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A new design

Posted on Sun May 10, 2015 @ 9:43am by Civilian Wayne Bradshaw III & Lieutenant Commander Steven Wyman

1,517 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: BII R and D offices

Wayne looked around the small conference room that was normally used for R and D staff meetings. It was not exactly the type of place he would like to do business but considering what was going to be discussed in this meeting maybe this would be ideal spot. He looked at the design over view, the holoimages, the fitness reports and everything else that was all neatly layed out before him. And considering it was his idea in the first place he had a pretty fair idea what the ships selling ts would be. Now he just had to wait for the chief engineer of the station to arrive so that they could get this meeting started. hoped that this one would go better the last meeting he had only a day ago.

A few minutes later, Steve came in carrying a cup of coffee in one hand and a PADD containing the latest repair orders in the other. "Sorry I'm late, Mr. Bradshaw. I don't get much reason to come into this part of the station and I got a bit turned around. But, anyway, I understand you have something you wanted me to see?" He didn't have the foggiest idea what that could be, as the head of Bradshaw Industries didn't seem to deal directly with the Starfleet crew. At least, not very often.

"Yes I do Commader." Said Wayne calmly he totally understood why the commader could get turned around. After all Starfleet officers seldom if ever came to his offices. "I heard from a reliable source that you know your way around a starship design. I have a starship design that I would like to propose to Starfleet." He added

Taking a sip of his coffee, Steve tried to downplay things. "Well, I was part of one of the theoretical warp drive design teams at Utopia Planitia. But, I do know my way around a set of schematics. Let me see what you've got and we'll go from there."

"Fair enough." Said Wayne calmly he activated the holo display. "What you see before you in a mobile construction and repair yard. It is capable of constructing Saber and Defiant class starships or repairing a ship the size of an Excelsior class cruiser. She is not fast by any means with a top speed of warp 7 and an emergancy cruise of warp 7.9 for 12 hours. Her weapons systems are largely defensive with point defense phasers in several locations, she also has 8 burst fire torpedo launchers and a magazine capacity of 800 torpedoes."said Wayne giving the Commander a few of the overview points. "I should also add that this is NOT a theoretical design the prototype has already been built and is currently in service with my company." he added.

An eyebrow arched slightly as Wyman looked at the holographic display. It certainly was a compelling design; something he would certainly rather have on their side than someone elses. But he couldn't speak for R&D by any stretch.

"Eight hundred torpedoes strikes me as being a little more than defensive. You could obliterate a couple small moons with that many. Of course, I'm not a tactical specialist so I don't have the best numbers off the top of my head." At that, he took another pull from his coffee. "Does the ship have some sort of modular or expandable hull configuration? I only ask because there's a pretty marked difference in size between a Defiant and an Excelsior."

"The design is somewhat modular however if the ship is engaged in constructing a defiant or saber class starship it would be unable to repair a excelsior class I only mentioned that fact to show what the ship is capable of doing. Similarly while the ship can carry 800 torpedoes it is fully expected that the bulk of them would be used to replenish ships that it is attached to. the actual magazine size is 8 25 shot magazines or 200 torps with the balance going to other ships as needed." Said Wayne calmly. "IF and I stress IF it came down to it the ship could at least according to everything I have seen it would be possible that it could build a defiant or saber while at the same time repairing an intrepid or something similar however it would be all the ship would be capable of doing within the space frame as it stands. Anything larger and well for my purposes it was not practical. There was a reason I only built one ship of the class after all." He added.

Once again, Steve took a pull of his coffee as he considered what was laid out before him. "It's certainly a compelling design, I'll give you that. But I have to question the logic behind a mobile repair yard. Starfleet has starbases all over the place that a damaged ship can put into for repairs. And given the nature of a ship like this, I doubt you'd want her straying outside the borders of the Federation. That limits its usefulness quite a bit."

"Very true though what I had envisioned was something along the lines of this hypothetical situation. Let us say that there is a war that breaks out, ships left abandoned on the battlefield at the end of the battle could be considered total losses. However with this ship it would be possible to go in and salvage some of the ships that were thought to be lost. Another use for this design could be as a repair yard assigned to some of the smaller starbases like the Regula class. I will grant you that there are alot of starbases in the federation but not very many of them have the facilities to repair ships or rescue stranded ships." said Wayne calmly he took a drink from his own cup and hoped that the engineer across the table from him saw the same picture that he did. He really did not want another Chin'toka or Wolf 359 to many ships and lives lost some that could have been saved had they been able to get repair facilities onsite in time.

Nodding slightly as he absently swirled the remainder of her coffee around its mug, Wyman glanced back and forth across the specs displayed before him. "Certainly situational, but I won't deny that the premise has merit. I'd like to see the actual ship, if at all possible. Schematics and holograms are all well and good, but nothing quite compares to inspecting the real McCoy up close."

"I would not have a problem with that in the least. I think she will be arriving at DS5 in about a week or so and would be more then happy to arrange a tour for you at that time. I would say it could be sooner but at the moment she is on a job that needs to be finished up first." said Wayne calmly he had a good feeling about this so far and hoped this little delay would not upset things.

"Well, I'll hold off on any final appraisal of your ship until after I've given her a once over. I'm sure everything will be fine though - I've never heard of your company doing substandard work." To punctuate the statement, the engineer downed the remainder of the coffee. It was tepid and had some grounds in it, but he choked it down none the less.

"Commander you really did not have to do that I know the coffee that my staff makes is only one step above swill and I would have offered you something to spice it up but I knew you were on duty. I will of course contact you as soon as the ship arrives and we can tour her together and hopefully answer any of your lingering questions."

Wyman smirked as he regarded the dregs in the bottom of the cup. "I'm mildly impressed that they actually brewed coffee instead of replicating it. It's twice as much work to replicate the grounds and then brew it. But, who am I to judge?" Absently, he tapped the PADD in his main hand against the side of the empty cup. "Let me know when your ship arrives; though I'm sure I'll hear about it through the engineering gossip network about ten minutes before she docks. And I'll take a look at her with you. Might have my wife take a look at the warp drive systems since that's her forte."

"Will do though don't expect much in the warp drive she is only rated for I think emergancy speed of warp 7.9 remember." Said wayne lightly as he rose from the table and offered the other man his hand

Wyman returned a firm shake. "The Senior Chief might be able help you squeeze a little more out of that. But no promises." With that he gave a knowing wink

"Unlikely but who knows starfleet engineers have been called mirical workers before there must be a reason." said Wayne calmly

Posted By Wayne Bradshaw

Lt. Cmdr. Steve Wyman
Chief Engineering Officer
Deep Space 5


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