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The Shot Heard Around the Quadrant - Part 4

Posted on Sat Oct 21, 2023 @ 10:45pm by Captain Maritza Soran & Commander N'Evran & Lieutenant Colonel Nicholas Means III & Lieutenant Kivan Ta'Gas & Lieutenant Annora Tessaro & Lieutenant T'Lul & Lieutenant Alanna Wells & Lieutenant JG Anson Lee & Civilian 'Key Holder' Dorian Gabriel & Civilian 'Arrival' Geral Lasuma & Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca & Civilian T'gan & Civilian Jason Haines & Civilian Hydel Turvan

5,406 words; about a 27 minute read

Mission: Si vis pacem, para bellum
Location: Deep Space Five / Pangaea
Timeline: Day 58



*COM* This is Headquarters Company (HHC) to 2-313 Security Battalion, commit all forces to repelling the Federation invaders that have entered the portal complex. All weapons are authorized, make those Federation bastards pay for every inch with their blood!" Gul Meran said into his unit to the Security unit that had been responsible for security operations around the portal complex.

"Get word to the 2-126th Engineering Battalion, tell them they are to hold the portal entrances at all hazards." Gul Meran said to Gil Ko'jah. "If they can't hold the invaders off, then tell them to blow the whole damn thing on top of their heads.

"Yes, sir." The Gil said as he was dispatched to try to prepare the forces within the portals.

Now, The Continuation


Now that Ace was focusing his attention elsewhere, Paula had one thing on her mind: keeping the arboretum safe. If she didn't, it was possible that someone would come through and destroy her precious plants. So, to deter any hostile activity, she turned on the misters and the sprinklers and the irrigation system. She wasn't above adding electricity if anyone tried to use her plants and trees as a battleground. And then the explosion came.

Yacht Maritza

They emerged from their warp jump near the station in the midst of the chaos. Immediately they moved within the outer docking ring using it as a shield. Their comms erupted, ... =^= Civilian vessel, you have entered a combat area. You are ordered to evacuate immediately! =^=

Ignoring the order. Sha'rae sent out a signal of her own. "Geral, Dorian please respond!" At the same time se signaled Raynor that his team could be extracted.

DS5 - Promenade

Dorian had found Geral and was helping him get people off the promenade and to their docking bay. He had yet to see Yolanthe but he was keeping an eye out as another group beamed out. "We can't take that many mo..." He stopped cold and the he and Geral looked to each other.

"Shar...We are evacuating as many as we can, scan the area outside the shop and begin beaming! We will get as many as we can out on the other yacht!"

DS5 - Deck 73 - Shuttle bay 19

Valez and his remaining Marines, along with Raynor and his team had emerged on deck 73. They had been in a vertical shaft went the initial explosion had rocked the station. They had lost five people when several had lost their grip and fallen several decks. After eliminting a handful of Cardassians, they secured a shuttle bay and those that could fly were powering the larger craft while the rest packed people into them. Raynor's transponder chirped with the extraction signal and he sent three chirps back to let them know they had their own way out.

DS5 - Deck 459 Transporter Room

The team encountered no resistance on their way to the transporter room. It made some sense. Even when fully staffed, Annora wouldn't have been able to send enough security personnel to every deck. The Cardassians were likely in a similar situation, having to pick and choose the areas to defend.

"Bazer, see if you can tap into sensors. Otherwise, I know a few areas that should minimize our risk if we have to blindly beam in. Lee, ensure we have transporter control then help with sensors. I'm going to poke around in the comm system. We were working on upgrading the backup systems before the invasion, may help us reach any resistance groups onboard. The rest of you stand guard in the off chance we do have any surprise visitors."

"On it." Lee ran a hand over the controls, bringing them awake at his touch. The access codes he'd been given thankfully worked. "We have the transporter controls."

Confirmation just came through of having systems access, when the evacuation alarm sounded.
"That's unexpected. Someone please tell me that's just a ploy on the part of our reptilian friends."

The look on their faces told Annora all she needed to know.

"Frak, that certainly changes everything. Let's try and help with the evac while we can."

"I've got the sensors on top of the transporters," Lee said. "That'll be faster than other option, like running for the escape pods."

In theory, the station had enough escape pods for everyone aboard. In reality, panicking people tended to jettison the pods before the reached capacity.

"Tessaro to Chief Petersen. As you've noticed, things have gone from bad to worse. Standby for transport to the surface."

