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Fri Jun 5, 2015 @ 11:55pm

Sebina Haican

Name Sebina Haican

Position Child

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Betazoid
Age 14

Physical Appearance

Height 5'2"
Weight 105 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Sebina has the typical black eyes of a betazoid and her long hair used to be black too. Nowadays she dyes it in many different colors, which matches the rest of the rebellious look she tries to create. She spots different piercings, all fake, and loves to draw tattoos on herself.


Father Tam Haican
Mother Verena Haican (KIA)
Brother(s) Revin Haican (deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview As a young child Sebina was a happy and outgoing girl, who loved everyone she met. Things changed radically however when her mother and brother died. She desperately needed to be comforted and reassured, but her father buried himself in his work and wasn't there when she needed him most.

Sebina tried everything to get his attention and discovered she could get it by acting up. Her school teachers would force him to talk to her and later security too. She isn't a bad kid, but just horribly lost and she doesn't know how to change her ways herself. She loves the attention she gets from her friends, when she does something 'tough', and she loves the excitement of doing bad things, the thrill of almost getting caught and the rush afterwards.

Yet she is a lonely and scared young girl too. She knows that what she is doing won't benefit her in the long term and she worries about her future. She just isn't mature enough yet to find her own solutions.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths: intelligent, although she thinks school is boring, she is a very clever girl.
Flexible and adaptable, Sebina can be like a chameleon, blending in everywhere and she can quickly react to fast changing situations.

Weaknesses: emotionally unstable, after the death of her mother and brother, Sebina was mostly left to take care of herself. She didn't have the opportunity to grieve, nor did she had the stable and loving environment she needed.
Impatient. She is constantly looking for fun and adrenaline inducing activities and had little patience for things she sees as boring.
Ambitions Right now Sebina is still in survival mode. She worries about her future, but has no clue what it will bring her.
Hobbies & Interests Like many teenagers, she likes to hang out with her friends and do things not everybody agrees with. She loves to feel adrenaline flowing through her veins and can be easily persuaded to do something adventurous.

Yet she has a calmer side too and when she is alone and none of her friends are looking, she likes to read too. Historical fiction, teen romance and fantasy, she doesn't really have a preference.

Personal History Sebina was born to Tam and Verena Haican, two marine fighter pilots who were both stationed on DS11. The first few years of her life were very happy. She had her parents and later her little brother Revin, she went to school there and had her friends. It was as normal as life would get for a child with two parents in Starfleet.

As sometimes happens in the Fleet, her parents were transferred and at the age of five Sebina moved with them to the USS Pegasus. It was a big change for the little girl, but she loved that she could always see stars moving when she looked out of the window. Although she ship was smaller than the station, it also had a school and soon she had a whole bunch of friends again.

This happiness lasted until 2387, when everything suddenly changed. The Pegasus was lured into a Klingon trap and had to fight its way out. Her parents both joined the fight in their fighter jets and did what they could to defend the ship. The Pegasus made it out of the fight, but its victory came at a high price. The ship was badly damaged and there were numerous casualties. On the list of casualties were Verena and Revin.

Sebina was only lightly wounded, but her father was in a coma. For the next three weeks she was all alone. She had nobody until her father regained consciousness. After he was released from sickbay, Tam immediately put in a transfer to a planetary installation. He wanted his daughter to be as safe as possible. However, the only opening for someone of his rank and experience was on Starbase 116. He reluctantly took the assignment and moved himself and Sebina to another system. He then buried himself in his work, ensuring that his daughter remained safe. Unfortunately, he focused so much on his job, that he soon became an absent father to ten year old Sebina. This, of course, had a negative effect on Sebina, as she began to fall in with the wrong crowd and grew farther apart from her father.

Sebina just wanted attention, she wanted to be heard and seen, but couldn't find the right way. She needed love and support, but when she couldn't get that from her father, she tried finding it elsewhere, unfortunately in the wrong places and with the wrong people.

Her father tried to deal with it in his own way, moving them from assignment to assignment, hoping to provide a new start every time. Yet time and time again the vicious circle repeated and things were getting worse.
Service Record N/a

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