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Fri Sep 25, 2015 @ 4:16am

Lieutenant Commander Steven Wyman

Name Steven Wyman

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 39

Physical Appearance

Height 6’ 5”
Weight 201 lbs.
Hair Color Light brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Wyman has a typically average build for a Human. He usually has a smirk on his face (unless he's deep in thought). He has fair skin and usually wears his hair a bit scruffy.


Spouse Ceridwen (Warlow) Wyman - Engineer's Mate, Deep Space 5
Children Gwendolyn Wyman
Father Jonathan Wyman - Diplomatic Attache, Federation embassy, Alpha Centauri IV
Mother Lt. Cmdr. Laura Wyman - Chief Engineer, Outpost 57
Brother(s) Captain Richard Wyman - Commanding Officer, CDF Laikan
Sister(s) Cynthia Wyman - Assistant to the Centauran Ambassador to the Federation Council
Other Family Though not related by blood (indeed, they're not even the same species), his best friend - Commander Drakt, Son of the Thirty-first House - is closer to Steve than his own brother.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Steve is a down to Earth guy with a jovial personality. He's easily likable and extremely friendly, and often seems as if he takes nothing seriously. But when the chips are down, he's as serious as it gets.
Strengths & Weaknesses Wyman has a natural affinity for machines and is excellent with his hands.

However, he is also naturally excitable and has a bad habit of letting his mouth get ahead of his brain.

Advanced Warp Theory
Basic Combat Tactics (Issued through Andorian Military Institute)
Theoretical Systems Engineering (Issued through Tellarite Engineering Upperschool).
Ambitions Wyman's main goal in joining Starfleet was to get away from his overbearing family. But since settling down and having a child of his own he has mostly reconciled with them. His main ambition now is see his daughter grow up happy and healthy.
Hobbies & Interests Wyman is an avid guitar player and an average singer. When not on duty or spending time with his daughter he can either be found going over the latest Starfleet technical manuals or strumming his guitar.

Personal History Steve comes from a long line of Starfleet officers and Federation diplomats. His family has served the Federation in one form or another since its inception. The youngest of thee children, it was naturally assumed Steve would join his father in the Diplomatic Corps. If he chose not to go that way, he could have gotten a posting to any ship in the Centauran Defense Force thanks to his brother. He also could have been assigned to any of the small bases and outposts littering the Alpha Centauri system.

However, Steve didn't want to live in his familys shadow. Thanks to his natural abilities with machines, Steve was allowed to take a year off from Starfleet Academy to attend the legendary Engineering Upperschool on Tellar. Prior to his junior year he was able to attend the Andorian Military Institute as well.

When it came time for Steve to begin his cadet cruise, he requested to be posted someplace out on the frontier. He got that and then some when he was shipped out to Starbase Tango. While there he met fellow cadet Alexis Gordon. The two hit it off immediately, though Alex wasn't interested in a romantic relationship.

At the end of the cadet cruise, Steve was posted to the Lancelot and Alexis to the Hyperion. After spending over a year on the Lancelot, Steve decided he wanted to serve somewhere closer to the heart of the Federation. When he heard there was an opening on the Hyperion, he jumped at the chance to serve on the same ship as Alexis. Unfortunately, she had long since left Hyperion by the time Steve arrived. Though Alex was gone, Steve ended up befriending one of the security officers, a Zarnac named Drakt (who rapidly ascended through the ranks and now serves as chief of intelligence on starbase 182). The two engaged in several adventures over the course of their service together. Both learned from the other - Drakt learning how to be less stiff, and Wyman learning to be a better officer. Wyman personally credits Drakt with his being made the Hyperion's Chief Engineer and Second Officer (though he stepped down from the latter because it took too much time away from his regular duties).

During the destruction of the Hyperion-D, Wyman was critically injured when a section of floor on the lowest deck of the saucer crushed him into the above bulkhead, breaking most of his bones and inflicting many internal injuries. Following hours of surgery, the damage was repaired, but swelling on his spinal cord caused temporary paralysis. As a result, he had to use an anti-grav chair to get around for several months. Though he should by all rights be on Earth undergoing physical therapy during that time, Steve refused to leave his post as the new Hyperion-E set out on it's first mission.

During the course of that mission - as the crew fought off Human Augments controlled by a rogue Andorian warlord, the Hyperion was very nearly destroyed and a large number of crew members died. It was in this chaos that Wyman finally found love, as the ship's Engineer's Mate - SCPO Ceridwan Warlow - found the courage to confess her long held feelings for her superior.

Once that mission was over, Wyman agreed to return to Earth for physical therapy, and Warlow transferred to Earth Station McKinley to be close to him. After completing his rehabilitation, Wyman was ready to return to duty. As the Hyperion's chief engineer position had already been filled, he (and his new fiance) were reassigned to the USS McKinley. There they filled the same positions as they had on the Hyperion.

After serving just over a year on the McKinley (during which time they were married in a ceremony interrupted by a terrorist attack AND the death of the priest officiating), they were transferred to Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, where the Wymans were assigned as part of the team designing the next generation of warp drive technology. They would remain in that assignment for over six years, during which time they would take part in several small advances in faster than light propulsion design. But, more importantly to the both of them, their daughter Gwendolyn was also born at the Fleet Yards sickbay.

Despite the feelings of accomplishment he felt, Wyman never lost the itch to be out among the stars. Despite this, he turned down several potential transfers to starships. In each of these cases, the ships either did not have a senior enlisted position available for his wife, or was a small vessel he wouldn't have been able to take his daughter aboard. Finally, in 2389 and opening appeared on the Majestic-class USS Freedom. Though it killed him to take Gwendolyn away from the only home she had ever known, Steve none the less accepted the assignment.

The Wymans assignment aboard the Freedom would be short lived. Personal issues regarding the commanding officer caused the ship to be called back to port. Steve and Ceridwen were placed unceremoniously into the transfer pool and left in a sort of limbo aboard starbase 66. After a few weeks of twiddling their thumbs, they were offered positions aboard Deep Space 5.
Service Record 2370-2371: Cadet 1st Year - General Studies - Cadet - Starfleet Academy
2371-2372: Cadet 2nd Year - Engineering Cadet - Starfleet Academy
2372-2373: Cadet 2nd Year - Engineering Cadet - Tellarite Engineering Upperschool
2373-2374: Cadet 3rd Year - Engineering Cadet - Starfleet Academy
2374-2375: Cadet 3rd Year - Engineering Cadet - Andorian Military Institute
2375-2376: Cadet 4th Year - Engineering Cadet - Starfleet Academy
2376-2377: Cadet 4th Year - Cadet Cruise Cadet - Starbase 153
2377-2378: Ensign - Engineer - USS Lancelot
2378-2380: Ensign - Environmental Engineer - USS Hyperion-D
2380-2381: Lieutenant, JG - Chief Engineer - USS Hyperion-D
2381: Lieutenant - Chief Engineer - USS Hyperion-E
2382-2383: Lieutenant - Chief Engineer - USS McKinley
2383-2389: Lieutenant - Theoretical Warp Systems Design Team - Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
2389: Lieutenant - Chief Engineer - USS Freedom
2390: Lieutenant - Chief Engineer - Deep Space 5
2391: Lieutenant Commander - Chief Engineer - Deep Space 5

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