She tapped her comm-badge to reach the Chief who she knew was supposed to be leading one of the other boarding teams. She was relieved to hear him respond in the affirmative. Once his team was safely off the station, Annora worked to do the same with others. As time wound down, she heard a scratchy comm signal come through.

"Tihr to anyone who's out there. We could use help getting out of here. We won't make it to an escape pod in time for the evac. We're on deck 1087 section 4."

"Tihir, this is Tessaro. I only have partial sensors, hold on while I try and get a lock."

She turned to her two assistants. "Lee, Bazer. Can you get a lock on a group down there? There's at least one Andorian if that helps."

"Got 'em." He wasn't sure all the signals were part of the group, but there weren't any Cardassians, so he wasn't going to waste time worrying about it.

"You better hurry up El-Tee. I didn't survive the Dominion War only to be blown up 2 decades later."

For the first time since embarking on the mission, Annora allowed herself a brief smile.
"Saul Hogan, somehow I knew you'd still be causing trouble. The ships should already be leaving so your destination is Terra Ferma. We'll be right behind you."

"Is it still Terra Ferma if the planet isn't Terra?" Lee speculated as he programmed in the coordinates.

By the time Tihir, Logan and the rest of the resistance group had been beamed off DS5, there was just enough time for Annora and the others to follow suite. As the senior officer, she waited until all the others were on the transporter padd before setting the automatic controls and stepping onto the device herself.

Yacht Maritza

Shar'ae didn't bother responding to Raynor's signal and had just begun transporting people off the statin. As soon as a group was aboard the were directed to another are to make room for the next batch.

While the next transport cycle began a signal came in for her. It wasn't from the Zulu...which was still barking for them to leave the area but from the planet.

"This is Shar'ae Astare...who is this?"

=^= Alanna Wells. I am--was--head of science. I have information for Mr. Lasuma that he may not be aware of. =^=

"Ma'am we are nearing our maximum capacity."

"Dump the water in the pool and put some there."

Replying to the comms. "Well Lieutenant we're kinda busy right now. We are trying to get as many people of the station before it blows...Geral included. Can it wait?"

Alanna swore in several languages. The situation was escalating faster than she could track. =^="When you get him off the station, tell him she's alive and she's here, but there's a... complication. Everything depends on her, and I think he may be the only one who can reach her. Tell him."=^= She had to reach Bri, and the scientists. And she had to find that circle up north. Jason tasked her with finding Soran, but she felt like she was stumbling in the dark and all she could do was hope. =^="I'll help as I can, but...just tell him, please."=^=

Shar's hands froze and her head snapped towards the window and the planet. ~Alive...How...!!!~ She had seen the Cardassian ship destroy the yacht's shuttle that she had taken. "I will! Is she with you?!"

=^= No. I know she made it to the planet alive, but I don't know where she is now--except that the Cardassians don't have her. We need to find her. She's the key." Alanna dared not say more, but the other woman needed to know that much. "If you can't reach me, Brianthe will know where I am. =^=

Sha'rae's mind was already moving 1000 meters a second and now this. In all the chaos and death around the station this glimmer of personal sunshine gave her a measure of hope. She didn't really care about the reason Wells needed him, all that mattered was that Maritza was alive she had to get word to Geral. "I'll get him there!"

Pangaea - Outside Bag End Science Station

"Alright Trace," Jason said to the young boy he had been taking care of since he got separated from his parents. "It's going to get very dangerous and there will be a lot of fighting nearby. You need to stay here. I know we have been training, but if any Cardassians show up here, I don't want you to try and fight them, you're not old enough. You just hide, ok?"

Trace nodded his head, looking a little disappointed.

Jason gave him a little punch on the arm and said, "One day, you'll be ready."

That made the boy smile. At that moment Jason all of a sudden felt very odd and dizzy. As he tried to steady himself, all the clocks, stuck at 11:59 pm, he had experienced in his encounters with George, they ticked one final second to ‘midnight’ and then all the alarms that had been held back rang all at once.

The sound was deafening. It was worse than any explosion Jason had ever experienced. In his mind he could see all the clocks breaking, falling off walls, hands spinning around and around before flying off in various directions.

Jason let out a loud growl and fell to his knees and vomited. Trace ran inside, grabbed Brianthe's hand, pulled on it and said, "Help!", looking quite scared.

Brianthe reacted immediately and followed him to Jason. She reached out telepathically, even though she knew he was human, to pick up any surface thoughts as she dropped to her knees and began to rub his back. "What is it?" All she could pick up was some sort of sound like a hundred clocks ringing.

