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Sat Dec 10, 2022 @ 1:01pm

Lieutenant JG Ace Cannon

Name Ace Bodi Cannon

Position Assistant Chief Operations Officer - System Operations

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 29
Date of Birth 06-12-2364

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0"
Weight 175 lbs.
Hair Color brown
Eye Color green
Physical Description Ace is fit and trim but not to the point that he is overly muscular. He can make a woman feel protected but his body is not so hard that a woman would not feel any cushion. His hair tends to remain short. If he feels like combing it, it will be parted to the side; however, more often than not, it has a just out of the shower look to it. He keeps a scruffy beard that makes him look a bit more rugged but it is not so long that it completely covers his facial features.


Spouse none
Children none that he knows of
Father Michael Cannon
Mother Shirley Cannon
Brother(s) Robert Cannon, 32
Sister(s) Elizabeth Cannon, 25

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ace has a devil may care attitude. He may know the rules but he will tend to bend them to his will and occasionally break them, when it suits his desires. He is confident and secure within himself and he follows his desires passionately, usually anything that will give him an adrenaline rush. He does not try to please anyone except himself. While he will not hide his own personal emotions about extraneous events, he will rarely show them in his personal relationships.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: Confident, secure, honest, determined, and energetic

Weaknesses: Unambitious, impulsive, insular, can be reckless in personal life, adrenaline junkie
Ambitions To live life to its fullest
Hobbies & Interests gambling; pool; fast women, cars, and ships; anything that will provide an adrenaline rush
Languages Federation Standard

Personal History Ace was born the middle child in a relatively normal family. His mother was a secretary for a law office and his father was a civil engineer. Being a middle child, he often felt ignored. His older brother got the praise for all of his achievements, and of course, his baby sister both being the baby and a girl got special treatment. This often left Ace to his own devices and at an early age, he determined that if nobody was going to please him, he was going to please himself.

As a child, Ace coasted through school. It was something that he had to do but he knew that he did not have to like it. So, he put in minimal effort to do what was necessary to make sure that his parents and teachers did not complain. When it came time for him to think about a career, he had no direction, so he chose Starfleet as his option. His testing scores showed that he had a lot more aptitude to accomplish greater things but he simply had no drive to do more than make it through. Consequently, he graduated in the bottom third of his class.

While his academics might have not been a strong point, he did not lack for being known as a character on campus. He was Captain of a rugby team and often had women dangling off his arms. He dated many but none ever seemed to stick.

Since then, Ace has been simply allowing Starfleet to push him in the directions that he is supposed to go. He has been written up once for a fight at a dabo table when he caught the proprietor cheating him. Nonetheless, the conduct unbecoming an officer sits as a blemish on his otherwise unimpressive career dossier.
Service Record 2394-present - Deep Space 5, Lieutenant JG, Operations Officer
2391-2394 - USS Alexa, Lieutenant JG, operations officer
2389-2391 - USS Sylvan, promotion to Lieutenant JG, operations officer
2387-2389 - USS Saturn, Ensign, operations officer
2383-2387 Starfleet Academy

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