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Posted on Fri May 8, 2015 @ 4:18am by Commander Caden Aldrex & Captain Isha t'Vaurek & Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter

1,065 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Eye of the Beholder
Location: CO's Ready Room
Timeline: MD03 08:30


After his meeting with Lieutenant Commander Soran, Kyle was on his way to see the Captain. He suspected she wouldn't be happy about this, both a waste of her time and the report from the Commander wouldn't shine a positive light on him. He could only hope that she would remember his previous meeting with her and know he isn't typically the sardonic individual that Commander Soran brought out of him. He reached the CO's ready room and chimed the door.

Aldrex was in t'Vaurek's office going over officer efficiency reports with her. As conversations sometimes go, however, the subject had turned from work to trading stories about their time serving in their respective fleets. Aldrex was in the middle of sharing a story about a diplomatic reception he had once attended at the Romulan Embassy as a junior officer. "So I told the sub-lieutenant 'what am I supposed to do with fifty-eight bottles of Romulan ale?'" He laughed, but before he could continue the chime rang and he politely stopped, waiting for the Captain to answer it.

Isha was sure she'd hear the rest of the story in time, "Enter," she said.

Kyle walked in with a dour look on his face, not his usual smile. "Captain, Commander." He nodded to them both. "I hate to interrupt but Lieutenant Commander Soran said you'd be expecting me Ma'am." He explained to the two of them.

"Indeed. You are aware that we have several garrison vessels posted at the station?" Isha said, continuing without waiting for a reply - that he knew that was a given. "Commander Soran has requested that you act as First Officer on the USS Ararat."

"Yes Captain, the Commander informed me of that as well." Kyle answered not sure if the Captain had yet to been made aware of the heated conversation between himself and Soran or maybe she simply didn't care. He didn't want her to think he was trying to hide anything from her though. "Did Commander Soran inform you of the conversation we had prior to my being here now Captain?"

She had not. Isha glanced at her console. The blinking light indicated that there were pending messages, so for all she knew there might be a message waiting.

"We have not spoken since she made the request," Isha replied, a little surprised that Soran had spoken to Carter already.

Kyle bit his lip and nodded. He didn't want to be the one to first explain what happened from fear of it becoming a he said she said debacle but it was best to just come out with it then. "The Commander and I had a disagreement, a heated disagreement that resulted in her revoking my flight status." He explained. "The two of you should also be aware that I'll be filing a formal grievance against the Commander as well as an appeal to her decision of grounding me."

She did what? Aldrex thought to himself, seething that Soran would take such a drastic disciplinary action without consulting him or the Captain first. For the moment, however, he held his tongue.

Isha glanced at Aldrex, as Executive Officer this matter fell under his remit, "What was the nature of the disagreement?" she asked.

"The Commander expressed her... views on Starfighter pilots." Kyle answered. "Captain I'd prefer not to waste your time with playing he said she said. I'll have my paperwork submitted by the end of the day if that's alright."

"You've gotten this far, Mister Carter," Aldrex said. "Might as well spit it out. Answer the Captain's question." He had a feeling this was going to be a long day.

"Sir." Kyle nodded. "The Commander had me report to her office in what I assume was to tell me about the XO job for the Ararat. It didn't start out very well and in my view she was quite dismissive of me and starfighters in general. I didn't take it as well as I should have and responded in kind." He explained. "While I was not in the right, I don't believe she was either nor do I believe my behavior warranted the revocation of my flight status."

Aldrex traded a look with t'Vaurek, then looked back at Kyle and said, "Lieutenant, earlier this morning I tasked the Ararat with a patrol mission near the Neutral Zone. A Romulan battle group is going to be conducting an exercise. Did she mention that to you?"

Kyle shook his head. "No, she mentioned the Federation needed corridors mapped in the area to help with future exploration. We didn't delve into the details of the mission Commander."

"I see," Aldrex said, crossing one leg over the other. "Well, that was one of the chores you all were going to do out there. Commander Soran and I discussed it this morning. It's not uncommon for the two sides to observe each other from across the border, but I'm sure I don't need to explain the delicate nature of such a thing. Often the Romulans will test how cool-headed our people are compared to theirs. Acts of provocation are not unheard of, as well as insults over hailing frequencies. The average Warbird commander is as dangerous as a pit viper." He paused and said to t'Vaurek, "No offense, Captain."

"Understood Commander." Kyle acknowledged.

"None taken," Isha replied with a nod, the assertion was valid and true.

Cade Aldrex drew a deep breath and let the silence hang for a moment. He wasn't sure what else to say to is friend. For certain he knew it shouldn't have ended up like this. "Aggressiveness is a desirable trait in a fighter cockpit," he said finally, "but in certain other situations one must learn to keep a cool head, no matter what comes your way." He set his PADD down and stood, adjusting his uniform as he did so. "Mister Carter, we'll set this aside until Commander Soran has submitted a formal report later today. Until then her administrative punishment stands. You're grounded for the day. Dismissed."

"Aye Commander." Kyle replied simply as he turned to exit the Captains Ready Room.

When the doors shut Aldrex sighed, closed his eyes, and pinched the bridge of his nose. "How did that just happen?"


Captain Isha t'Vaurek


Lt. Cmdr. Caden Aldrex
Executive Officer


Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter


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