Jason seemed to ignore Brianthe and just looked up to the sky.

Alanna's mind flooded with images of clocks breaking, their hands spinning off their faces and springs exploding through the glass. It was accompanied by pain. Jason! She had no doubt it was him, but when she tried to reach him telepathically, she couldn't. She had to get to him, even though she had no idea what she could do to help.

USS Zulu

"Helm, get us in closer", Admiral Garrison commanded.

Even though the station's weapons had stopped firing, a number of the Cardassian's orbital platforms were still active and firing.

"Aye sir", the officer at the helm replied.

"Rotate 90 degrees on the on the vertical," Garrison said. "We need to keep our profile as small as possible. Tactical, drop shields on my mark. 3, 2, 1, mark."

The shields lowered and N'Evran pressed the ship-wide comm, "Transporter rooms, begin retrieval."

The ship rocked as a torpedo from one of the orbital stations hit the ship.

"Hull breaches on decks 13, 14, and 15, Emergency force fields in place", the tactical officer called out.


The station began to shake more as explosions rippled through the station. Some bulk heads gave way and people were tossed to the ground. The lights of the station started to flicker.

Even as the explosion spread across the station shuttles, transports, and pods of all types continued to emerge from every bay up and down the station. Likewise, more and more escape pods were launching in all directions from the surface. Some were caught in the blasts from the expanding explosions, others were destroyed by the remaining Cardassian defense platforms, and some pods collided with debris as they were launched and spun-out control or exploded from the collision.

DS5 - Shuttlebay

Turvan, Dulceen, and a small detachment of Cardassian security troopers had managed to make their way through the chaotic crowd and made their way to the Shuttlebay that had been cut off from the rest of the station evacuating population. As the group made it to the doors, they saw a nearby hatch being opened by a group of Starfleet Officers also seeking to access the available shuttle bay. They appeared to be from the Engineering department and even had several civilians within their group as well.

"Sir, should we allow them to boa--" One Security Trooper began to ask as the doors to the bay were unsealed.

"Cut them down." Hydel said without a moment's hesitation. He gave one last look at the Officers just as the shuttle bay doors closed behind him and he could hear the Cardassian Trooper give the command to open fire on the Officers as they managed to climb out of the hatch. Just as Hydel reached the shuttle he could hear the familiar sound of bodies falling to the ground with a sickening thud.

Within minutes, the gathered Cardassians were inside of the Runabout Cartagena and had already launched.

"We've cleared the station, sir." The Cardassian shuttle pilot reported to the cramp confines of the runabout that had been forcefully taken during the evacuation.

"Good, set course for the Warship Nuvor and the remainder of the 127th." Turvan said as he sat back and tried to wrap his mind around what had occurred.

"Yes, sir. Settin--" An explosion of the nearby pylon caught the shuttle as the debris struck the port side of the vessel. The pilot was able to maneuver away from the bulk of the flying debris; however, the runabout still took damage to its engines.

"DAMAGE TO PORT NACELLE! I'M STRUGGLING TO MAINTAIN ATTITUDE CONTROL!" The pilot yelled over the sound of the warning klaxons.

"Re-route to Pangaea, bring us down there!" Gul Dulceen ordered. The Cardassians still had control over the planet and it seemed they would have to make a powerful stand while awaiting rescue from the remainder of the 127th.


Alanna was the first to note the approach of the Cardassians. She immediately notified the Marines, Vulcans, and Romulans--even though it was likely they would pick them up in moments. They could not let the Cardassians have any more of a hold on Pangaea.

She got a quick response from the Romulan science team. They were activating the explosives they'd placed around the Cardassian compound. How much good it could do would depend on the allied forces and their ability to attack from the sky.

The security teams that beamed off the station landed about half a mile from the compound. No sooner had Annora and her team re-materialized when an explosion went off from the area of the Cardassian compound. Considering her options and the limited number of personnel with her, the decision was made to keep everyone together.

"We'll head towards the science station, weapons at the ready. I have no idea what to expect, but we'll provide what support we can to any forces already on the ground."

DS5 - Embassy Row

Charghwl'IH was near the entrance to the Klingon Embassy as he directed more people into the area to await transport. He had sworn as the call for all Cardassians to evacuate the station; like the cowards they were. No doubt Turvan had been the first to take the nearest shuttle and flee. His only hope was that his ships, that were still operational, were destroying or capturing those craft as they scurried from the station.

