coincidence. And a friend of mine had said as well. There are times when the universe sends a person upon a path they needed to go. Hence my being here. When you are ready to go, I will be ready."

"I have some reports to file and one more briefing from Admiral Cohen, then I will be ready." T'mpest smiled. "I will hopefully get more information for our journey. I will inform you as soon as I am finished."


Commander Cara Letsul
Executive Officer
Deep Space 5

Commodore T'mpest Michaels
Commanding Officer
Deep Space 5


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