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Emergence, Part 2

Posted on Fri May 8, 2015 @ 4:27am by Commander Caleb Ryan & Ensign Jessica Mayhew & Civilian Aleczandra Naqiis-Ryan & Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Commander Caden Aldrex & Lieutenant Commander Steven Wyman & Commander Amia Telamon M.D. & Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter & Civilian 'Key Holder' Yolanthe Ibalin & Sebina Haican
Edited on on Fri May 8, 2015 @ 1:40pm

1,704 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: DS5/Various
Timeline: MD 3

[Promenade Atrium]

Steiner was talking to Tu Selok about their next move, shutting down the various Promenade shops and stores when the general evacuation alarm started wailing through the Atrium.

"Evacuation? Ah hell, there are nearly a hundred thousand people on here! This is going to cause a panic!" He tapped his comm badge to contact Promenade Control. "Steiner to Tevlet. Open access the public escape capsules in the Promenade shelters, but don't let them launch yet!. We need to find out just what's going on first!"

The Andorian Deputy Technician acknowledged, "I'm monitoring the command channels. There's some kind of major gravitational event taking place. They are trying to move the station away from it!"

"Move the station? We need more information. I'll try Security. Out!"

He went over to Mayhew, who was being tended to by a medic. The young ensign looked to be in considerable pain from an injury to her side. She had her hand on her hip and her knees pulled in tight, like she wanted to curl up.

Just then a couple of civilians ran past, one laughing manically. "It's a total mind flip, man! Spaced out sensation! It's a new planet! From like another dimension!"

"What the hell?" Steiner watched the pair race off down a corridor and turned back to Mayhew. "Ensign, can you tell me what's going on? What were they on about, another planet? I need information before fifty thousand civilians start trampling each other to get out of here."

Jessica shook her head. She sighed with relief as the medic pressed a hypospray filled with pain killer to her side and then squeezed flesh putty into her wound to stop the bleeding. "Very little," she said. "Apparently there's some planetary-sized gravitational event emerging too close to the station. They're trying to move the station, but want the evacuation in case they can't. Otherwise we'll all get pulled in to…whatever it is."

Jessica looked around. "Abrams! Get back to Security and bring out the transport enhancers," she said before turning back to Steiner. "Whatever civilians won't fit into the escape modules we need to gather on the promenade. Let's set up the pattern enhancers," she looked around, "there, there, and there," she indicated the largest open areas in the atrium. "They're bringing every available ship in the sector here. The sections near the docks should go right to the dock to board the ships."

Steiner shook his head. A planet emerging from nowhere? How was that even possible? Resigned to having to deal with what little detail he had he tapped his comm badge. “Steiner to Tevlet. Release the public escape capsules locks, let them launch. Then shut down the Promenade, completely. Put all the doors on exit only, then get down here. We'll do a final sweep and head for the Hendricks.”

“Acknowledged, Chief!”

Turning to Tu-Selok, Steiner said, "C'mon, let’s check out the other side of the atrium, then when Tevlet gets back we'll work up through the levels."

The Vulacn Deputy nodded and together they jogged off.

[Command Level Operations]

Caleb looked up from the reports his security officers were sending in. "Emergency escape modules are being loaded," he said. "I'm setting up pattern enhancers in the atrium so we won't have to rely on manual boarding of ships for those that won't fit in the modules. The USS Nemesis has returned to the station and is sitting on the far side awaiting instructions," he said. A part of him was relieved to have his old ship in the area. Captain Pierce wouldn't let them down.

"Dyson ship yards are sending all available transports. They also have several ships that can't be undocked but can provide holding space for evacuees," Soran announced. "All fighters watch out for them. Make sure they stay clear of the estimated danger zone."

Aldrex turned and gave additional instructions to the traffic controllers. "Keep the pattern neatly stacked, and stay alert. We're going to have a lot of ships buzzing around out there. And give departure clearance to the first transports as soon as they're full."

"Aye, sir."

Isha stood stock still, her acute hearing following the frantic activity that buzzed around her as each and every person set themselves to the task. Had this been a Romulan vessel she would have been required to sanction each and every action that deviated from the standard. It was a much more functional way to work, to trust that the person appointed was competent, even though ultimately, if they were ready before they were crushed by the gravitational force of the emerging entity she would have to give her go ahead.

She continued to listen, her gaze on the middle distance as she let them work.


Aleczandra looked up as the alert sounded. "That's the evacuation alarm," she said, looking out over the class. "Sitting here waiting isn't an option anymore. We need to get people moving to an escape module." She looked down at the unconscious teacher. "I need a neck brace," she said, "or a body board, something to keep her from moving in case there is a spinal injury from her fall."