Looking over those cued, his eyes settled on a young child, in a group of children being herded along by a frazzled civilian, all obviously frightened. Kneeling down he looked into her eyes, “Are you scared little one?”

The child nodded at the Klingon as he brushed some of her hair back out of her face. She swallowed hard and nodded as her lips began to shake and tears welled in her eyes.

Charg slipped a finger under her chin, lifting her face to his and he looks into her eyes. “That's good. Because without fear there can be no courage...and to admit fear shows strength!”

Almost immediately another series of explosions rocked the station and one of his men grabbed his shoulder. “My Lord! We must get you off the station NOW!”

Everyone around him waiting to be evacuated looked at him and he could see the panicked question behind their eyes. Would he leave? Would he abandon them to die? In those brief fractions of a second his eyes returned to the little girl helping some of the other children to their feet. She stood amongst the other children strong and proud, her arms wrapped around several being strong and reassuring for them.

“I will not flee like a Car....”

=^= Suvwl'SuS to Ambassador Charghwl'IH! =^=

Slapping the combadge on his arm. “REPORT!”

=^= We have transporters! =^=

“Lock onto Everyone in my vicinity and get us out of here then get all our warriors off the station!”


In all the commotion they hadn't seen any sign of Yolanthe, and both Dorian and Geral were fighting their way through people to get to the Box of Delights before they had to leave themselves. The Box was insight but they stopped as Shar'ae materialized in their path. Geral was dumbfounded, “Shar what the hell are you...”

She took him by the shoulders, “We have to get you out of here and to the planet!”

“What are you talking about? There is nothing for us down there?!”

Shaking her head. “Maritza is down there.”

Stopping cold even as Dorian looked for Yolanthe or her one of her people. “Nno nono I saw...”

“So did I! So did Ambassador Charghwl'IH and a lot of others. All I know is that Lt. Wells contacted me from the planet practically begging me to find and get you down there. Something about..” She was cut off as a series of explosions ripped through the promenade. Geral had managed to jump on top of Shar'ae and Dorian had covered the both of them as a wave of super-heated air billowed out and towards the upper level of the once vibrant promenade.

Dorian wasn't moving and after pushing him off they both looked from him to the damage as fires raged from the now destroyed section of the promenade. The Box of Delights, and many other shops, were utterly destroyed. Had Shar'ar not stopped them both Geral and Dorian would have been killed. Dorian had severe burns and chunks of debris peppered his back. They couldn't wait any longer.

Contacting his yacht parked in their bay. “Lasuma here. Get us out of here.” Grabbing the nearest person he could, “Four at my coordinates!”

The group didn't materialize on the yacht's pad but the bridge itself. And the Captain explained as the yacht lifted off. “We are packed to the gills so the bridge was the only place to bring put ya.”

Geral stood as Shar'ae and others were already moving Dorian to the yacht's medical bay. As they left the station the scene before them was nothing short of chaotic. Shuttles and escape pods streaked from the station. There was debris from the station, damaged or destroyed starships from all sides of the conflict.

The flash of a secondary explosion from a still burning Klingon ship reminded him of Shar'ae's news; news he could still hardly believe. There was no way they could fight their way to and onto the planet in this yacht.

Lasuma watched as the Yacht Sha'rae had arrived on joined his, dodging debris as they fled the area. “Hail the Klingons. Hopefully the Ambassador is still alive.”

DS5 Promenade - Klingon bar Q’uit

Outside the Klingon bar Q'uit, as girders and the flooring started to fall, stood an old Klingon woman Chi'Yo. She was not running away or moving towards safety, she was just standing in the doorway waiting for the inevitable. She was old and she was tired. She had served the Empire as a warrior and an intelligence officer. She had, had two husbands, both who would be waiting for her in Sto'Vokor. Her children and her grandchildren would carry on the family names with honor. She had no reason to try and escape. She had led a long, full, honorable, and glorious life.

Smiling, she closed her eyes in contentment and moments later the wings of an explosion carried her to the halls of her honorable ancestors and kin.

The explosion continued to ripple through the base. Despite the efforts of the Starfleet vessels and the Cardassians running to any escape pod or ship they could find; they could not escape the blast as it consumed them and ripped through the outer hull of the station.

There was a section in basic security classes at the academy on identification of craft and installations of Starfleet. The celestial class starbase had earned the moniker the 'mushroom class', given its resemblance to a mushroom. The explosion ripped the cap of the mushroom from its stem. The power core and very lower decks exploded violently. The explosion sent the cap towards the planet spinning somewhat like a frisbee before the explosion ripped it into pieces. The fortress that once protected nearly one hundred thousand people was no more.

