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Wed Dec 30, 2015 @ 5:28pm

Lieutenant Kyle "Loki" Carter

Name Kyle "Loki" Carter

Position 327th SFG Commander

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 29

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 180 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Kyle stays in shape mainly from swimming and a regular calisthenics routine he keeps to religiously. When he's not in the cockpit he wears the standard Starfleet service uniform while on duty. He's a a little taller than average and has a little stubble on his chin that is already starting to show a little grey. He has one tattoo on his right bicep that shows his flight school graduation date and his call sign.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Hal
Mother Carol
Brother(s) John, Guy, and Simon.

Personality & Traits

General Overview On duty Kyle is respectful and by the book when it comes to work. He keeps a relaxed yet professional atmosphere in the briefing room for "his" pilots. So long as everyone pulls their own weight and does what is expected of them he gives them a pretty long leash. He keeps and open door policy for any of his fighter jocks when ever they need to talk even when he is "off the clock". While he keeps his professional appearance for his subordinates he does like to pull the occasional prank on his peers, a habit that earned him his call sign Loki for always playing tricks on fellow pilots during flight school and at his RAG squadron.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Quick reflexes
+Quick witted

-Can be arrogant in his abilities
-Sometimes loyal to a fault
-Can take unnecessary risks
Ambitions Having made CAG before his was 30 has been an incredible achievement in its own right and Kyle is beyond proud of that. He would like to someday transfer over to the Command side of things in the Fleet and possibly have a command of his own one day.
Hobbies & Interests Piloting just about anything, pool, boxing, hang gliding, sub orbital sky diving, swimming, cooking, and a good holo-novel.

Personal History Born in San Diego California on Earth Kyle grew up loving the water and the southern California sunshine. Being the second youngest out of four boys was rough on him growing up. It was always him and his younger brother against his older brothers. But the sibling rivalry proved to be good for him as his father told him when he was older than it "toughened" him up.

Hal, his father was a sub orbital hopper pilot and would occasionally take the boys with him and teach them how to fly the hopper. Kyle was the only one of his brother's who seemed to take much interest in it however. He thought it was an amazing experience piloting the small hopper.

His parents tried to nurture Kyle's desire to fly and enrolled him in many youth programs growing up. Many of his instructors would tell Hal and Carol that their son was a natural.

It wasn't until his late teenage years did Kyle develop a desire to join Starfleet. He had been at a flight demonstration and while he had seen civilian and the Starfleet performances both before this was the first time he got to see a Starfleet fighter in person. The ship was light years ahead of anything he got to fly and to hear the pilots talk about how the best technologies were used in the development process for their ships made him start to think about a career in Starfleet. After long a discussion with his parents about it they decided to support his intentions while he prepared for entrance to Starfleet academy.

His academy days were pretty standard and he graduated with honors before heading off to flight school. He relished his time in flight school and was ecstatic when he was selected for the fighter program. While flying Starships required skill and was challenging in it's own right he longed for the isolation of a cockpit. A place where he could pit his skills against his foe. He quickly learned that as good as he was without your wingman you'd be like shooting fish in a barrel. He didn't like the concept of relying on someone else to watch his back but after a few tongue lashings from his instructors he got used to it.

Service Record 2380-2384 Starfleet Academy
2385-2385 Flight School
2385-2385 Starfighter strand school
2385-2388 Starbase One - Starfighter Wing - Element Leader
2388-2391 USS Thatcher - Starfighter Wing - Squadron Leader
2391-Present Deep Space 5 - Starfighter Wing - CAG

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