Sebina quickly got up, pretending to be brave. Even though it had been seven years since the attack which had killed her mother and brother, alarms like tense could still horrify her. "There should be one in the emergency cabinet," she announced. Luckily she had been in enough practice drills to know this. "I'll go get it." She moved to the back of the class and removed the panel, which had been unlocked by the alarm, and took out the board. Once she was next to Aleczandra, she put it on the floor. "I've never put anyone on it," she admitted. Although she occasionally hated her teachers with passion, she never wished any actual harm on them.

Aleczandra looked over at the dark-haired girl, recognizing the Betazoid features. The girl had ink drawings on her arms and numerous piercings. “Just support her head and neck,” Aleczandra said. She slid her hand under the teacher’s head. She cupped it with one hand, the other stabilizing the neck. “Lift her.”

[Deflector Control]

The order to evacuate caused a cold chill to run down the spines of each of the engineers. It was worse for the two in charge, for their daughter would be one of those hustled onto a transport ship with no idea if her parents were going to survive. Steve and Ceridwen each looked up from their work, locking eyes for a moment.

"She's going to be all right. She's a tough kid," Steve muttered, returning to work.

"You don't have to tell me, I know..." Welshy replied in turn. She didn't sound entirely convinced of the fact, however.

A tense silence fell over the engineers, with only the sounds of beeping tools and clanking equipment to distract them from the alarm klaxons. They worked quickly and efficiently, each hoping with each passing second that they would be just quick and efficient enough.

Finally, Wyman grabbed his tricorder and began double checking the readings he was getting from the main deflector control console. "Wyman to Ops. I think we have it! But we're only going to have one shot at this, because the amount of power I'm about to reroute is probably going to burn out the main deflector."

"Understood," Aldrex replied over the comm. "We'll light her up just as soon as your team is clear."

"Yes, sir. Wyman out," Steve answered quickly. "You heard the man - clear out! Get someplace safe!"

Welshy was about to lead the other engineers to safety when she felt a hand on her arm. "Commander, what the hell?"

"If we're dying today, I want to go with you by my side. Call me a hopeless romantic." Wyman smirked, a jokester to the end. "Computer, initiate site-to-site transport. Two to beam directly to Ops."

[Station approaches - Oak Squadron]

"Evacuation?" Munroe repeated, not believing what he was hearing over his communications channels. He needed instructions for his squadron.

"Oak Lead to Group Lead! They're going to evacuate the station? Where do you need us?"

"Keep the perimeter around the anomaly, Snake-Eyes," Kyle called back. "We need to make sure the civilian ships don't cross into the danger area."

"Understood!" Munroe issued orders to his Squadron and they began fanning out to round up some civilian ships that had launched from the station.

[Command Level Operations]

The transporter harmonic whined and sparkled, depositing the two engineers near the main turbolift. Both moved swiftly to the engineering stations, setting to work rerouting the power needed to attempt this foolhardy stunt.

After a moment, Steve looked up at Caden and nodded. "We're ready here, Commander."

Aldrex nodded. "Good work, Steve. Let's hold departures for a minute." He leaned down and tapped the hailing frequency. "Station Ops to all vessels in the traffic zone. Proceed away from the station. The fighters will escort you to safe distance. Out." He nodded to the Captain. "All ready, sir."

That was her cue. Isha turned her head towards her Executive Officer, toward Aldrex. Perhaps the person was as important as the function?

"Do it," she instructed.

Unseen to any but Maritza herself, Anna's shade draped itself over Maritza's shoulder. "Ready to lose your third ship? And you'll kill sixty thousand people this time. You do overachieve."

Maritza jerked away from the invisible touch and braced herself against the ops panel, expecting the whole place to be shaken apart. Under her breath she muttered, "Wyman, please don't screw this up."

The two engineers exchanged a nervous glance. "Don't fail me now, Chief O'Brien..." Steve muttered as his hands danced across the engineering console. "Initializing the main deflector. Subspace field is forming. Diverting power to thrusters."

To be continued...

Captain Isha t'Vaurek

Lieutenant Commander Maritza Soran

Lieutenant Commander Steve Wyman

Lieutenant Commander Caden Aldrex

CD. W Steiner
DT. Tevlet
D. Tu-Selok

Lieutenant(jg) Ed "Snake-Eyes" Munroe
Oak Squadron

Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter

Lieutenant Commander Caleb Ryan

Aleczandra Naqiis

Ensign Jessica Mayhew


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