:: After Destruction ::

IKV Suvwl’SuS

Following the destruction of Deep Space 5, Charghwl'IH sat on the bridge of his flagship as they moved in above the yacht that Lasuma had hailed him from. He had no idea if he knew of Soran's fate but he prepared to let him know once he was on the bridge.

The doors behind him opened with a clang and he spun his chair to greet his guests...well guests. Standing he was about to let Geral know what had happened when he saw the woman. She had been present at Soran's death and had been the one to tell him. Looking to her, “Did you tell him?”

Shar'ae looked at the Ambassador, and decades long friend to Maritza. “That he already knew, thanks to Turvan. But that doesn't matter...She's alive.”

Charg looked at the pair in disbelief. Replaying the moment of her apparent death in his mind. The craft she had been in had been with transporter range of the planet. It was possible she had been able to transport to the surface, but the odds were extremely unlikely given the planet's atmosphere.

Shar'ae spoke up while Soran's former shipmate running over the odds in his head. "Lt. Wells had been able to get ahold of me and said she needed Geral in order to reach her.

Geral jumped in. "If she thinks I can reach her, we are assuming it's because of our relationship. I thought given your long friendship, and your Vulcan half, you might be needed as well. Not to mention we might need something a bit stronger than a yacht to reach the surface."

For the time being he ignored how Lasuma was aware of his heritage, that could wait. Turning to his second. "Rendezvous with the nearest Bird of Prey. And find wherever Wells is on the surface!"

Runabout Cartagena

The Runabout shook violently as it tried to maintain some semblance of stability as it navigated through the on-going fire fights, the destruction of the station, and the ever-increasing gravity well of Pangaea.

"Put out a general distress signal, all Cardassian frequencies: This Hydel Turvan, we've taken heavy damage and we're initiating an emergency landing on the planet surface. All ground forces are to take up defensive positions around the Fae Portals. You are to hold the line at all hazards, I repeat: Hold at all hazar---" Turvan's message was cut short as the Cartagena was rocked by what appeared to be a disruptor blast from a nearby vessel.

USS Zulu

Garrison was on his feet, one eye on his tactical panel, one on the main view screen. Small ships were swarming out of the destructing station, right into the paths of the battling capital ships. If he was the Cardassians, he'd be using that to his advantage.

But he wasn't Cardassian. He was Starfleet. "All power to shields. Comms, broadcast this to all ships, give all possible cover to the civilian vessels, do what you can to give them a chance to get away or land. Defend yourselves, but our first priority is rescue." He swore under his breath. This was not going according to plan.

"Aye Admiral", the helmsman called out.

As the Zulu moved to protect the fleeing ships, one of the sections of DS5 sped towards the ship.

"Tractor beam", N'Evran called out, wanting to slow it enough so they might get out of the way.

It was too late; the Zulu took the brunt of the force. The ship lost the game of chicken to the large hunk of the destroyed base. A lot of the ships were able to get out of the way though because of the sacrifice.


As Brianthe tried to get Jason to talk, Jason simply fell back on his backside as he saw the brief, bright flash in the sky.

"No", he whispered out and then covered his face with his hands as his head slumped forward. Brianthe could feel shock, horror, and pain gush from Jason.

The recurring dream he had, had for thirty nights straight and a few times during the occupation flashed into his mind. It had come true. How? How?

IKV Vishk' ek

Upon intercepting Turvan's transmission. the Vor’cha class vessel had disabled the runabout and moved in above it, locking onto it with a tractor beam. They moved off the lines with their prize and they pulled it into a shuttle bay. Entering the shuttle bay General Dojak watched as several unconscious Cardassians were dropped to the deck. His first officer looked up grinning at his Captain’s approach. "Lord Charghwl'IH will be please when he hears what we have for him."

The General knelt gripping the back of Turvan's head and lifting it to see his face. His free hand drew his blade, but he was interrupted by a call. "GENERAL! Our orders were to..."

Dropping Turvan he spun on his firs

t office driving his blade deep into his guts. "I watched both my sons die by Cardassian treachery. Charghwl'IH will get his prize...eventually, but I will not be denied my portion of that revenge! Not by him. And not by you." Looking to the warriors standing behind the collect of Cardassian. "Take this one to a cell."

"And the others?"

There is an old saying, "Klingons don't take prisoners. They do not deserve an honorable death. Decompress the bay and let them choke on vacuum."

Leading the others out of the bay as they dragged the Cardassian, Dojak stepped to the side and watched from the doorway as the remaining Cardassians slowly begin to regain consciousness. Whiles they were still groggy and unsure of what was going on he shouted, "CARDASSIAN!" pointing to the forcefield behind them.

They looked and their heads spun back in the Generals direction. As they began to run towards the hatch the doors slammed shut and the field deactivated. The Cardassians were immediately blown out into space and their smoldering shuttle followed not long after.

Turning down the corridor to he knew he could not hold Turvan here for long. His first had been right, he had his orders. The Ambassador wanted Turvan for his own revenge... surely, he would not deny a father his own. There was still a battle to wage and duty required his ship to help secure the planet. There had to be someone that could see to his prize for the time being.

Pangaea - Colony Settlement

Means and his Marines had almost finish clearing the colony settlement. He had joined those, not reinforcing the final push to clear the Federation section of the settlement, dealing with prisoners, or wounded, to help retake the portal complex. As their ground transport neared the complex the afternoon sky was brightened by a brilliant flash. Looking up they all watch the expanding fireball that was once Deep Space 5. The initial shockwave hit the planet's atmosphere followed by a second explosion as the dome section exploded. Then came the unending rain of fire as debris of all sizes burned across the sky. "No time to watch the fireworks people! We still have a job to do!"


Alanna had just enough time to contact the Sarek about rescuing the scientists from the colony before the station blew. Whatever happened, they would be in danger from the Cardassians. What she didn't know was if the Sarek was in transporter range or not.

She received a garbled message from T'gan that sounded like "They baconed the flapjacks." Right after that, the channel cut off.

Alanna was helpless to do anything to help rescue them as she was too far north. But once she felt the aftershock her thoughts immediately went to Jason and Brianthe. Too many people died today because of the Cardassians.

Then she was crippled by a wave of intense mental anguish followed by a terrible silence. She couldn't move. She could barely breathe. The telepathic onslaught seemed to resonate through both her and the planet following the destruction. The colony...and the station...gone. The portals... Her mind tried to focus, but her mind wasn't cooperating.

The shuttle...she remembered to tell the AI to fly back to Bag End. She needed Jason and...her eyes closed as mental anguish resonated through another aftershock.

Pangaea - Bag End / Colony Settlement

Jason lifted his head out of his hands and looked up to the sky again. A particularly large part of the station was falling straight down in the direction of the colony. Despite having burned up a considerable amount in the atmosphere, this particular piece was big enough that it was going to cause a lot of damage.

"No, no", he whispered again and then the fiery debris impacted, coming down a mere quarter of a kilometer from the colony. The sky around the colony turned dark as dirt, trees, and other debris were hurled up into the sky at least a kilometer. The explosion could be heard numerous kilometers away. The ground shook and a massive shockwave ripped through the colony and the forest surrounding it, leveling it to the ground.

The colonists who had been staying inside to avoid fighting had no chance. Most of the marines had seen the large debris coming so had taken some measures to get away. A decent amount escaped death, but no Marines or other forces escaped injury.

Back at Bag End, Jason shook his head. This was all wrong. On top of the horrific damage and death, Jason could feel the ripples of something happening from the Fae realm. The rules that held the tenuous treaty between the station and the Fae together were now being tested to their limit.


A Joint Post By

Commander N'Evran
Executive Officer
Deep Space 5

Jason Haines
Resident Pain in the Butt
Deep Space 5

LtCol Nicholas Means
Marine CO to DS5

Sgt. Major Velez
PNPC by LtCol. Means

Chrarghwl'IH of the House of Soval
Klingon Ambassador
PNPC by LtCol. Means

Geral Lasuma
Owner Lasuma Enterprises
PNCP by LtCol. Means

Doren Torel
Henchman/Body Guard for Geral Lasuma
PNPC by LtCol. Means

Sha'raae Astare
Executive Assistant to Geral Laasuma
PNPCby LtCol. Means

Paula Prendergast
Deep Space Five

Bastille LeGrange
Deep Space Five

Lieutenant Alyssa Maren
Chief Science Officer
Deep Space Five
Rabble Rouser

Lieutenant JG Brianthe Oaxaca
Botanist and Assistant Chief Science Officer
Deep Snace Five and Pangaea

Temporal Scientist
Deep Space Five

LT Annora Tessaro
Security Chief


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